BTS - Love Maze - перевод текста песни на английский

Love Maze - BTSперевод на английский

Love Maze
Love Maze
Cuz I'll be in love maze
Lost in this love maze
Cuz I'll be in love maze
Lost in this love maze
선택의 미로 속에 갇혀
Trapped in a labyrinth of choices
막다른 혼돈 속에 지쳐
Exhausted in the chaos of dead ends
우린 정답을 찾아 헤맸었지만
We searched for the answer, but
Lost in the maze, in the darkness
Lost in the maze, in the darkness
끝없이 길을 달리고 달려봐도
Even if we run endlessly down the path
수많은 거짓 아우성들이
Those countless false shouts
우릴 갈라놓을 있어
Can tear us apart
정말인 baby
It's true, baby
우린 우리만 믿어야
We must trust only ourselves
We can't let go of each other's hands
영원히 함께여야
We have to be together forever, yeah
남들은 얘기해
Others say
이럼 너만 바보
You'll only become a fool like this
But I don't wanna use my head
But I don't wanna use my head
I don't wanna calculate
I don't wanna calculate
Love ain't a business
Love ain't a business
Rather like a fitness
Rather like a fitness
머리 쓰며 사랑한 없기에
I've never loved using my head
추울 알아 겨울처럼 말야
I know it'll be cold, like winter
그래도 부딪치고 싶어 ayy
Still, I want to face it, ayy
니가 밀면 넘어질게 일으켜줘 yeah
If you push me, I'll fall, pick me up, yeah
내가 당겨도 오지 않아도
You don't have to come even if I pull you
Let them be them
Let them be them
Let us be us
Let us be us
Love is a maze damn
Love is a maze damn
But you is amaze yeah
But you is amaze yeah
Take my ay ay hand 손을 놓지
Take my ay ay hand, don't let go
Lie ay ay 미로 속에서
Lie ay ay, in the maze
My ay ay 절대 놓치면 안돼
My ay ay, you must never lose me
In love maze
In love maze
Take my ay ay hand 손을 놓지
Take my ay ay hand, don't let go
My ay ay 가까이
My ay ay, come closer
My ay ay 절대 엇갈리면 안돼
My ay ay, we must never lose our way
In love maze
In love maze
남들이 뭐라던 듣지 말자
Let's not listen to what others say
Just let'em talk 누가 뭐라건
Just let 'em talk, no matter what they say
그럴 수록 확신이 생겨
The more they do, the more certain I become
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
Can't you hear me 믿어야
Can't you hear me? You have to trust me
Baby just don't give a damn
Baby just don't give a damn
Promise 내게 약속해 속해
Promise, promise me, belong to me
사방이 막혀있는 미로 막다른
In the maze where all sides are blocked, a dead end
심연 속을 우린 거닐고 있지
We're walking through this abyss
저기 가느다란
That faint light over there
낙원을 향해 헤매고 있기를
I hope we're wandering towards that paradise
명심해 때론 거짓은 우리 사일 가르려 하니
Remember, sometimes lies try to separate us
시련은 우릴 속이려 하지 but
Trials try to deceive us, but
그럴 내게 집중해
Focus on me then
어둠 속에선 우리면 충분해
In the darkness, we are enough
덧없는 거짓 속에서
In the fleeting lies
우리가 함께면 끝이 없는 미로조차 낙원
If we're together, even the endless maze is a paradise
Take my ay ay hand 손을 놓지
Take my ay ay hand, don't let go
Lie ay ay 미로 속에서
Lie ay ay, in the maze
My ay ay 절대 놓치면 안돼
My ay ay, you must never lose me
In love maze
In love maze
어쩌겠어 우린 공식대로 있고
What can we do? We're here according to the formula
그래 어쩌겠어 법에 맞춰 맞닿아있어
Yeah, what can we do? We're connected according to that law
방황하는 미로도
Even this wandering maze
미지수의 기로도
That crossroads of unknowns
서로를 위한 섭리 하나인걸
It's one of the providence for each other
생각해 영원은 어렵대도
I always think, even if eternity is difficult
해보고 싶다고 그래 영원해 보자고
I want to try, let's be eternal
둘만의 산, 둘만의 climb
Our own mountain, our own climb
둘만의 세계의 축, 둘만의 마음
The axis of our own world, our own heart
출구를 향한 travel
Travel towards the exit
잡은 손이 지도가 되어
The two hands we hold become the map
Take my ay ay hand 손을 놓지
Take my ay ay hand, don't let go
Lie ay ay 미로 속에서
Lie ay ay, in the maze
My ay ay 절대 놓치면 안돼
My ay ay, you must never lose me
In love maze
In love maze
Take my ay ay hand 손을 놓지
Take my ay ay hand, don't let go
My ay ay 가까이
My ay ay, come closer
My ay ay 절대 엇갈리면 안돼
My ay ay, we must never lose our way
In love maze
In love maze


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