Berry Goodman - 線香花火 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Berry Goodman - 線香花火

Japanese Fireworks
線香花火の火は 散りばめた遠い夏の日々
Japanese fireworks are the scattered distant summer days
かすかに痛い胸に ポタポタ溶けて行く
Slightly aching in my chest, melting drop by drop
激しく燃えた恋に ささやかな思いでハナムケを
For the fiercely burning love, a modest thought as a parting gift
軋んだ恋の戸張 伝える術もなくて
The creaking door of love, the means to convey it are gone
激しく揺れる波のしぶきに 今も聞こえてくる
In the spray of the fiercely heaving waves, still echoes
呆れるほどに笑いあってた 君の笑顔も 優しい声も
The smile on your face, your gentle voice, as we lauged in amazement
夏の終わりを風に告げ 想い出は
Announcing the end of summer to the wind, my thoughts
Will whisk you away within the season
線香花火の火は 夏夜の儚い恋の色
Japanese fireworks are the color of a summer night's fleeting romance
余韻も残さぬまま 小さくなって消えた
Without leaving an afterglow, they grow small and vanish
心の中に焼きついた火は 今も胸に残る
The fire etched in my heart still lingers in my chest
巡り会う日を夢見て咲いた 夜空を飾る花火のように
Like fireworks that blossom, dreaming of the day we'll meet again, adorning the night sky
恋の終わりを風に告げ 面影は
Announcing the end of love to the wind, the afterimage
時の流れに そっと色褪せてく
Gradually fades with the flow of time
激しく揺れる波のしぶきに 今も聞こえてくる
In the spray of the fiercely heaving waves, still echoes
呆れるほどに笑いあってた 君の笑顔も 優しい声も
The smile on your face, your gentle voice, as we lauged in amazement
夏の終わりを風に告げ 想い出は
Announcing the end of summer to the wind, my thoughts
季節の中で 君をさらってゆく
Will whisk you away within the season
恋の終わりを風に告げ 面影は
Announcing the end of love to the wind, the afterimage
時の流れに そっと色褪せてく
Gradually fades with the flow of time
夏の花火のように 君といた夏の日
Like summer fireworks, the summer days I spent with you

Авторы: Berry Goodman, Micro

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