Big Ben - On - перевод текста песни на английский

On - Big Benперевод на английский

عايش حر
I live free
عايش حر في حياتي
I live free in my life
وراح أضل لحد ما يتسجل مماتي
And I will continue until my death is recorded
متطفلين بأمور الناس
Trespassers in the affairs of people
متطفل عالأرض بينداس
Trespassing on the earth to be trampled
هاظ راح وهاظ اجا
This one went and this one came
هاظ مات وهاظ نجا
This one died and this one escaped
هاظ لبس وهاظ قلع
This one wore and this one took off
هاظ شرف وهاظ انقلع
This one was honored and this one was removed
عيش طير حر.
Live the life of a free bird.
لا تعيش بعيد محكوم
Don't live as a prisoner
بتعيش حياة وحدة والأجل أكيد انو محتوم
You live a single life and the end is definitely inevitable
" مالهم فيك "
"What is it to you?"
فأنت خذ هاي العبارة أساس
So take this phrase as a basis
لا تلتفت ولا تهتم لأي من كلام الناس
Don't pay attention and don't care about any of the talk of people
بدهم يحكمونا بما يسمى العادات والتقاليد
They want to rule us by what they call customs and traditions
وهالاشي للفكر الأعمى هو أكبر وليد
And this thing is the greatest infant for the blind mind
المجرم طليق تحت ضل العشائرية
The criminal is free under the shadow of tribalism
وانت بخطواتك ما الك أي حرية
And in your steps you have no freedom
كلام صنع أقلام .
Words made with pens.
كلام صنع أحلام .
Words made with dreams.
كلام مصنع بإحكام
Words manufactured with precision
بقول الي بقلبي . بدون أي قيود
I say what's in my heart. without any restrictions
للبعض مش ودود والفكر مش محدود
For some it's not friendly and the thinking is not limited
وهي واحد من الردود .
And it is one of the responses.
" لا ترتبط بكلامهم ، لا تهتم لأحكامهم لسبب بسيط .
"Don't be bound by their words, don't care about their judgments for a simple reason.
هما مالهم ؟
What is it to them?
لا تهتم بأحوالهم لأنها فراغ من أقوالهم،
Don't care about their circumstances because it's a vacuum of their words,
عدم الرد رد لسؤالهم .
No response is a response to their question.
والزمن ؟ هو الي راح يسجل زوالهم "
And time? It will record their demise."
بحياتك لا تعطيهم مساحة
In your life, don't give them space
ومنها اعمللهم ازاحة
And from it, work to remove them
وتجنبهم على قدر الإمكان
And avoid them as much as possible
وبحياتك ما يكونلهم مكان
And in your life do not give them a place
اعمل الي انت مقتنع فيه
Do what you are convinced of
ولا تعمل الي بس يرضيه
And don't do what only pleases them
والي يدعسلك على طرف احرقلو أراضيه
And the one who tramples on you on the edge, burn his lands
لا تعيش مكبل بقيود
Don't live bound by constraints
اثبت انك فالحياة موجود
Prove that you exist in life
اصنع نفوذ اكسر عيون
Create influence, break eyes
هدفهم واحد . بس تربيطك
Their goal is one. just tie you down
تحرر حتى تنجح ويرتفع سيطك
Liberate yourself so that you succeed and your dominance rises
ماشيين واسمهم قطيع
Walking and their name is herd
بدهم تلحقهم وتكون فتى مطيع
They want to catch you and be an obedient boy
" تكون حياة مثال للحرية ،
"Be life an example of freedom,
حياة مثال للديمقراطية ،
Life as an example of democracy,
احرار بطريقة حياتنا،
Free in our way of life,
احرار بستايلاتنا ،
Free in our styles,
احرار باللي بنسويه ،
Free in what we do,
حياة تنضرب فيها الأمثال .
Life in which examples are hit.
بعيدة كل البعد عن الشجع
Far away from the courage
وحب المال ، هي أحلام انا قاعد بكتبها "
And love of money, they are dreams that I am writing about"
خلوني احلم واستمتع بأحلامي
Let me dream and enjoy my dreams
ما بيدي حيلة غير اني اكتب بأقلامي
I have no choice but to write with my pens
" لا ترتبط بكلامهم ، لا تهتم لأحكامهم لسبب بسيط .
"Don't be bound by their words, don't care about their judgments for a simple reason.
هما مالهم ؟
What is it to them?
لا تهتم بأحوالهم لأنها فراغ من أقوالهم،
Don't care about their circumstances because it's a vacuum of their words,
عدم الرد رد لسؤالهم
No response is a response to their question
والزمن ؟ هو الي راح يسجل زوالهم "
And time? It will record their demise."
" لا ترتبط بكلامهم ، لا تهتم لأحكامهم لسبب بسيط .
"Don't be bound by their words, don't care about their judgments for a simple reason.
هما مالهم ؟
What is it to them?
لا تهتم بأحوالهم لأنها فراغ من أقوالهم،
Don't care about their circumstances because it's a vacuum of their words,
عدم الرد رد لسؤالهم
No response is a response to their question
والزمن ؟ هو الي راح يسجل زوالهم "
And time? It will record their demise."

Авторы: Thomas Kerdelhue

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