Beyond - 俾面派對 (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

俾面派對 (Live) - Beyondперевод на английский

俾面派對 (Live)
Face Party (Live)
Face Party
編: Beyond
Composer: Beyond
穿起一身金衣裝 取消今天的工作
Get dressed in a golden suit and cancel all your appointments for today
擠身繽紛的色彩 來讓我去告訴你 派對永無真意義
Squeeze into the colorful crowd and let me tell you, there's no real meaning to a party
不管相識不相識 盡管多D Say Hello
Whether you know each other or not, just say hello to more people
不需諸多的挑剔 無謂太過有性格 派對你要不缺席
No need to be picky, no point in being too individualistic, you shouldn't be absent from parties
你話唔俾面 佢話唔賞面 似為名節做奴隸
You say you won't give face, he says he won't show respect, as if you're slaves to reputation
種種方式的綑綁 請柬一出怎抵擋
All kinds of restraints, how can you resist when the invitation arrives?
想出千般的推搪 明日富貴與閉翳 也要靠你俾0下面
Come up with a thousand excuses, but tomorrow's wealth and glory depend on you giving face
你話唔俾面 佢話唔賞面 似為名節做奴隸
Oh, you say you won't give face, he says he won't show respect, as if you're slaves to reputation
你都咪話唔俾面 咪話唔賞面 似用人臉做錢幣
You better not say you won't give face, better not say you won't show respect, as if you're using people's faces as currency
你話唔俾面 佢話唔賞面 似為名節做奴隸
You say you won't give face, he says he won't show respect, as if you're slaves to reputation
你都咪話唔俾面 咪話唔賞面 似用人臉做錢幣
You better not say you won't give face, better not say you won't show respect, as if you're using people's faces as currency
Most afraid, most afraid that you won't give face
Most afraid, most afraid that you won't give face
Most afraid, most afraid that you won't give face
Most afraid, most afraid that you won't give face
Most afraid, most afraid that you won't give face
Most afraid, most afraid that you won't give face

Авторы: Jia Ju Huang

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