Baze - Minigrip - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Baze - Minigrip

Si no d korke la knaue bis zum abwinke
They raise their fists high, till the final goodbye
Dr morge la warte wi zitterndi ching imne wartezimmer
Tomorrow awaits, like trembling children in a waiting room
Nüt nüt währt für ewig, s chöme angeri zite
Nothing lasts forever, different times will come
I dr ferni stige flamme i himmu
In the distance, flames rise in the sky
U teu zie dür d gasse u singe
And I wander through the streets, singing
Ihri liedr bisi mitr masse i de stadie verschwinde
Their songs disappear among the masses in the stadiums
Was ne nid passt, ds tramplesi nider
What doesn't fit, gets trampled down
Was dr vor nacht blibt si di platzde lippe
What remains from last night are busted lips
Aber jedä macht witer bis zum abwinke
But everyone keeps going, until the final goodbye
Kippe bis zum abwinke, gli mau e aukliche
Cigarettes until the farewell, soon another one
Schlitzesech i arm ine, wei sech bewise
Cut themselves on the arm, wanting to prove
Dass si no existiere, lande gli mau ufdr couch bimne
That they still exist, ending up on the doctor's couch
Arzt wone medis verschribt
Where medication gets prescribed
Missionare chlopfe a tür mit dr heilige schrift
Missionaries knock on the door with the holy scriptures
Du i boxershorts, riise smile ufem gsicht
You in boxer shorts, a big smile on your face
Sorry boys ke inträssä zur zit
Sorry boys, no interest at the moment
Wott übertriebe bis zum abwinke, fiire tief i dnacht ine
Wanting to overdo it until the farewell, celebrate deep into the night
Über di charre stige, klirrendi glaschibe!!!
Climb over cars, clinking glass shards!!!
Wach blibe inmitte vo däm wahnsinn da
Staying awake amidst this madness here
Wo tröim i minigrips u chlyne briefe verpackt si
Where dreams are packed in minigrips and small letters
Ja i wott liebe bis zum abwinke
Yes, I want to love until the farewell
Wiegenis i schlaf ine, strite us wider grad biege
Lullabies into sleep, fights and making up again right away
De bringi i o dr ghüder use sitze bim pisse ab
Then I'll take you out back to sit while peeing
U vrfiggtnomau, hüete mi zflueche
And damn it, watch me curse
U s geiht bärg ab, bärg ab, bärg ab, bärg ab, bärg ab...
And it goes downhill, downhill, downhill, downhill, downhill...
U s geiht bärg ab, bärg ab, bärg ab, bärg ab, bärg ab...
And it goes downhill, downhill, downhill, downhill, downhill...
När geihts bärg uf bärg
Soon it will go uphill
Si träffesech im tearoom zu gebäck tränkes im likör
They meet in the tearoom for pastries and drinks with liqueur
Wone d frässä verchläbt, bi si fädä ziet dört!
Where they stuff their faces, my father sits there!
Spile si charte mit zittrige händ
They play cards with trembling hands
Knirsche mit de dritte - wöu voruus isch nüm iri wäut
Gnashing their third set of teeth - because the future is no longer their world
Ziehsisech zrügg uf vergammleti sitzgruppe
They retreat to shabby seating areas
Warte ds chinder mau a wiehnachte verbiluege
Waiting for the children to calm down like at Christmas
U plötzlech si da loderndi flamme
And suddenly there are blazing flames
Iz aber hurti hurti furt hie, dr stock usem arsch
But now quickly, quickly get out of here, get that stick out of your ass!
U si tanze ums füür wi bsoffni indianer
And they dance around the fire like drunken Indians
Schreie di nacht ghört üs los figgetnech aui
Screaming the night belongs to us, let's all fuck
Doch aus haub so wiud, lug di beruigesech wider
But it's all talk, look, they're calming down again
Faus nid, gitts haut ä rundi beruigigs mittu, guet nacht
Don't worry, there's a round of sedatives tonight, good night
Item gruppe vo teenies bevöukere d stadt
Groups of teenagers populate the city
Nachdäm clübs hei gschlosse gitts no döner mit scharf
After the clubs close, there's still döner with spice
Triffsch uf tussies punks, dealer wi junkies
You meet chicks, punks, dealers like junkies
Stossisch uf z läbä a so schlimm isches gar nid
Toast to life, it's not that bad after all
Wott übertriebe bis zum abwinke, fiire tief i dnacht ine
Wanting to overdo it until the farewell, celebrate deep into the night
Über di charre stige, klirrendi glaschibe!!!
Climb over cars, clinking glass shards!!!
Wach blibe inmitte vo däm wahnsinn da
Staying awake amidst this madness here
Wo tröim i minigrips u chlyne briefe verpackt si
Where dreams are packed in minigrips and small letters
Ja i wott liebe bis zum abwinke
Yes, I want to love until the farewell
Wiegenis i schlaf ine, strite us wider grad biege
Lullabies into sleep, fights and making up again right away
De bringi i o dr ghüder use sitze bim pisse ab
Then I'll take you out back to sit while peeing
U vrfiggtnomau, hüete mi zflueche
And damn it, watch me curse
Lug ire wuche flüge widr fläschä
Watch their weeks fly by again bottles
Chunnt d liebi vom läbä oder verlürsch di job
Comes the love of life or lose your job
Mir nämä unergründlechi wägä
We take unfathomable paths
Villech dr fautsch ja de phüetis gott
Maybe the wrong, yes, the poetic God

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