Bigflo & Oli feat. Busta Rhymes - Ça va trop vite - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Bigflo & Oli feat. Busta Rhymes - Ça va trop vite

Ça va trop vite
It's Going Too Fast
Bigflo & Oli, Busta Rhymes
Bigflo & Oli, Busta Rhymes
J'vous préviens, ça va aller vite (wouh)
I'm warning you, it's gonna go fast (wouh)
On s'en bat les couilles des études tant qu'on est sur Insta
We don't give a damn about studies as long as we're on Insta
On peut faire de la pub pour des produits sympas
We can advertise cool products
Se faire de la thune avec les doigts et les pieds en éventail
Make money with our fingers and toes fanned out
Donc pour dix mille balles, donne un peu de toi
So for ten thousand bucks, give us a little bit of yourself
Mais descends ta photo, le rond ne m'intéresse pas
But lower your photo, I'm not interested in your face
Recadre, regarde, ouais voilà comme ça
Crop, look, yeah, that's it
On s'en fout de ton visage, montrez-nous un peu de string
We don't care about your face, show us some thong
Vous avez compris les filles, vous êtes des produits marketing
You girls understand, you're marketing products
Et vous les gars faut être costauds, bien habillés, faut être gosse-beau
And you guys gotta be strong, well-dressed, gotta be good-looking
Et si il parle sur ta sœur, sur ta mère, sur ta femme, faut qu't'envoies ce type à l'hosto
And if he talks about your sister, your mother, your wife, you gotta send that guy to the hospital
Et si tu veux te taper plein d'filles, faut pousser la fonte
And if you wanna bang a lot of girls, you gotta lift weights
T'es encore puceau à 13 piges, poto c'est la honte
You're still a virgin at 13, dude, that's a shame
Faut que t'aimes les ballons, les flingues et les blondes, les balles et les canons et les- stop
You gotta love balloons, guns and blondes, balls and cannons and- stop
Ça va trop vite
It's going too fast
Ça va trop vite
It's going too fast
Ça va trop vite
It's going too fast
Les filles, le fric, les flics
Girls, money, cops
Ouais ça va trop vite (trop vite, trop vite, trop vite)
Yeah, it's going too fast (too fast, too fast, too fast)
Ça va trop vite (trop vite, trop vite, trop vite)
It's going too fast (too fast, too fast, too fast)
Ça va trop vite (trop vite, trop vite, trop vite)
It's going too fast (too fast, too fast, too fast)
Ça va trop vite (trop vite, trop vite, trop vite)
It's going too fast (too fast, too fast, too fast)
Ralentis, respire, (hun hun) respire (doucement)
Slow down, breathe, (hun hun) breathe (gently)
Ralentis, respire, (hun hun) respire
Slow down, breathe, (hun hun) breathe
J'ai dit ralentis (doucement), respire (prends l'temps), (hun hun) respire
I said slow down (gently), breathe (take your time), (hun hun) breathe
Ralentis, respire, si t'as du mal à suivre, t'es bienvenu dans l'équipe
Slow down, breathe, if you're struggling to keep up, you're welcome to the team
Pour les petits imberbes c'est le cirque Pinder
For the young beardless boys, it's the Pinder circus
Qu'on joue depuis un vers et je suis sincère
That we've been playing since a verse and I'm sincere
On crée une génération de petits cons détestables
We're creating a generation of obnoxious little jerks
À peine sept ans, ça veut déjà conduire le Vespa
Barely seven years old, they already want to drive the Vespa
(Hun hun) Perdus sur le net, ils ont déjà maté du porno
(Hun hun) Lost on the net, they've already watched porn
Et le pire c'est qu'ils sont même pas choqués avec leurs potos
And the worst part is they're not even shocked with their buddies
Car y a du cul, à la télé, à la radio, dans les journaux
Because there's ass, on TV, on the radio, in the newspapers
Génération si t'as pas de boules, t'as pas de boulot
Generation if you don't have balls, you don't have a job
C'est la merde dès l'plus jeune âge
It's shit from the youngest age
Ils n'écoutent pas les sages
They don't listen to the wise
Et les parents sont contents, ils ne voient pas la pagaille
And the parents are happy, they don't see the mess
Ils s'occupent pas d'leurs enfants, ils ont beaucoup de travail
They don't take care of their kids, they have a lot of work
Et les défilés filent, s'imaginent à Philadelphie
And the fashion shows go by, they imagine themselves in Philadelphia
Pour enfiler des filles fines comme des fines fouines
To put on girls as thin as fine martens
Le profil en wifi quand l'école est finie
The wifi profile when school is over
Rêvent de la belle villa dans les Fidji comme dans les films
They dream of the beautiful villa in Fiji like in the movies
J'ai rien compris
