BIG Naughty - Papillon. - перевод текста песни на английский

Papillon. - BIG Naughtyперевод на английский

Vancouver to Seoul
Vancouver to Seoul
8시간 42분이 훌쩍 넘는 비행
The flight was well over 8 hours and 42 minutes
뒤에 오랜만에 밟는 서울 땅이
The ground of Seoul that I stepped on after a long time
차갑지 않게 데펴놨어 위해
I warmed it up for you so it wouldn't be cold
적당히 반가운 척을 하며 지은
Behind the awkward smile I made
어색한 미소 뒤에
while pretending to be moderately glad to see you,
터지기 직전인 심장을 감추려 숨었지
I hid my heart that was about to burst
비겁하게 오토튠 위에
cowardly behind the autotune.
감정의 찌꺼기
Cigarette butts of emotions
앞으로 사전에서 낭만은 삐처리
Romance will be censored in my dictionary from now on
앨범은 땡처리
This album is a clearance sale
딱히 하고픈 말이 없어서 이리저리
I don't really have anything to say so I'm going back and forth
왔다 갔다 맛이 갔다
I went crazy why
너무 간단해 마치 사다리
You're so simple, like a ladder
너를 따라 그었는데
I drew a line along you
마지막에 꺾이는 선은 나를 괴롭히지
But the line that bends at the end doesn't bother me
정말 지독하게
Really badly
어제는 네가 비행기에서
Yesterday, I had a dream that a bomb exploded
폭탄이 터지는 꿈을 채로
on the plane you were on
지옥을 다녀왔어
And I went through hell
그제는 아침에 네가 옆에 있는 꿈을
The day before yesterday, I had a dream that you were next to me in the morning
간직하려 억지로 해를
To keep it, I pretended not to see
the sun that forcibly rose
Frank ocean 에서부터
From Frank Ocean
Vancouver 마지막 시까지
To the last poem in Vancouver
너의 바짓가랑일 아직
I still can't let go of your pant leg
놔서 마침표 뒤에 찍어놨었지
So I put it after the period
작지만 너를 닮은
A comma that resembles you,
쉼표 하나를
small but big
너를 만에 마주했을
I worried every day about what expression to make
어떤 표정을 지을지 매일 고민해
when I see you for the first time in ten years
벌써부터 어떤 옷을 입을지
What clothes to wear
꽃은 과한지 아님 뭐가 좋을지
Whether flowers are too much or what would be good
근데 그런 앞에
But you're in front of me
와가는 터널의 끝에
At the end of the tunnel that's almost here
알면서 아무렇지 않게
Knowing everything, as if nothing happened
그때 묻었어 낭만을 깊은 추억 속에
Then I buried romance in deep memories
Vancouver to Seoul
Vancouver to Seoul
8시간 42분이 훌쩍 넘는 비행
The flight was well over 8 hours and 42 minutes
뒤에 오랜만에 밟는 서울 땅이
The ground of Seoul that I stepped on after a long time
차갑지 않게 데펴놨어 위해
I warmed it up for you so it wouldn't be cold
적당히 반가운 척을 하며 지은
Behind the awkward smile I made
어색한 미소 뒤에
while pretending to be moderately glad to see you,
터지기 직전인 심장을 감추려 숨었지
I hid my heart that was about to burst
비겁하게 오토튠 위에
cowardly behind the autotune.
내게 사랑의 의미를 알려준 너를
The song I wrote thinking of you
그리며 노래가 사랑을 받고
who taught me the meaning of love is loved
사랑을 배운 나는
And I, who have learned greater love
사람이 되어
have become a bigger person
너의 품을 떠나려
and am about to leave your arms
This is a last call
This is a last call
이야기에 전부였지만
You were everything in my story
이젠 마침표를 채워 넣었으니까
But now I've filled in the period
I'll be your friend forever
I'll be your friend forever
앞에 소년은 없으니 걱정하지
Don't worry, there's no boy in front of you anymore

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