Beny Jr - MoneyMaker - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Beny Jr - MoneyMaker

No sé, no
I don't know, I don't know
Free todos mis soldados en la cárcel
Free all my soldiers in jail
No sé, no
I don't know, I don't know
Y mis hermanos con las pistolas arribas
And my brothers with their guns up
Te las pongo en la boca, chivato
I'll put them in your mouth, snitch
Dice "no de qué vale, nunca seremos iguales"
She says "I don't know what's the point, we'll never be the same"
O si no quieres nada, mi tiempo revertir
Or if you don't want anything, reverse my time
Haciendo todas estas cosas para hacerme a sufrir
Doing all these things to make me suffer
Yo no suelto ni una queja ni lo puedo reprimir
I don't utter a single complaint, nor can I repress it
Cuando me gritas, mi cara solo puedo asistir
When you yell at me, I can only watch my face
Esa dice que le fallo y que nunca voy a cambiar
She says I fail her and that I'll never change
Y cuando yo era joven ya manejaba yo su Jaguar
And when I was young, I was already driving her Jaguar
Me debes cinco mil en versos, pero no quiere pagar
You owe me five thousand in verses, but you don't want to pay
Mami, yo soy Dalí, ponte silueta a dibujar
Baby, I'm Dalí, put your silhouette to draw
Me encuentro solo con el corazón vacío
I find myself alone with an empty heart
Y monto en el Estrecho, yo no pesco por los ríos
And I ride in the Strait, I don't fish in the rivers
Cuando hablan de ya no me siento ni ofendido
When they talk about me, I don't even feel offended
Yo no soy pollito, pero tengo la que mata pío
I'm not a chick, but I have the one that kills softly
A que nunca me comparen con estos nada
Don't ever compare me to these nobodies
Porque no lo hacemos nada parecido a lo mío
Because they don't do anything like mine
Paso a treinta celdas, pero yo ya no siento frío
I pass thirty cells, but I no longer feel cold
Mami, yo soy money maker, yo no puedo ser marido
Baby, I'm a money maker, I can't be a husband
No puedo borrar mis males y cambiarte nunca me sale
I can't erase my wrongs and changing you never works out for me
Pero yo no me retiro
But I won't give up
Luna, dime si ella sale, luchando como animales
Luna, tell me if she leaves, fighting like animals
Porque con otra me tiro
Because I'll hook up with another
Corta Barcelona y luego nueva carga en Vigo
Short Barcelona and then a new load in Vigo
Carros o mansiones, el dinero lo persigo
Cars or mansions, I chase the money
Dicen "no de qué vale, nunca seremos iguales"
They say "I don't know what's the point, we'll never be the same"
Y yo no quiero ser su amigo
And I don't want to be their friend
te piensas que se casa un chavo
You think a young guy gets married
Si vieras los billetes del clavo no dudarías tanto de
If you saw the bills from the deal, you wouldn't doubt me so much
No por qué te inventas, mami, tanto de
I don't know why you make up so much about me, baby
Hola, buenas, me presento, soy la J con la B
Hello, nice to meet you, I'm the J with the B
El que la pone a todas locas, pero, mami, solo hablando
The one who makes them all crazy, but baby, just by talking
Pausa, quiero darte duro en eso blando
Pause, I want to hit you hard in that soft spot
Mami, no soy gánster, es la gente con la que ando
Baby, I'm not a gangster, it's the people I hang out with
Hago que suene los truenos y tu novio se va volando
I make the thunder sound and your boyfriend flies away
Si ya lo sé, que los otros están buscando
Yeah, I know the others are looking
Perdóname que esta vida no la mando
Forgive me, I don't control this life
Primero mataré y no me quedo preguntando
I'll kill first and I won't ask questions
solo llámame cuando ese bobo esté marchando
Just call me when that fool is leaving
No puedo borrar mis males y cambiarte nunca me sale
I can't erase my wrongs and changing you never works out for me
Pero yo no me retiro
But I won't give up
Luna, dime si ella sale, luchando como animales
Luna, tell me if she leaves, fighting like animals
O si no quieres nada, mi tiempo revertir
Or if you don't want anything, reverse my time
Haciendo todas estas cosas para hacerme a sufrir
Doing all these things to make me suffer
Yo no suelto ni una queja ni lo puedo reprimir
I don't utter a single complaint, nor can I repress it
Cuando me gritas, mi cara solo puedo asistir
When you yell at me, I can only watch my face
Esa dice que le fallo y que nunca voy a cambiar
She says I fail her and that I'll never change
Y cuando yo era joven ya manejaba yo su Jaguar
And when I was young, I was already driving her Jaguar
Me debes cinco mil en versos, pero no quiere pagar
You owe me five thousand in verses, but you don't want to pay
Mami, yo soy Dalí, ponte silueta a dibujar
Baby, I'm Dalí, put your silhouette to draw
No puedo borrar mis males y cambiarte nunca me sale
I can't erase my wrongs and changing you never works out for me
Pero yo no me retiro
But I won't give up
Luna, dime si ella sale, luchando como animales
Luna, tell me if she leaves, fighting like animals
Porque con otra me tiro
Because I'll hook up with another
Corta Barcelona y luego nueva carga en Vigo
Short Barcelona and then a new load in Vigo
Carros o mansiones, el dinero lo persigo
Cars or mansions, I chase the money
Dicen "no de qué vale, nunca seremos iguales"
They say "I don't know what's the point, we'll never be the same"
Y yo no quiero ser su amigo
And I don't want to be their friend
Sufian, y yo no quiero ser su amigo
Sufian, and I don't want to be their friend
No puedo borrar mis males y cambiarte nunca me sale
I can't erase my wrongs and changing you never works out for me
Y yo no quiero ser su amigo
And I don't want to be their friend
Oye, free Lcata (corta Barcelona y luego nueva carga en Vigo)
Hey, free Lcata (short Barcelona and then a new load in Vigo)
Carros o mansiones, el dinero lo persigo
Cars or mansions, I chase the money
Yo no quiero ser su amigo
I don't want to be their friend

Авторы: Beny Junior

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