BTS - Intro : Persona - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский BTS - Intro : Persona

Intro : Persona
Intro : Persona
You gimme love
You give me love
(Make it lo lo lovin')
(Make it lo lo lovin')
(나는 누구인)
(I am who)
(나 나는) Yo!
(I I I I I am) Yo!
나는 누구인가 평생 물어온 질문
Who am I, a question I've asked my whole life
아마 평생 정답은 찾지 못할 질문
A question I'll probably never find the answer to
나란 놈을 고작 개로 답할 있었다면
If I could answer who I am in a few words
신께서 수많은 아름다움을 만드시진 않았겠지
The Lord wouldn't have created all that beauty
How you feel? 지금 기분이 어때
How you feel? How are you feeling right now
사실 너무 좋아 근데 조금 불편해
Actually, I'm too happy but I'm a little uncomfortable
나는 내가 개인지 돼진지 뭔지도 아직 모르겠는데
I still don't know if I'm an individual or a thing
남들이 와서 진주목걸일 거네,
Everybody came and showered me with pearls, splash
예전보단 자주 웃어
I laugh more often than before
소원했던 superhero
A superhero I wished for
이젠 진짜 같어
I think I've finally become one
근데 갈수록 말들이 많어
But the more I get, the more people talk
누군 달리라고 누군 멈춰서라
Somebody tells me to run and somebody tells me to stop
얘는 숲을 보라고 걔는 들꽃을 보라
This one tells me to look at the forest and that one tells me to look at the wildflowers
그림자, 나는 망설임이라 쓰고 불렀네
My shadow, I wrote it as a hesitation
그게 되고 나서 망설인 적이 없었네
But after that, I never hesitated
무대 아래든 아님 조명 아래든 자꾸 나타나
Whether on stage or under the lights, it keeps appearing
아지랑이처럼 뜨겁게 자꾸 노려보네 (oh shit)
It keeps glaring at me like crazy (oh shit)
짓을 시작한 건지 벌써 잊었냐
Hey, have you already forgotten why you started doing this
그냥 들어주는 누가 있단 좋았던 거야
You just loved that somebody was listening
가끔은 그냥 헛소리 같아
Sometimes, it all just seems like nonsense
취하면 나오는 알지... heh 치기 같아
You know when you're drunk... heh it's like hiccups
따위가 무슨 music
What kind of music do I make
따위가 무슨 truth
What kind of truth do I have
따위가 무슨 소명
What kind of calling do I have
따위가 무슨 muse
What kind of muse do I have
내가 아는 나의 어쩜 그게 사실 전부
My flaws that I know, how come they're actually all that I am
세상은 사실 아무 관심 없어, 나의 서툼
The world actually doesn't care about my struggles
이제 질리지도 않는 후회들과
With regrets I no longer get tired of
매일 징그럽게 뒹굴고
I cringe and roll around every night
돌릴 없는 시간들을 습관처럼 비틀어도
Even if I habitually twist the times I can't turn back
그때마다 일으켜 세운 것, 최초의 질문
That same first question brings me back up every time
이름 가장 앞에 와야 할, but
My name in three letters, it should come first, but
So, I'm askin' once again yeah
So, I'm askin' once again yeah
Who the hell am I? (Yeah)
Who the hell am I? (Yeah)
Tell me all your names, baby
Tell me all your names, baby
Do you wanna die? (Oh)
Do you wanna die? (Oh)
Oh, do you wanna go? (Go)
Oh, do you wanna go? (Go)
Do you wanna fly? (Fly)
Do you wanna fly? (Fly)
Where's your soul? Where's your dream?
Where's your soul? Where's your dream?
Do you think you're alive?
Do you think you're alive?
Oh shit
Oh shit
I don't know man
I don't know man
But I know one thing
But I know one thing
Yeah my name is R
Yeah my name is R
내가 기억하고 사람들이 아는
The me that I remember and the me that people know
토로하기 위해 내가 스스로 만들어낸
The me that I created to spit me out
Yeah 속여왔을지도 뻥쳐왔을지도
Yeah, I may have tricked myself, I may have lied
But 부끄럽지 않아 이게 영혼의 지도
But I'm not ashamed, this is the map of my soul
Dear myself
Dear myself
절대로 너의 온도를 잃지
Never lose your temperature
따뜻히도 차갑게도 필요 없으니까
There's no need to be either warm or cold
가끔은 위선적이어도 위악적이어도
Sometimes it's okay to be hypocritical or sycophantic
이게 내가 걸어두고 싶은 방향의 척도
This is the measure of the direction I want to take
내가 되고 싶은 나, 사람들이 원하는
The me I want to be, the me that people want
니가 사랑하는 나, 내가 빚어내는
The me you love, and the me that I create
웃고 있는 나, 가끔은 울고 있는
The me who laughs, and sometimes the me who cries
지금도 매분 매순간 살아 숨쉬는
Still living and breathing every minute and every second
Who the hell am I?
Who the hell am I?
I just wanna go
I just wanna go
I just wanna fly
I just wanna fly
I just wanna give you all the voices 'til I die
I just wanna give you all the voices 'til I die
I just wanna give you all the shoulders when you cry
I just wanna give you all the shoulders when you cry
Who the hell am I?
Who the hell am I?
I just wanna go
I just wanna go
I just wanna fly
I just wanna fly
I just wanna give you all the voices 'til I die
I just wanna give you all the voices 'til I die
I just wanna give you all the shoulders when you... cry
I just wanna give you all the shoulders when you... cry

Авторы: Hee Soo Kang, Ho Weon Kang, Namjun Kim

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