Baze - Trinkgäud - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Baze - Trinkgäud

We ds dr priis isch woni zau für die tage woni
If that's the price I pay for the days when I
Chönnt gränä vor glück zahli bar u gib trinkgäud
Could cry with joy, I'll pay cash and leave a gratuity
Steu dr wii schomau parat no nöppis
The wine's already waiting, almost nothing
Zwüsche zän, när holemer üs es stück vo däm schinkä
Between our teeth, let's grab a piece of that ham
We di zwifu dr priis si woni zau für die tage woni
If doubt is the price I pay for the days when I
Chönnt stärbä vor glück zahli bar u gib trinkgäud
Could die of happiness, I'll pay cash and leave a gratuity
Steu dr wii schomau parat no nöppis
The wine's already waiting, almost nothing
Zwüsche zän, när holemer üs es stück vo däm schinkä
Between our teeth, let's grab a piece of that ham
We di zwifu
If doubt remains
I mein
I mean
Genau di tage wos so schiint ds dr d wäut zu füesse ligt
Exactly those days when it seems like the world is at your feet
Wine fuessabträtter bevor dür d′türe trittsch
A foot-washer before you step through the door
Seisch hallo geihts guet, mir geihts guet u dir mir geihts guet
You say hello, how are you, I'm good and you, I'm good
Gitt ke grund zum chlage trinkemer eine druf
No reason to complain, let's have a drink on it
No isch di letschti zigi nid groucht, z'letschtä wort no nid gredt
The last cigarette hasn't been smoked yet, the last word hasn't been spoken
Vor üs lige zig jahrzänt, mir nomau so was vo steil
Decades lie ahead of us, we're going to be so awesome
Üs zwar ungerbwusst weigere erwachse z wärdä
We subconsciously refuse to grow up
Isch eifech huere asträngend aus erwachsene z läbä
It's just so damn exhausting living as adults
Grad drissgi worde si frage nach plän für zuekunft
Just turned thirty, they ask about plans for the future
Steit i de stärnä, muesses wis chunt - wou odr übu
It's written in the stars, you have to see how it comes - where or how
U Nei i sorge mi nüme zwar ab u zue
And no, I don't worry anymore, well, sometimes
Ä para schub, när ischer scho wider düre
A few pushes, and it's over again
U we de ds priis si woni zau für die tage woni
And if that's the price I pay for the days when I
Chönnt stärbä vor glück zahli bar u gib trinkgäud
Could die of happiness, I'll pay cash and leave a gratuity
Steu dr wii schomau parat no nöppis
The wine's already waiting, almost nothing
Zwüsche zän, när holemer üs es stück vo däm schinkä
Between our teeth, let's grab a piece of that ham
I mein
I mean
Genau di tage wos so schiint ds dr wäut zu füesse ligt
Exactly those days when it seems like the world is at your feet
Wine türkis schimmernde pool we vom drüer springsch
A turquoise shimmering pool when you jump from the diving board
Ke badmeischter wit u breit wo dr dr spass verdirbt
No lifeguard in sight to spoil the fun
Haubnackti meitschi male dr rot uf dis blasse gsicht
Half-naked girls paint red on your pale face
U droge si scheisse fuck di verwirredi nume
And they say shit, fuck it, just confusion
O mitte im summer bringschse nid us ihrem zimmer use
Oh, in the middle of summer you can't get them out of their room
So wirdi nid ändä, doch i gseh lüt wo druf u dran si
So you won't change, but I see people who are on the verge of it
Wi ihres läbä verpufft i müeder ungerhautig
How their life fizzles out in tired subcutaneous tissue
Hüt si aui am fluss zeige der sunne ire arsch
Today everyone is by the river showing their asses to the sun
Jede de zündet es für uf ungerschidlechi art
Everyone lights up a joint in different ways
Djungs si bier ga hole usem chüeler bir tanki
Guys are getting beer from the cooler by the gas station
Iz widermau zit fürne party wiso nid
Now it's time for another party, why not
We ds dr priis isch woni zau für die tage woni
If that's the price I pay for the days when I
Chönnt gränä vor glück zahli bar u gib trinkgäud
Could cry with joy, I'll pay cash and leave a gratuity
Steu dr wii schomau parat no nöppis
The wine's already waiting, almost nothing
Zwüsche zän, när holemer üs es stück vo däm schinkä
Between our teeth, let's grab a piece of that ham

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