BewhY - So What - перевод текста песни на английский

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So What
So What
BewhY 후에 세계가 기억할 이름
My name, BewhY, will be remembered by the world after I'm gone
새롭게 만들어 힙합 역사의 기둥
I'm a pillar in the history of hip-hop, building it anew
형제들과 걷겠지 영광의 길을 허나
With my brothers, I'll walk the path of glory, but for now
현재 대한민국 천만의 일부
I'm just one among tens of millions in South Korea
나라의 아주 작은 국민 하나가 맞아
Yes, I'm just one of the many citizens of this country
But BewhY 나뿐이야 누가 나와 같아
But as BewhY, I'm unique, who can compare?
그래 너가 말한 듯이 꿈은 허황되고
As you said, my dreams are unrealistic and
거대하지 너와 다른 생각과 꿈으로 가득 찼지
grand, filled with thoughts and aspirations different from yours
Yello 단어는 단순히 민족의 피부를 가리키는 말이 아니여
Yellow, this word isn't just about the color of my people's skin
힙합의 뿌리가 있는 안에 영웅들의 것을 우리의 것으로 승화시켜
It's about taking what our heroes built in the land of hip-hop's roots and making it our own
민족의 혼이 담겨진 음악이 땅에 울려 퍼지리라는 나와 형제들이 가진
Music infused with the spirit of our people will resonate through that land, that's the
소망의 단어 너가 나에게 뭐라건 소망이 이뤄질 준비 있는 미래를 나는 알어
hope my brothers and I hold. Whatever you say to me, I know the future where that hope will be fulfilled
Yo So What So what I don't give a damn 여기까지 온게 누구 덕이건 모든게 은혜
Yo, So what? So what? I don't give a damn. No matter who helped me get here, it's all grace
절대 벗지 않아 임마 꿈의 콩깍지를
I'll never take off these rose-colored glasses of my dreams
보지 않아 임마 꿈을 가리는 시시한 현실을
I won't look at the trivial reality that obscures my dreams
So what So what I don't give a damn 누가 뭐래도 I'm on my way
So what? So what? I don't give a damn. No matter what anyone says, I'm on my way
내가 걸어 길이 되고 살아 삶이 되는 그곳에서 I do it
Where I walk becomes the path, where I live becomes life, that's where I do it
So what So what I don't give a damn 누가 뭐래도 I'm on my way
So what? So what? I don't give a damn. No matter what anyone says, I'm on my way
내가 걸어 길이 되고 살아 삶이 되는 그곳에서 I do it
Where I walk becomes the path, where I live becomes life, that's where I do it
So what So what I don't give a damn 누가 뭐래도 I'm on my way x2
So what? So what? I don't give a damn. No matter what anyone says, I'm on my way x2
Yo 나는 자랑스런 아빠 엄마의 아들
Yo, I'm the proud son of my father and mother
그들의 사랑으로 만든 축복의 작품
A blessed creation made with their love
주셔서 정말 감사해 아름다운 삶을
Thank you for giving me this beautiful life
나를 욕하든 말든 나는 박수 받을만 함을
Whether you curse me or not, I deserve applause
내가 가진 재능과 어떤 조건이 아닌
Not because of my talent or any conditions I have
내가 숨쉬며 사는 존재 자체로써
But simply for the fact that I exist and breathe
아주 마땅하다고 매일 느끼지
I feel it every day, it's so right
그걸 랩으로 풀어 내려 on ma beat
I try to express it through rap, on my beat
과거 인정해 이뤄 없는 시절에서 살았고 미련했던 선택들도 있었네
I acknowledge my past, I lived through times of nothingness and made foolish choices
남들과 나를 비교했고 자신을 미워했던 기억이 괴롭혔지만 밀어냈고 이겨냈어
Memories of comparing myself to others and hating myself haunted me, but I pushed through and overcame them
어제들은 현재의 만든 history 사이에서 심어진
My yesterdays are the history that made me who I am today, and in that history, a
나만의 신념이 있어 신념을 믿고 믿고 믿었기에
belief unique to me was planted. Because I believed in that belief, over and over again,
넘어질 때면 일어났고 맘을 지켯지
I got up when I fell and kept my heart strong
너가 모두다 맞는 겉으론 소심 한듯한 열등감 가득 찼던 끌려 다니기
You're right about me, all of it. My life, filled with inferiority complex despite appearing confident, being dragged around,
