Baze - La Wartä - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Baze - La Wartä

La Wartä
The Wait
När tschaup i no i di wä- gruusigi hundekacke nei
When I look into your eyes why, there's a monstrous dog turd again
No mau ufe ga schueg tusche, dr gstank nid ha usghaute, weisch
Gotta look up again, can't stand the stench, you know
Ey Miech o e dummi schnurre
Ey, me and my stupid jokes
Bsunders nachdäm i mi für di so huere useputzt ha
Especially after I dolled myself up so much for you
Lug ha z hemmli glettet, di beschtä hose
Ironed my shirt, the best pants
Tragse nüm ungerem arsch, i bi o euter worde
Don't wear them under my ass anymore, I've gotten fatter
Zmindest redimers i, du kensch mi nur zu guet
At least that's what I tell myself, you know me too well
De Setzimer ziu mhh- zmeischte blibt nume gschnurr
Pulling myself together mhh- mostly it's just jokes
Fuck i bine looooser baby
Fuck I'm a looooser baby
Auso wiso bringsch mi nid um weni nüm stuberein bi
So why don't you kill me if I'm no longer good enough?
Nachts um d hüser streune wi räudigi chatze
Roaming around at night like mangy cats
Spöie uf aues um drufabe widr röiig atanze
Puking on everything and then licking it up again
Doch hüt häufe ke blueme, keni schöne wort
But today there are no flowers, no nice words
Wenis hüt vermassle bini so öppis vo tod
If I screw up today, I'm as good as dead
Ämu für di, hey i muess würklech los iz
I really have to go now, for you, hey
När findi schlüssu zum veloschloss nid
But I can't find the key to the bike lock
I la di ungärn la warte, hey, bsunders im winter
I keep you waiting, hey, especially in winter
Wes chaut isch, dini finger scho blau, fuck i bi sone arsch
When it's cold, your fingers already blue, fuck I'm such an ass
Gibmer ja müeh aber s'klappt de glich nie
I do try, but it never works out
We dür d gasse dr wind zieht
As the wind blows through the streets
La di ungärn la warte, hey, bsunders im winter
I keep you waiting, hey, especially in winter
Wes chaut isch, dini lippe scho blau, fuck i bi sone narr
When it's cold, your lips already blue, fuck I'm such a fool
Gibmer ja müeh aber s'längt de glich nie
I do try, but it's never enough
We dür bärn ä wind pfifft
As a wind whistles through Bern
Weisch no di auti häx, weisch di wo unger mir wohnt
You know that old hag, the one who lives below us
Fat mi im stägehuus ab, steutsech i wäg, stusstmi vou
Stops me in the stairwell, stands in my way, pushes me
Wägem wöschplan, dräck, lärm i dr nacht
Because of the laundry schedule, dirt, noise at night
Gseh si isch einsam doch hüt ächt keni närvä für das
I see she's lonely, but today I really don't have the nerves for that
Risse mi los use uf d strass, i chauti luft i
I tear myself away and onto the street, breathe in the air
Bi scho 10minute zschpät, söu tag verfluecht si
I'm already 10 minutes late, damn this day
Dammi, när fahrtmer no dr bös vordr fritte furt
Damn it, now the bus drives away right in front of me
Sägder sone miise hung, so sone missgeburt
Call her a shitty bitch, such a freak
Egau uf aus ufe, handy akku dunge
Just get on it, phone battery dead
U dr nächscht chunnt i gfüeute jahr auso acht minute
And the next one comes in like a year, so eight minutes
Hätti münz gha, hätti es billet glöst
If I had coins, I would have bought a ticket
Druf meine männer mit schnöiz, chömet si bitte mit eus
Then these guys with mustaches say, please come with us
Auso usstige, ide zeige, zetu usfüue
So get off, show your ID, explain yourself
Redä wi wiud ufse i, leidr zeigts keni würkig
They talk wildly at me, unfortunately it has no effect
Renni haut "eifach" druf los, rämple paar lüt a
I just run for it, bump into a few people
Ufem längä wäg zu dir trotz schmärze am rügge
On the long way to you, despite the pain in my back
Über roti ample, zwüsche stossstange
Over red lights, between bumpers
Bis i mitem gring vora ufem trottoir lande
Until I finally land on the sidewalk with a thud
Woni de fix u ferti am ziu bi, gseh di wi erwarter wit u
When I'm there, all done up, I see you as expected, wide and
Breit niene, machs guet schatz
Smiling broadly, goodbye sweetheart
I la di nie wöue la warte la warte, hey, bsunders im winter
I would never ever keep you waiting, hey, especially in winter
Wes chaut isch, dini finger scho blau, fuck i bi sone arsch
When it's cold, your fingers already blue, fuck I'm such an ass
Gibmer ja müeh aber s'klappt de glich nie
I do try, but it never works out
We dür d gasse dr wind zieht
As the wind blows through the streets
La di ungärn la warte, hey, bsunders im winter
I keep you waiting, hey, especially in winter
Wes chaut isch, dini lippe scho blau, fuck i bi sone narr
When it's cold, your lips already blue, fuck I'm such a fool
Gibmer ja müeh aber s'längt de glich nie
I do try, but it's never enough
We dür bärn ä wind pfifft
As a wind whistles through Bern

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