Berry Goodman - 1988 - перевод текста песни на английский

1988 - Berry Goodmanперевод на английский

You're surrounded by peers
We met by fate and shared our dreams, striving for greatness together
Tough times in a rapidly changing world, don't let your guard down
You're labeled inferior if you don't conform
平成昭和大正明治どの世代も 計算高いやつが誰かの上に成り立つシステム
From Heisei, Showa, Taisho, to Meiji, every generation's the same: the cunning rise to power
人知れず火を灯せ 同じときを生きるみんなに幸あれ
Light a fire in secret, may fortune smile on all who live in this time
1988年 同じ年に生まれた仲間達へ Thank you
1988, to my comrades born in the same year, thank you
感謝と尊敬の気持ちを持って創る 歴史の旅へ
With gratitude and respect, we embark on a historical journey
1988年 同じ年を重ねる仲間達で Stay tuned
1988, with my fellow companions aging together, stay tuned
青春は永遠に終わらない Whenever I respect for my friends.
Our youth will never end, whenever I respect my friends
昭和63年が集い 下町の4畳半でSong write
Showa 63, we gathered in a four-and-a-half-mat room in the downtown area, writing songs
B.E.2R.Y GOODなMusicで日常をKickする
With B.E.2R.Y GOOD music, we kick-started our daily lives
アスリート アーティスト リーマン No border
Athletes, artists, office workers, no borders
俺ならマイクだが君ならなんだ? What'up? あの頃の夢どこだ?
For me, it's the microphone, but for you, what is it? What's up? Where are the dreams of that time?
No doubt. No music, No life
No doubt, for me, no music, no life
"Long time no see," and we talk all night long
語っては呑んで 笑っては泣いて 何度も繰り返して
Talking, drinking, laughing, crying, repeating it over and over
今では二児のパパになったやつも 中卒で地元で働くやつも
Now some have become fathers of two, and some work locally, having dropped out of junior high school
誰かのHERO 無限にWe don't stop 1個下も上げてくFeel so good
Everyone's a hero, we don't stop, raising each other up, feeling so good
Life is as fleeting as a raindrop that falls on a single leaf
なら一瞬一瞬 大事にしながら みんなで一緒に語らい
So let's cherish every moment, talking together
「88」 また会う日まで元気で それまで違うステージで
"88," until we meet again, stay well, until then, on different stages
Challenging each other
でも'll be right here いつでもみんなに会いたいし
But I'll be right here, always wanting to see you all
泣きたい夜も笑いあい 肩並べて Irie time
On nights when you want to cry, we'll laugh together, shoulder to shoulder, Irie time
Never say never コミットして
Never say never, commit yourself
"Never give up," if your heart's in it
Up to you. What's up? Do you feeling?
Up to you. What's up? Do you feel it?
1988年 同じ年に生まれた仲間達へ Thank you
1988, to my comrades born in the same year, thank you
感謝と尊敬の気持ちを持って創る 歴史の旅へ
With gratitude and respect, we embark on a historical journey
1988年 同じ年を重ねる仲間達で Stay tuned
1988, with my fellow companions aging together, stay tuned
青春は永遠に終わらない Whenever I respect for my friends.
Our youth will never end, whenever I respect my friends

Авторы: Berry Goodman

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