Berny feat. Taz Soldo - Udala Se Nikad Nije - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Berny feat. Taz Soldo - Udala Se Nikad Nije

Udala Se Nikad Nije
She's Still Young
Nocas svaka pjesma
Every song tonight
Godinu me stari
Makes me a year older,
Sjeca me na tebe
Reminding me of you.
Bili smo premladi
We were too young.
E da je vratit vrijeme
If only I could turn back time,
Samo da ti kazem
To tell you,
Ono sto nikad nisam
What I never said
Zbog cega nocu placem
The reason I cry at night.
Jos ponekad svratim kuci
I still visit the old house sometimes,
Prijatelje sretnem
To see our friends.
Kad me uzme pice
When I've had too much to drink,
Pitam ih za tebe
I ask them about you.
Koliko su me puta
So many times they've seen me
Pijanoga sreli
Stumbling home drunk.
A jos se sjecam svega
But I still remember everything
Sto reci su mi znali
They said about you.
Udala se nikad nije
She's still young,
Jos mi ime kazu
They still tell me your name.
Nocu doziva
She calls out to me in the night
Kao da vrijeme
As if time
Proslo nije
Has passed me by,
Jos me ceka
She's still waiting for me,
Jos nije nicija
She's still no one's girl.
A ja brojim godine
And I'm counting years
Godine bez nje
Years without you.
Udala se nikad nije
She's still young
Jos mi ime
They still tell me your name.
Kazu nocu doziva
She calls out to me in the night,
Kao da vrijeme
As if time
Proslo nije
Has passed me by,
Jos me ceka
She's still waiting for me.
Jos nije nicija
She's still no one's girl.
A ja brojim godine
And I'm counting years
Godine bez nje
Years without you.
Orozalo se lice
My face is lined with age,
Godine mi lete
The years have flown by.
Kad god gledam nase slike
When I look at our pictures
Suze mi prijete
Tears threaten my eyes.
Ponekad se pitam
Sometimes I wonder
Da li cu zivot cijeli
If for the rest of my life
Kajati se sto nas saka
I'll regret pushing you away
Grubih rijeci dijeli
With my hurtful words.
Ne znam koliko sam puta
I don't know how many times
Vratio film u glavi
I've replayed our love affair.
Shvatio da smo bili ipak premladi
I've realized now that we were so young.
Samo da je ponos bio malo tisi
If only I had been less proud,
Bila bi sad ovdje ne bih bio sam na kisi
You would be here now and I wouldn't be standing here in the rain alone.
Sam na kisi pred tvojim vratima
Alone in the rain on your doorstep.
Ovdje me ne cujes iako stojim satima
You can't hear me here, though I've been standing here for hours.
Nisam te zaboravio godinama patim
I haven't forgotten you. I've been suffering for years.
Ti si razlog da se u ovaj kraj vratim
You're the reason I come back to this place,
Isplakat cu dusu nece mi biti zao
To pour out my heart to you. I won't regret it,
Jer se godinama krivim sto ti nisam dao
Because for years I've blamed myself for not giving you
Sve ono sto sam ti trebao dati
Everything I should have given you.
Molim Boga da mi te vrati
I pray to God to bring you back to me.
Udala se nikad nije
She's still young,
Jos mi ime kazu nocu doziva
They still tell me your name. She calls out to me in the night,
Kao da vrijeme proslo nije
As if time has passed me by,
Jos me ceka jos nije nicija
She's still waiting for me, she's still no one's girl.
A ja brojim godine godine bez nje
And I'm counting years, years without you.
Udala se nikad nije
She's still young
Jos mi ime kazu nocu doziva
They still tell me your name. She calls out to me in the night,
Kao da vrijeme proslo nije
As if time has passed me by,
Jos me ceka jos nije nicija
She's still waiting for me, she's still no one's girl.
A ja brojim godine godine bez nje
And I'm counting years, years without you.
A ja brojim godine godine bez nje
And I'm counting years, years without you.

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