Baze - Unger Tüflä - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Baze - Unger Tüflä

Unger Tüflä
Under Pressure
Wöu du bisch eine unger millione - stigsch us dim bett
You're one in a million - rising from your bed
U au dini heude si gstorbe a eim einzige morge
And even your tomorrows died on a single morning
Iz steisch alleini unger der glogge
Now you stand alone under the bell jar
Allei mit dine sorge wi paar hundert millione
Alone with your worries like a hundred million others
I däm land vo zuun u mure umschlosse
In this land enclosed by fences and walls
Sich im gloube wähnt heig aus unger kontroue
One deludes oneself into thinking it's all under control
Du wosch wäg suechsch dini freiheit unger droge
You wash away, seek your freedom under drugs
Freiheit zum choufe für paar hundeter note
Freedom to buy for a few hundred notes
Aus hett si priis nur nid iri liebi
She has a price, just not her love
Doch si isch sowit wäg, ds dr nur iri stimm blibt
But she's so far away, that only her voice remains
U täg zie adr verbi wine wasserliche
And days pass by like watery wine
Träg, ufbläiht, blass, u niemer wosech a si erinnert
Heavy, bloated, pale, and no one remembers her anymore
So täg unger millione so täg zum usticke u morde
Such days among millions, days to suffocate and kill
Umzinglet vomne dutzend klonte
Surrounded by a dozen clones
S läbä unger regle u nomre ufgsteut
Life built on rules and numbers
Vo paar wenige idiote
By a few idiots
Doch du bisch eine unger millione,
But you are one in a million,
Du geisch nid unger unger dene millione
You won't go under among those millions
Für di bisch eint unger millione
For me, you are the one in a million
Eine, eine unger millione, zwar nume eine unger millione
One, one in a million, even though just one in a million
Weisch mir ertrage was chunnt mir blibe sta rch
You know we endure what comes, we stand tall
Häbe d fahne i d lueft mir si jung wüetend
Raise the flag in the air we are young, furious
Mir chratzes i d hut u irgendeinisch artets us
We scratch our skin and someday it will erupt
Mir läbä unger tüfle
We live under pressure
Doch du bisch eine unger millione, eine unger milliarde
But you are one in a million, one in a billion
E teil vo was grossem, doch geisch dini eigete bahne
A part of something big, but you walk your own path
Du weisch s wird hert auso blibsch eifach dranne
You know it will be hard, so you just keep going
Steisch eifach wider uf glich wi tief de bisch gfaue
You just get up again, no matter how deep you have fallen
Deno wirsch ds gfüeu nid los du tickisch chly anders
Then you can't shake the feeling that you tick a little differently
Ä tick z irri gedanke, findisch ke schlaf meh
A tick too crazy thoughts, you can't find sleep anymore
Wi irri dür d strasse, niemer grüesse no d hande
Like crazy people through the streets, no one greets or shakes hands anymore
Nur du und ä müedi a dir verbieziendi masse
Just you and a tired mass apologizing to you
U si sitze i pärk, näbä dir im bös, trifftze im gschäft
And they sit in parks, next to you on the bus, meet you in the store
A teu verlieri z härz teune risstmes entzwöi
At expensive losses, their hearts tear apart with a cutting knife
Es paar unger millione, paar dutzend wo für di sorge
A few among millions, a few dozen who care for you
We di das chaos um di ume überfordert
When the chaos around you overwhelms you
Loufsch zämä hei, d nachts stiu u klar
You run home together, the nights are quiet and clear
Geisch churz ga pisse, chumsch zrügg u niemer isch da
You go to pee for a moment, come back and no one is there
Party isch verbii, di geiht nöime anders witer
The party is over, it continues for someone else
S chöme anderi zitä. - U du blibsch eine unger millione
Other times are coming. - And you remain one in a million
Doch du bisch eine unger millione,
But you are one in a million,
Du geisch nid unger unger dene millione
You won't go under among those millions
Für di bisch eint unger millione
For me, you are the one in a million
Eine, eine unger millione, zwar nume eine unger millione
One, one in a million, even though just one in a million
Weisch mir ertrage was chunnt mir blibe sta rch
You know we endure what comes, we stand tall
Häbe d fahne i d lueft mir si jung wüetend
Raise the flag in the air we are young, furious
Mir chratzes i d hut u irgendeinisch artets us
We scratch our skin and someday it will erupt
Mir läbä unger tüfle
We live under pressure

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