Berry Goodman - さくら - перевод текста песни на английский

さくら - Berry Goodmanперевод на английский

「泣かないで 笑って」僕らに手を振り 舞う桜
“Don't cry, smile,” our sakura waves to us.
少し寂しいけど 心の中「ありがとう」と
Though it’s a little sad, in our hearts we say “Thank you,"
グッバイ グッバイ グッバイ
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
なぜか胸が痛くなる春 グラウンドを見ればさくら咲く
For some reason, our chests ache in the spring, because we see sakura blooming on the grounds.
いつになく窓を覗く 北側廊下横 一本の木
On the usual side-corridor facing north, I look out the window and notice a tree.
部活に必死で見なかった 親鳥の元からヒナたちが
I was too busy with club activities to notice the chicks, they have left their mother’s nest.
巣立ってく 僕らも笑って 胸張って 旅立とう
They have spread their wings and taken flight, just like us. Let's leave, smiling and with our chests pumped out.
体育館の紅白の幕 旅立ちの歌で後輩が泣く
The red and white banners hang in the gymnasium, my juniors are crying while singing the graduation song.
Memories fill my head as I listen to the valedictory address.
They come back to life.
大人になった友の表情と 涙で滲んだ卒業証書
The tears on my diploma have blurred the expressions of my friends who have become adults,
ブカブカだった制服も 今じゃぴったり みんな堂々と
Our uniforms used to hang loosely on us, but now they fit perfectly. Everyone stands tall.
If I could, I would meet you here again,
それぞれの道に旅立っていく また新たな人生が始まっていく
But each of us is walking down our own paths, our new lives are just beginning.
Under this sakura tree we always see,
「僕らはずっと繋がってる」 今歩き出そう
“We are always connected,” I tell you. Let’s start walking.
「泣かないで 笑って」僕らに手を振り 舞う桜
“Don't cry, smile,” our sakura waves to us.
聞こえるよ 溢れ出すよ 君との思い出が
I can hear our memories flooding back.
離さないで 握ったこの手に伝わり合う 明日が
Don’t let go, let our grip communicate the future.
少し寂しいけど 心の中「ありがとう」と
Though it’s a little sad, in our hearts we say “Thank you,"
グッバイ グッバイ グッバイ
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
うるさいチャイムの音 ウザい先生の話も懐かしい
The sound of the bell and the dull chatter of the teachers makes me nostalgic.
修学旅行で告白 フラれた事も
Even the times you confessed and got rejected on our school trip,
文化祭の劇 ふざけた事も
And when we fooled around during the play at the culture festival,
走馬灯のように今日 物思いにふける
Come flooding back like a revolving lantern.
教科書 机の中にまだ忘れたまんま
I still haven't taken the textbooks out of my desk,
And the calendar on my wall shows today as the last day.
桜の木の幹に 手をあてる
I place my hand on the trunk of the cherry tree,
いまは亡き君に 手を合わせる
And now for you, who has passed away, I clasp my hands together.
My thoughts rush to you as I shed a tear,
僕らは友達 この先何があっても同じ空の下で
We were friends, no matter what happens in the future, we’ll always be under the same sky.
ずっと忘れない 放課後みんなで行ったコンビニも
I’ll never forget the convenience stores we all went to after school,
語り合った夢も ケンカもあったけど
And the dreams we talked about. We had arguments, but
In my heart I say “Thank you,” and “I’m sorry.”
「泣かないで 笑って」僕らに手を振り 舞う桜
“Don't cry, smile,” our sakura waves to us.
聞こえるよ 溢れ出すよ 君との思い出が
I can hear our memories flooding back.
離さないで 握ったこの手に伝わり合う 明日が
Don’t let go, let our grip communicate the future.
少し寂しいけど 心の中「ありがとう」と
Though it’s a little sad, in our hearts we say “Thank you,"
グッバイ グッバイ グッバイ
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
泣かないと決めてた 別れの日
I decided not to cry on this day of farewell,
But tears are falling from my eyes like shooting stars,
Congratulating our departure with flower petals,
A big, single sakura tree.
「ありがとう」 グッバイ グッバイ
“Thank you,” goodbye, goodbye.
溢れ出す グッバイ グッバイ
Bubbling out, goodbye, goodbye.
We scribbled graffiti in that place where we were laughing until the morning,
「またここで会おうな」 グッバイ
“Let's meet here again.” Goodbye.

Авторы: Berry Goodman

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