Berri Txarrak - Izena, izana, ezina - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Berri Txarrak - Izena, izana, ezina

Izena, izana, ezina
Name, what it was, what it can't be
Hemen gaude
Here we are
Zuekin bat natorrela esan nahi dut
I want to tell you that I agree with you
Lur zati txiki hau horren da eder
This small piece of land is so beautiful
Titular guztiak guri buruz dira
All the headlines are about us
Baina ez digu inork ezer ere galdetu
But nobody has ever asked us anything
Batzu mila kilometrora
Some thousands of miles away
Bihotzetik gertu alegia
In our hearts, that is to say
Beste batzu bertan bizita
Others living right here
Horren urrun
So far away
Horren urrun
So far away
Ta hemen gaude...
And here we are...
Zuekin bat natorrela esan nahi dut
I want to tell you that I agree with you
Lur zati txiki hau horren da zaila
This small piece of land is so difficult
Gezurra dirudi ez da nekerik
It seems like a lie, there is no fatigue
Beti ilusioak eraberritzen
Always renewing illusions
Batzu mila kilometrora
Some thousands of miles away
Bihotzetik gertu alegia
In our hearts, that is to say
Beste batzu bertan bizita
Others living right here
Horren urrun
So far away
Sentimenduak ez dira inoiz izan
Feelings have never been
Batzuk saldu nahi duten bezain azalekoak
As superficial as some would like to sell
Ta hemen gaude
And here we are
Zuekin bat natorrela esan nahi dut
I want to tell you that I agree with you
Lura zati txiki hau horren da zahar
This small piece land is so old
Begira eta berriz inausi digute hitza
Look, they have broken their word to us again
Debekuaren artaziekin
With the thorns of prohibition
Batzu mila kilometrora
Some thousands of miles away
Bihotzetik gertu alegia
In our hearts, that is to say
Beste batzu bertan bizita
Others living right here
Horren urrun
So far away
Sentimenduak ez dira inoiz izan
Feelings have never been
Batzuk saldu nahi duten barezain azalekoak
As superficial as some would like to sell
Horren konplikatua ta simplea da
It's so complicated and simple
Hauxe da gure izena, izana ta ezina
This is our name, what it was, and what it can't be
Albistegien izenburuak guri buruz izan ohi dira
The headlines in the news are usually about us
Baina oraindik inork ez digu sekula ezer galdetu
But still nobody has ever asked us anything
Ta he en gaude...
And here we are...

Авторы: Gorka Urbizu Ruiz

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