BANG YONGGUK - AM 4:44 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский BANG YONGGUK - AM 4:44

AM 4:44
AM 4:44
어깨의 짊어진 무거운
Dear, the heavy load on your shoulders
내가 가면이 얼마나 무서운지 누구도 모르겠지
Baby, no one knows how terrifying the mask I wear is
많은 사람들의 환호와 바꾼 열정이 뭔지 나도 모르겠어
Honey, I don't even know what my passion is that I traded for the cheers of many people
굳이 애써 위해 계속 달리는지
Darling, why do I keep running for nothing?
열등감과 죄의식만 남아 목을 옳아매는 현실
Sweetheart, the reality that strangles my neck with only inferiority and guilt
뭐가 뭔지 인생에 던진 카드가 진짜로 옳은건지는
My dear, is the card I threw in life really the right one?
남들이 판단해 뭐가 그리 간단해
Baby, why is it so simple for others to judge?
마음을 담은 가사들은 그들에겐 읽어볼 가치도 없지
Honey, my lyrics filled with my heart are not worth reading to them
다들 돈과 명예만 쫓기를 원해
Darling, they all just want to chase money and fame
결국 가사들은 쓰레기 편지 GO AWAY
Sweetheart, after all, my lyrics are just a piece of trash letter, GO AWAY
다들 내게만 편협한 시선이 해도 세상은 열심히만 걸었던
My dear, why is everyone so narrow-minded towards me, that no matter what I do, the world only sees me as someone who has been working hard?
내겐 전부 위선이네 고개를 떳떳하게 들어봤던
Baby, it's all hypocrisy to me, I used to hold my head up high
어린 아이를 사람들은
Honey, those childish people
쳐다 멍청하게 밞고 찢고 쓰러뜨리고
Darling, look, they stupidly tore, ripped, and knocked me down
나서 어른들은 뻔뻔하게 걱정하네 yeh
Sweetheart, and then those adults shamelessly worry, yeah
돈으로 둘러쌓인 가치관 삐뚤어져버린 그들의 나침반
My dear, the value of being surrounded by money, their compass is crooked
마지막 까지 감싸지마 그런 놈이 되라면 차라리 떠나지
Baby, don't cover me until the end, if I become such a bastard, I'd rather go away
그게 행복하게 달려왔던 동생들의 대한 존경
Honey, that's the respect for my younger siblings who have been happily running
내겐 하늘 위에 가슴 할아버지를 위한 공경
Darling, for my grandfather in the night sky, the respect in my heart
매일 마다 흐르는 나의 노래
Sweetheart, my song flows every night
쓸데없지 그냥 이건 고백
My dear, it's useless, it's just my confession
할아버지 품으로 I will go back
Baby, into my grandfather's arms, I will go back
I know it, I know it, I know it 간절해
Honey, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I was desperate
저리가 저리가
Darling, get lost, get lost
빌어먹을 세상 저리가
Sweetheart, get lost, this fucking world
저리가 저리가
My dear, get lost, get lost
동정 어린 시선 저리가
Baby, get lost, the sympathetic look
저리가 저리가
Honey, get lost, get lost
사랑 따윈 필요 없어 저리가
Darling, I don't need any love, get lost
저리가 저리가 저리가
Sweetheart, get lost, get lost, get lost
매일 나쁜 생각들로 외롭게 언제나 밤을 새지
My dear, always staying up all night with bad thoughts every night
아무도 안아줄 필요 없으니 항상 입을 다문거지
Baby, no one needs to hold me in their arms, so I always keep my mouth shut
소주 한잔에 슬픔을 마취시켜 결론은 한가지야
Honey, numbing the sadness with a glass of soju, there's only one conclusion
이상 기억도 나질 않아 대체 나란 병신새끼가 뭔지
Darling, I don't even remember anymore, what on earth is this sick bastard
형, 동생 들에게 뭘하든 항상 부끄러움없이 살고싶었어
Sweetheart, brother, I always wanted to live without a single shame, no matter what I did to my younger siblings
이것을 망쳐논 새끼들은 배불리 살고 있잖아
My dear, those bastards who ruined this are living a full life, aren't they?
걔들이 남긴 피해 의식 따위 절대 신경 안쓰듯이
Baby, as if I never care about the sense of victimhood they left behind
무식한것들을 잊으려애써 이건 마치 공허한 먼지
Honey, I try to forget all those ignorant fools, it's like an empty dust
왼손에 알약들 처럼 사랑도 떠나갔어
Darling, my love left me, just like the pills in my left hand
fan들이 손을 잡어 쓰러지지 않게 안아서
Sweetheart, my fans hold my hands to keep me from falling, and hold me tight
I know 갇아놓은 현실의 무게감도 모두 버려둔채 그냥 울고싶어
My dear, I know I want to just cry without abandoning all the weight of reality that has trapped me
필요한것 같아 나의 안식처 right?
Baby, I think I need my resting place, right?
매일 마다 흐르는 나의 노래
Honey, my song flows every night
쓸데없지 그냥 이건 고백
Darling, it's useless, it's just my confession
할아버지 품으로 I will go back
Sweetheart, into my grandfather's arms, I will go back
I know it, I know it, I know it 간절해
My dear, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I was desperate
니가 세상에서 제일 외롭고 힘이들땐
Baby, when you are the loneliest and most struggling in this world
어깨를 내가 두드려줄께 안겨도 그땐
Honey, I will pat your shoulders, and you can hold me then
허나 내가 힘이들땐 절대로 관심 조차없게
Darling, however, when I am struggling, you never even care
내게서 멀리 꺼져버려 위로섞인 전부 의미없네
Sweetheart, stay away from me, all your comforting words are meaningless
My dear, why?
상처란 의미는 내겐 no way 거짓말 뿐인 사람들에게
Baby, the meaning of hurt is no way to me, only lies to those people
매일 악몽에 시달려 내버려
Honey, haunted by nightmares every night, leave me alone
I'm just doin ma things
Darling, I'm just doin' ma things
매일 마다 흐르는 나의 노래
Sweetheart, my song flows every night
쓸데없지 그냥 이건 고백
My dear, it's useless, it's just my confession
할아버지 품으로 I will go back
Baby, into my grandfather's arms, I will go back
I know it, I know it, I know it 간절해
Honey, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I was desperate
저리가 저리가
Darling, get lost, get lost
빌어먹을 세상 저리가
Sweetheart, get lost, this fucking world
저리가 저리가
My dear, get lost, get lost
동정 어린 시선 저리가
Baby, get lost, the sympathetic look
저리가 저리가
Honey, get lost, get lost
사랑 따윈 필요없어 저리가
Darling, I don't need any love, get lost
저리가 저리가 저리가 저리가
Sweetheart, Get lost, get lost, get lost, get lost
I'm just doin' ma things
My dear, I'm just doin' ma things
Everything's gonna be alright
Baby, Everything's gonna be alright

Авторы: Yong Kuk Bang

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