BEGIN - 帰郷 - перевод текста песни на английский

帰郷 - BEGINперевод на английский

あの頃は 島には仕事もなくて
In those days, the island had no jobs,
遠縁の親戚 ハガキ一枚をたよりに
A distant relative, guided by a single postcard,
着いたのは 遥かコーヒーの国
Arrived in the distant coffee country,
Sanshin music somehow brought tears to my eyes.
三年働いたら 帰れるから
I promised to return in three years,
ふるさと想いながら 汗を流した
And toiled hard, longing for my homeland,
初めて恋をして 洋服も買った
I fell in love for the first time and bought some new clothes,
嬉しくて 楽しくて さみしさも忘れた
In the midst of joy and pleasure, I forgot my loneliness.
My Kachashi dance was far from graceful,
But with her by my side, I felt no shame.
五年経ち もうそろそろ帰ろうかと
Five years passed, and it was almost time to return,
二人で貯めたお金を 空き缶に集めた
We collected the money we had saved in an empty can,
指輪は買えないけど 子供が生まれて
We couldn't afford a ring, but with a child on the way,
神様に誓った 幸せにしますと
I made a vow to God to make her happy.
My Kachashi dance was far from graceful,
夜明けに畑で 一人で踊った
But at dawn, I danced alone in the fields.
十年はあっという間で 家族も増えて
Ten years passed in a flash, and our family grew,
街へ出て市場の中に 店が開けた
We moved to the city and opened a shop in the market,
両親に送る写真は 新品の靴を履き
In the photos we sent to my parents, we wore new shoes,
ふるさとはレコードの中 廻り続けた
My homeland lived on in the records, playing over and over.
My Kachashi dance was far from graceful,
息子の手をとり 肩車をして
But I took my son's hand and gave him a ride on my shoulders.
五十年 僕は帰れないけど
Fifty years have passed, and I still cannot return,
孫から届いた手紙 ふるさとの写真と
But a letter from my grandson brought me photos of my homeland.

Авторы: 上地 等

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