B.U.G. Mafia - Outro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский B.U.G. Mafia - Outro

Au trecut atatia ani.,
Many years have passed,
Au trecut multi ani de atunci de cand auzeam
Many years have passed since I first heard
Primele beat-uri de rap in Bucuresti...
The first rap beats in Bucharest...
Au trecut multi ani de cand am inceput
Many years have passed since we started
Noi sa facem beat-uri de rap...
We make rap beats...
Muzica hip-hop...
Hip-hop music...
Au trecut multi ani de cand au
Many years have passed since they have
Aparut in tara trupe de hip-hop...
Hip-hop groups appeared in the country...
Din '92 pana in 2002, trupele si
From '92 to 2002, the troops and
Rapper-ii cei mai tari au ramas...
Rapper-the toughest ones remained...
CASA este pentru aia care,
CASA is for those who,
Dea lungul acestor ani,
Throughout these years,
Au fost mereu aproape de muzica asta...
Have always been close to this music...
Si nu pentru tarfele care nu au facut
And not for the whores who haven't done
Altceva decat sa o critice...
Anything else than criticizing it...
De la est la vest, de la nord la sud,
From east to west, from north to south,
B. U. G. Mafia prezinta CASA...
B. U. G. Mafia presents CASA...
M & G, din Pantelimon Bucuresti...
M & G, from Pantelimon Bucharest...
XXL & 10 Grei, din Bacau si Piatra-Neamt...
XXL & 10 Grei, from Bacau and Piatra-Neamt...
Villy, din Zalau...
Villy, from Zalau...
Mahsat, din nou Bacau si Piatra-Neamt...
Mahsat, from Bacau and Piatra-Neamt...
Luchian, din Targoviste...
Luchian, from Targoviste...
Anturaj, din Pantelimon Bucuresti...
Anturaj, from Pantelimon Bucharest...
Si B. U. G. Mafia...
And B. U. G. Mafia...
Bucuresti, Mafia preia controlu'
Bucharest, Mafia takes control
In 20-02, Pantelimonu'...
In 20-02, Pantelimonu'...
N-am uitat de unde am plecat niciodata
We never forgot where we started
Si tot ce-am invatat am invatat pe strada.
And we learned all we learned on the street.
Pe strada am invatat, e important, chiar socant,
I learned on the street, it's important, even shocking
Viata e o c***a pentru care toti se bat.
Life is a b**** for whom everybody fights.
Si fac tot ce pot sa am tot pentru ca merit,
And I do everything I can to have everything because I deserve it
Peste curve si lacomi, adica lege si gabori.
Over bitches and greedy, meaning law and cops.
Nu doar cartieru'-njura, nu numai hotii fura,
It's not just the neighborhood-curse, it's not just the thieves-steal,
Sunt doua din motivele pentru care va f*t in gura
They are two of the reasons why I f*** in your mouth
Pe toti, mandria voastra, casca voastra,
On everybody, your pride, your helmet,
Trese, copii, nevasta, tot ce conteaza.
Braids, kids, wife, everything that matters.
Ce conteaza pentru mine, stii prea bine,
What matters to me, you know very well,
N-ai sa poti niciodata sa scoti asta din mine.
You will never be able to get that out of me.
Dedic acum special pentru toti baietii care
I dedicate now especially to all the boys who
Au stiut ce sa faca sa ramana in picioare.
Knew what to do to stay on their feet.
Pan' atunci cand moartea o sa ne desparta,
Until death do us part,
Romani, Tigani, suntem mereu aici pe strada,
Romanians, Gypsies, we are always here on the street
In fiecare zi pentru tine,
Every day for you,
O sa vorbim intotdeauna despre rau pentru b
We will always talk about evil for good

Авторы: dragoş vlad neagu

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