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Melkus Libu New
Melkus Libu New
ፊት በውሀ ላይ እንደሚታይ ያህል ቢሆንም
Though your face may reflect nothing more than water
የሰው ልብ እኮ ለሰውም ይታያል
A person's heart can be seen by another person
የሰው ፊት ውስጡን ያሳብቃል
A person's face can reveal their inner self
And their voice
ደሞ ሰው ውስጡ ውብ ሲሆን
Indeed, when a person's heart is beautiful
እውነተኛ ውበት
This is true beauty
ከድብቅነት እያለፈ እወጣ እወጣ ሲመጣ
When it surfaces, bubbling to the surface as it escapes from the depths
ላይን አምሮ አለመታየት ያለመቻል ሚስጥር
Veiled by lies, unable to reveal itself, a mystery
እጅግ ይገርማል
It's truly captivating
በመልካም እንደ ልቡ ምርጫ
In goodness, as your heart desires
ላይ ታቹን የምድሩን ዳርቻ
You have touched the corners of the earth
ነው ብሎ ሰራው ቅን በጎ
With a generous and kind heart, he created it
ሁሉን በጊዜው ውብ አርጎ
In time, he beautifully adorned everything
ነው ብሎ ሰራው ቅን በጎ
With a generous and kind heart, he created it
ሁሉን በጊዜው ውብ አርጎ
In time, he beautifully adorned everything
እኛ ነን እና
And so are we
ውብ የእጆቹ ስራ
A beautiful work of his hands
ሁላችን ነን እና
And so are we all
ድንቅ የእጆቹ ስራ
A wonderful work of his hands
በመልካም እንደ ልቡ ምርጫ
In goodness, as your heart desires
ላይ ታቹን የምድሩን ዳርቻ
You have touched the corners of the earth
ነው ብሎ ሰራው ቅን በጎ
With a generous and kind heart, he created it
ሁሉን በጊዜው ውብ አርጎ
In time, he beautifully adorned everything
እኛ ነን እና
And so are we
ውብ የእጆቹ ስራ
A beautiful work of his hands
ሁላችን ነን እና
And so are we all
ድንቅ የእጆቹ ስራ
A wonderful work of his hands
አያልቅም ትርፏ
Jealousy has no place here
ሰፊ ነች ምድሯ
The earth is vast
For each of us
አርጓት ድርሻችን
Our dreams will come true
እኛ ነን እና
And so are we
ውብ የእጆቹ ስራ
A beautiful work of his hands
ሁላችን ነን እና
And so are we all
ድንቅ የእጆቹ ስራ
A wonderful work of his hands
ልቡን ሲያጠራ
When his heart speaks
ውስጡን ሲያበራ
When his soul shines
ሰው ሁሌም ውብ ነው
Every person is beautiful
ድንቁ ውብ ስራ
A wonderful work of art
ለእድሜው በከንቱ ባይሰጋ
Even as his body ages
ሰው ክብር አለው ዋጋ
A person has value and dignity
ለኔ ሁሌም ሰው ሲፈጠር
To me, every person, when created
ውብ ቢነጣ ቢጠቁር
Is beautiful, even if scarred or wounded
ውብ የእጆቹ ስራ
A beautiful work of his hands
ሁላችን ነን እና
And so are we all
ድንቅ የእጆቹ ስራ
A wonderful work of his hands
እኛ ነን እና
And so are we
ውብ የእጆቹ ስራ
A beautiful work of his hands
ሁላችን ነን እና
And so are we all
ድንቅ የእጆቹ ስራ
A wonderful work of his hands

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