Baze - Remerooouun - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Baze - Remerooouun

I nimm iz remeroooouuuuun
They're taking some remeroooouuuuun
U d lüt sägä i sig iz o nüm so asträngend
And people say they're not so uptight anymore
I nimm iz remeroooouuuuun
They're taking some remeroooouuuuun
I find ja säuber sigi äuä besser so
They think it's cleaner, better this way
Iz Loufi i di wäut use aus wär mi garte
It's loufi in the world, it's like my garden
Was fürne boum, fuck i chönnti wäuder umarme
What a tree, fuck, I could hug wonders
Hiuf aute über d strass u grüesse fründlechs
Jump on cars across the street and greet friendly
Sta im tram vo mim platz uf när füerse zur türe
Get up from my seat in the tram and lead someone to the door
Und i ga nid dür di gasse i tanze drdür
And I don't walk through the streets, I dance through them
Wo säubscht punks so würke aus wär die stadt ire fründ
Where even punks seem like the city's friend
Wo säubscht junks nümm drückä wöusech Aus erfüut
Where even junkies no longer push away fulfilled
Was si sech über au di jahr uf dr gass hei gwünscht
What they have wished for on the streets over the years
Sisch es nüt vo brücke ohni seili z gumpe
It's nothing to jump off bridges without ropes
Gott mi fründ lande weich imne meer us blueme
God, my friend, lands softly in a sea of flowers
Sta widr uf blasmer dr dräck vodr schueutr
Gets up again, blows the dirt off their shoes
Nimm mi picku id hand bestigä bärg us zucker
Takes their pickaxe in hand, climbs mountains of sugar
Ja wesech dr himmu über di leit u
Yeah, become the sky above the people and
Du bisch so öppis vo scheiss dänä sch sch scheiss
You are such a piece of shit, you fucking shit
Ja wesech dr himmu über di leit u
Yeah, become the sky above the people and
Du bisch so öppis vo scheiss dänä sch sch
You are such a piece of shit, you fucking
De nimi remeroooouuuuun
They're taking some remeroooouuuuun
U d lüt sägä i sig iz o nüm so asträngend
And people say they're not so uptight anymore
I nimm iz remeroooouuuuun
They're taking some remeroooouuuuun
I find ja säuber sigi äuä besser so
They think it's cleaner, better this way
Stig ufs velo, drück gas la d reife la quitsche
Get on the bike, hit the gas, let the tires squeal
Zeinzige wo übrig blib isch e streife am himmu
The only thing left is a streak in the sky
Verbi a flöige, vögu, wueche jumbo jets
Pass by flies, birds, wake jumbo jets
Füehtsech guet a we dwäut aus dis plumps klo hesch
Feel good when you shit out of this crappy toilet
Doch di höchi luft setzt eim zue, scheiss schetze i
But the high altitude air gets to you, damn, I think
Muess captain säg de stewardesse e gruess
I have to tell the captain to say hello to the stewardesses
So rasi im freie fau zrügg richtig ärdä
So, rush back to earth in free fall
Z nirvana cha warte ha hüt e bitz verspätig
Nirvana can wait, I'm a little late today
Wöumi dwäut empfat wines früsch azognigs bett
When I get there, a fresh bed awaits
Zwüsch ihrne schänklä honig fliesst wo sogar toti weckt
Between her legs, honey flows that even wakes the dead
Sta uf schläck ä räscht guud vodr schuetr
Get up, lick the rest of the good stuff off the shoes
Nimm mi stäckä id hand scho wiist mr dr mond mini droute
Take my sticks in hand, the moon already shows me my route
Ja wesech nacht über di leit u
Yeah, become the night over the people and
Du bisch so öppis vo scheiss dänä sch sch scheiss
You are such a piece of shit, you fucking shit
Ja wesech dnacht über di leit u
Yeah, become the night over the people and
Du bisch so öppis vo scheiss dänä sch sch
You are such a piece of shit, you fucking
Iz redi mit tier im waud, los ihrne gschichte
Talk to animals in the forest, hear their stories
Vo jeger zischende gschoss tod u vertribig
Of hunters, hissing bullets, death and displacement
Was fürne horrortrip shit doch chum grad wider abe
What a horror trip, shit, but just come down again
Scho bitz errliechter wo ni vo wiitem dliechter vor stadt gseh
A little relieved when you see the city lights from afar
Biss i verfuuleti frücht hautse für früschi
Bite into rotten fruit, throw away the skin for fresh ones
Zie dür duetzendi clübs, wo mitem name begrüsst wirsch
Go through dozens of clubs where you're greeted by name
Au di schränk wo mr früecher hei dr ilass verweigert
Even the bars that used to deny me entry
Äbnä dr wäg dür dmängi, bis i mi platz erreiche
Just clear the way through the crowd until I reach my place
Mi o grad usebegleitet, när weissi vo nüm
They even escort me out, I don't know anything anymore
Pflastersteine si chüeu stärnä kreise um üs
Cobblestones are cows, stars circle around us
Sta wider uf, läckä z bluet vo de wunde
Get up again, lick the blood from the wounds
Taxi fahrtmi gratis hei, u churz vorem pfuse
Taxi takes me home for free, and shortly before I pass out
I nimm iz remeroooouuuuun
They're taking some remeroooouuuuun
U d lüt sägä i sig iz o nüm so asträngend
And people say they're not so uptight anymore
I nimm iz remeroooouuuuun
They're taking some remeroooouuuuun
I find ja säuber sigi äuä besser so
They think it's cleaner, better this way

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