I don't understand anything
Ça va trop vite
It's going too fast
Ça va trop vite
It's going too fast
Ça va trop vite
It's going too fast
Les filles, le fric, les flics
Girls, money, cops
Ouais ça va trop vite (trop vite, trop vite, trop vite)
Yeah, it's going too fast (too fast, too fast, too fast)
Ça va trop vite (trop vite, trop vite, trop vite)
It's going too fast (too fast, too fast, too fast)
Ça va trop vite (trop vite, trop vite, trop vite)
It's going too fast (too fast, too fast, too fast)
Ça va trop vite (trop vite, trop vite, trop vite)
It's going too fast (too fast, too fast, too fast)
Ralentis, respire, (hun hun) respire (doucement)
Slow down, breathe, (hun hun) breathe (gently)
Ralentis, respire, (hun hun) respire
Slow down, breathe, (hun hun) breathe
J'ai dit ralentis, respire (okay), (hun hun) (respire) respire
I said slow down, breathe (okay), (hun hun) (breathe) breathe
Ralentis (tranquille), respire, Oli t'es prêt? Allez (go go go)
Slow down (easy), breathe, Oli are you ready? Let's go (go go go)
Des politiques à la télé qui débattent, des vidéos débats, des coups de poings, des battes
Politicians on TV debating, debate videos, punches, bats
Et des patates dans la tête, des bavures et des balles qui se perdent dans le bâtiment
And potatoes in the head, blunders and bullets that get lost in the building
C'est devenu banal et des petits qui cannent pour que t'arrêtes
It's become commonplace and little kids snitching to get you to stop
Y a ce type de mots du balcon pendant la bagarre
There's that guy with words from the balcony during the fight
Pour une histoire de paquets de came et de femmes
For a story of drug packages and women
Tout le monde pète un câble, on peut de braquer, te claquer dans une cave
Everyone's losing their minds, they can rob you, slam you in a basement
Et demander de vider le sac pour quelques dollars
And ask you to empty your pockets for a few dollars
Tout le monde veut la baraque et la belle bagnole
Everyone wants the big house and the nice car
Taper des barres aux Baléares avec sa bande de potes
To have fun in the Balearic Islands with their group of friends
Et dans cette époque, t'as pas de milliers de billets, t'es pauvre
And in this day and age, if you don't have thousands of bills, you're poor
Les poches pliées, t'es humilié faut remonter la côte
Pockets folded, you're humiliated, you gotta get back up
Quitte à taper les plus petits ou bien braquer la poste
Even if it means beating up the little ones or robbing the post office
Casser la porte si y a des morts ce n'est pas de ta faute
Breaking down the door, if there are deaths, it's not your fault
Et peu importe, t'es prêt à tout pour embarquer la cagnotte, non, non, stop
And no matter what, you're ready to do anything to take the jackpot, no, no, stop
Ça va trop vite
It's going too fast
Ça va trop vite (Big Flo & Oli)
It's going too fast (Big Flo & Oli)
Ça va trop vite
It's going too fast
Les filles, le fric, les flics
Girls, money, cops
Ouais ça va trop vite (trop vite, trop vite, trop vite)
Yeah, it's going too fast (too fast, too fast, too fast)
Ça va trop vite (trop vite, trop vite, trop vite)
It's going too fast (too fast, too fast, too fast)
Ça va trop vite (trop vite, trop vite, trop vite)
It's going too fast (too fast, too fast, too fast)
Ça va trop vite (trop vite, trop vite, trop vite)
It's going too fast (too fast, too fast, too fast)
Ralentis, respire, (doucement) (hun hun) respire (prends l'temps)
Slow down, breathe, (gently) (hun hun) breathe (take your time)
Ralentis, respire, (doucement) (hun hun) respire
Slow down, breathe, (gently) (hun hun) breathe
J'ai dit ralentis, respire, (hun hun) respire
I said slow down, breathe, (hun hun) breathe
Ralentis, respire, Busta Rhymes
Slow down, breathe, Busta Rhymes
Yo, nobody listen 'cause ya know we didn't wanna follow nobody
Yo, nobody listen 'cause ya know we didn't wanna follow nobody
Don't wanna discipline because of who is giving in (hu)
Don't wanna discipline because of who is giving in (hu)
When they really busy giving themselves their telephones
When they really busy giving themselves their telephones
Is the kinda day we living in
Is the kinda day we living in
But I know the kinda water we writing, the kinda fire we lighting
But I know the kinda water we writing, the kinda fire we lighting
And let me show you what I should do
And let me show you what I should do
Show you how to focus and show you the truth about yourself when you be on the phone
Show you how to focus and show you the truth about yourself when you be on the phone
Like is the phone really using you?
