BRON-K - 何ひとつうしなわず - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский BRON-K - 何ひとつうしなわず

I Lost Nothing Title
もう少しで手が届きそうさ シッシッと振られてた手が
My hand's almost within reach Shi shi was shaken by the hand
拍手の雨に変わりそうな 数、重ねた失敗
Will it turn into a storm of applause? The number of failures
目と閉じてみりゃ そう、夢見た光景は 目の前に在ったような
Close your eyes and see the dream you saw A scene like that before your eyes
Is this a dream now?
Hero is dead 悲劇のストーリーじゃねぇ、しみる苦味に酔いしれてるのさ
Hero is dead It's not a tragic story, I'm drunk on the bitter taste
Realじゃなくとも しあわせであれ 晴れ 出会い しばしの別れ
Even if not real Be happy Sunny Rain Meeting A short goodbye
ロンリーガール talkin′ about you 行く末を想って考えてんのさ
Lonely girl talkin' about you Thinking about the future
コンクリート・シティ 振り返りゃ、消える
Concrete City When you look back and you disappear
得て、失ってきたものが 今、見える
The things I gained and lost I can see now
Baby Thank you so much 何ひとつうしなわず
Baby Thank you so much I lost nothing
Is it selfish to want everything?
Homie Thank you so much 誰ひとり欠けず
Homie Thank you so much No one is missing
いい景色を見たいと思うことは きれい事かい?
Is it a beautiful thing to think about seeing a pretty view?
ジョイントふかしてリラックスしてる 家族と暮らすホーム・タウン
I relaxed with a joint I live at home with my family
日差し浴びて通り流してる どこ?って近所、ファミマのコーナー
I'm walking along in the sun Where? Nearby, at the corner of the convenience store
なんもねー町で切磋琢磨 磨かれ光る石ころ、それぞれのドラマ
In towns with nothing, we work hard The pebbles that are polished and shiny, each one has its own drama
焼きまわっちゃ プッツン、通じない言葉 ヘイターはこもる ねたみのから
Burn it out, snap, the words don't make sense Haters hide in their shells of envy
ロンリーボーイ talkin' about you むかし懐かしいが、すべて飲み干しな
Lonely boy talkin' about you Though it was nostalgic, drink it all up
次の計画を聞いてんだ 今は、未来に乾杯してーのさ
I'm listening to the next plan Now I'll toast to the future
Big city in dream いけすの鯉か 急流登りいただき目指すか
Big city in dream A carp in a pond or climbing a mountain stream to reach the top
次に会う日までおあずけー 乾杯、勝利の美酒を味わいてーのさ
Cheers to the next time we meet, a victory drink
Baby Thank you so much 何ひとつうしなわず
Baby Thank you so much I lost nothing
Is it selfish to want everything?
Homie Thank you so much 誰ひとり欠けず
Homie Thank you so much No one is missing
いい景色を見たいと思うことは わがままかい? きれい事かい
Is it selfish to think about seeing a beautiful view? A beautiful thing?
誰もが望む未来は 暖かい家、家族と仲間達
The future that everyone wants is a warm home, with family and friends
Yeah! 陣取るいつもの定位置、ソファーにずっしりブラントふかして
Yeah! I sit in my usual spot, smoking a blunt on the couch
What happens is up to me, on the streets of a town where the cold wind blows,
Yeah! ちぢこまるいつもの定位置、冬越せずに死んじまうかもな
Yeah! I curl up in my usual spot, I might die without making it through the winter
理屈の先に答えはない 手足で運動 ジタバタもがく
There's no answer beyond reason Exercise with your limbs Flail around
犠牲のうえに ひとつのストーリー 光と闇ぬけて 最後に立っていたい
On sacrifice In one story Through light and darkness I want to be the last one standing
The value that this world creates may be just trash
I think it's empty, to gain something while giving up something
Baby Thank you so much ただここにいるために
Baby Thank you so much Just to be here
This fist I raise, is for someone, for myself, for you

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