Bars - Foc Al Cor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Bars - Foc Al Cor

Foc Al Cor
Era una vegada un poble mort
Once upon a time there was a dead village
De gent preocupada per no temptar la sort
Of people who cared not to tempt fate
On tot anava molt a poc a poc.
Where everything went very, very slowly
Sempre que passava per l'arbre tort
Whenever I passed the crooked tree
Em recordava que havia de ser fort.
It reminded me that I had to be strong
"Molt fort" pensava cada cop.
"Very strong" I thought every time
I Entre mirades de cartró
And among cardboard stares
Tornar un somriure de debò,
To return a real smile,
És com trencar-te el cor un cop de roc.
Is like getting your heart broken by a rock.
I és com si s'encengués un foc al mig del bosc
And it's as if a fire ignited in the middle of the forest
Però potser aquell dia, un dia com tants,
But maybe that day, a day like any other,
Quan tot m'avorria tu eres al davant,
When everything bored me, you were in front of me,
Quan jo estava tocant a fons.
When I was thoroughly touched.
Com una tempesta va passar
Like a storm it passed
I potser la lluna va donar un cop de
And perhaps the moon lent a hand
Fa temps, tant temps, però és cert
A long time ago, so long ago, but it's true
I entre mirades de cartró
And among cardboard stares
Tornar un somriure de debò,
To return a real smile,
És com trencar-te el cor un cop de roc.
Is like getting your heart broken by a rock.
I és com si s'encengués un foc al mig del bosc
And it's as if a fire ignited in the middle of the forest
Al sol d'agost.
In the August sun.
I entre mirades de cartró
And among cardboard stares
Tornar un somriure de debò,
To return a real smile,
És com trencar-te el cor un cop de roc.
Is like getting your heart broken by a rock.
I és com si s'encengués un foc al mig del bosc
And it's as if a fire ignited in the middle of the forest
Al sol d'agost.
In the August sun.
I entre mirades de cartró
And among cardboard stares
Tornar un somriure de debò,
To return a real smile,
És com trencar-te el cor un cop de roc.
Is like getting your heart broken by a rock.
I és com si s'encengués un foc al mig del bosc
And it's as if a fire ignited in the middle of the forest
Al sol d'agost.
In the August sun.
Foc al cor, foc al cor, foc al cor,
Heartache, heartache, heartache,
Foc dins del meu cor
Heartache in my heart
Foc al cor, foc al cor, foc al cor,
Heartache, heartache, heartache,
Foc dins del teu cor.
Heartache in your heart.

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