Like is the phone really using you?
Everybody wanna protest, citizens they wanna post money and they wanna post
Everybody wanna protest, citizens they wanna post money and they wanna post
Even the footage of someone who's getting ready to die
Even the footage of someone who's getting ready to die
You mothafuckas be doing the most so you can brag and boast
You mothafuckas be doing the most so you can brag and boast
So try to catch the ghost inside your camera phones and banana homes
So try to catch the ghost inside your camera phones and banana homes
I got the answer though, and the antidote
I got the answer though, and the antidote
And this time I go to war, hope you planned to go
And this time I go to war, hope you planned to go
They say, "I'm glad you're back" I tell 'em "Cut the check"
They say, "I'm glad you're back" I tell 'em "Cut the check"
"Now where your values at? And where your self-respect?"
"Now where your values at? And where your self-respect?"
I got a plan for that
I got a plan for that
But yo we get up and rap, and we are we're giving the truth
But yo we get up and rap, and we are we're giving the truth
You better watch your step, you better
You better watch your step, you better
You better know where you're going, you better know when to leave
You better know where you're going, you better know when to leave
You better know how you're going in every moment you breathe
You better know how you're going in every moment you breathe
You better prove what they're showing
You better prove what they're showing
Because we never fuck around you know, we keeping it growing (you gotta)
Because we never fuck around you know, we keeping it growing (you gotta)
And I hope you've been listening
And I hope you've been listening
Keep quiet 'til you hear the birds whistling
Keep quiet 'til you hear the birds whistling
Bury your point because the way the common man thinking
Bury your point because the way the common man thinking
A common state of mind is equivalent
A common state of mind is equivalent
And I'm here to re-position the condition and because
And I'm here to re-position the condition and because
It's had a rippling effect and it's sickening (hou-hou)
It's had a rippling effect and it's sickening (hou-hou)
God bless, get it right, everybody and I hope you appreciate
God bless, get it right, everybody and I hope you appreciate
This kinda truth that you're witnessing
This kinda truth that you're witnessing
And envisioning
And envisioning
And envisioning
And envisioning
And envisioning
And envisioning
And envisioning
And envisioning
And envisioning
And envisioning
And envisioning
And envisioning
And envisioning
And envisioning
And envisioning
And envisioning
Les gars, c'est bon j'ai retrouvé la vidéo
Guys, okay, I found the video
Y a même pas écrit "Bigflo & Oli, Wawad" d'accord
It doesn't even say "Bigflo & Oli, Wawad" okay
Le titre de la vidéo, c'est "SL740021" oui, voilà
The title of the video is "SL740021" yeah, there it is
Non en bas, oui celle-là, celle-là, celle-là, 84 vues
No below, yeah that one, that one, that one, 84 views
Écoute Flo, écoute Flo frère
Listen Flo, listen Flo bro
(Okay) Oh non
(Okay) Oh no
(Lavé, le rap est cave des cas il fallait)
(Washed up, rap is hollow in some cases it was necessary)
(Un peu, merde j'me suis chié)
(A little, damn I messed up)
(Pull up, pull up)
(Pull up, pull up)
Wouah, vidéo malaise, heureusement qu'y a pas de titre
Wow, awkward video, luckily there's no title

Авторы: busta rhymes, en'zoo, florian ordonez, olivio ordonez

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