바쁜 수동적인 나약했던 과거의 죄다 맞아 허나 그게 바로 지금의
the passive me, the weak past me, it's all true. But that's what
변화되게 했지 Now I'm different
made me change. Now I'm different
계속해 이렇게 나가는 것이 Mission
Continuing like this is my mission
그저 순수하게 가지는 마음만은 Children
My heart remains pure, like a child's
나의 꿈을 막지 어떤 현실도
No reality can stop my dreams
So what So what I don't give a damn 누가 뭐래도 I'm on my way
So what? So what? I don't give a damn. No matter what anyone says, I'm on my way
내가 걸어 길이 되고 살아 삶이 되는 그곳에서 I do it
Where I walk becomes the path, where I live becomes life, that's where I do it
So what So what I don't give a damn 누가 뭐래도 I'm on my way
So what? So what? I don't give a damn. No matter what anyone says, I'm on my way
내가 걸어 길이 되고 살아 삶이 되는 그곳에서 I do it
Where I walk becomes the path, where I live becomes life, that's where I do it
So what So what I don't give a damn 누가 뭐래도 I'm on my way x2
So what? So what? I don't give a damn. No matter what anyone says, I'm on my way x2
What is our pride? Money or Car?
What is our pride? Money or car?
혹은 재능과 명예 그게 너만의 자랑
Or talent and fame? If that's your only boast,
이라면 너와 나랑은 많이 다르겠네
then you and I are quite different
기준에서 그보다 귀한걸 따르겠네
I'll follow something more precious than that, by my standards
사람들이 말하길 겉모습은 양아치
People say my appearance is like a thug
허나 심장엔 예수의 이게 가치
But in my heart is the blood of Jesus, that's my value
그를 자랑함이 가장 나답지
Boasting about him is the most me thing to do
Versace givenchy That is not my pride shit
Versace, Givenchy, that is not my pride, shit
세상은 손가락질해 Don't stop it man
The world points fingers, don't stop it, man
이미 각오한 것이네 가운데서 내가 받은 사랑을
I've already made up my mind, I strive to
전하기에 힘써 I'm always on his love
share the love I've received in the midst of it all. I'm always on his love
우릴 사랑함을 보여주기 위해 십자가를 지고
To show his love for us, he carried the cross,
흠과 없는 그분이 맞이 죽음
and the one without blemish or defect faced death
드리기로 결심했어 영광과 모든
I've decided to offer him my glory and all my dreams
Yeah Loving God and Loving each other
Yeah, loving God and loving each other
이게 숙제 안에서 우린 가족이라고
This is my homework, in him we are family
fan이 아녀 just sister & brother
You're not my fan, just sister & brother
가끔 힘들어도 그의 가르침 대로 살어
Even when it's hard, live according to his teachings
So What 이건 나의
So what? This is my life
Smoke & Drink & Crack
Smoke & drink & crack
이런게 삶에 과연 필요할까
Do I really need these in my life?
주가주신 자체에 중독되고 취했지
I'm addicted and drunk on the life God gave me
노래하지 않을 없어 소리를 높이 외치고 외쳐
I can't help but sing, raise my voice and shout again and again
Meshasoulja 내가 것과
Meshasoulja, for who I am and
삶으로 돌리지 아닌 그분의 영광
my life, I give not my own glory but His
So what So what I don't give a damn 누가 뭐래도 I'm on my way
So what? So what? I don't give a damn. No matter what anyone says, I'm on my way
내가 걸어 길이 되고 살아 삶이 되는 그곳에서 I do it
Where I walk becomes the path, where I live becomes life, that's where I do it
So what So what I don't give a damn 누가 뭐래도 I'm on my way
So what? So what? I don't give a damn. No matter what anyone says, I'm on my way
내가 걸어 길이 되고 살아 삶이 되는 그곳에서 I do it
Where I walk becomes the path, where I live becomes life, that's where I do it
So what So what I don't give a damn 누가 뭐래도 I'm on my way x2
So what? So what? I don't give a damn. No matter what anyone says, I'm on my way x2

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