Biggie feat. Karie - Opera de arta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Biggie feat. Karie - Opera de arta

Opera de arta
Art Piece
O miscare,
Oh move,
2 timpi,
2 beats,
Pozitiile le schimbi
Change the positions
Desfa picioarele sa-ti dau...
Spread your legs so I can give you...
Am pofta de dulce,
I crave something sweet,
Imi place savarina
I love savarin
Cu mâna-n gâtu′ tau,
With my hand in your throat,
Iti creste adrenalina
Your adrenaline is rising
Alina alina alina-mi-ai seara
Alina, Alina, Alina, you ease my nights
Când pun mâna pe tine
When I put my hand on you
Te topesti ca ceara
You melt like wax
Ai sângele fierbinte ca nisipu' din Sahara
Your blood is hot like the sand in the Sahara
Ma uit la tine-mi ploua-n gura...
I look at you and my mouth starts to water...
Nu stai mult la discutii
You don't talk much
Treci direct la fapte
You get right to business
N-ai rabdare sa-i dau jos
You can't wait for me to take them off
Ti dau doar intr-o parte
I just give you one side
Da′ vai, da' vai, dar vai ce onoare!!!
Oh my, oh my, but oh what an honor!
Sa fiu trecut la tine-n telefon
To be listed in your phone as
"3 picioare"
"3 legs"
Mânca-i-as pizda ei de fata,
I'd eat her pussy, that girl,
Ce frumos se pune capra!
She does doggy style so well!
Ce face-i opera de arta,
She's a true work of art,
Si stie cum s-o ia pe toata!
And she knows how to take it all!
Mânca-i-as pizda ei de fata,
I'd eat her pussy, that girl,
Ce frumos se pune capra!
She does doggy style so well!
Ce face-i opera de arta,
She's a true work of art,
Si stie cum s-o ia pe toata!
And she knows how to take it all!
Se-ntinde ca guma,
She stretches like gum,
Lipicioasa numa'
So sticky
Sa-mi faca damblaua
To make me cum
Sa faca pe nebuna
To drive me wild
La fel ca vulcanu′,
Like a volcano,
Sta sa erupa
She's about to erupt
Baiatu′ e finut,
The boy is smooth,
Da' nu când tre′ s-o futa
But not when he needs to fuck
Trasa de par,
Pulling her hair,
Palme pe cur,
Spanking her ass,
Te-aprind ca pe bricheta
I turn you on like a lighter
Pâna ajungem acasa
Until we get home
Fa-mi o muie pe bancheta
Give me a blowjob in the car
Tâte, cur, ma jur, arati perfect
Tits, ass, I swear, you look perfect
Ai devenit pentru mine un tabiet
You've become an addiction for me
Adica va-sa-zica,
I mean,
Nu-i caterinca
It's not a joke
Asta mica-i frumusica,
This little one is beautiful,
Are gesturi de pisica
She has the moves of a cat
Sta numai coada sus,
Her tail always up,
Ma tine binespus
She keeps me happy
O ia jos,
She goes down,
O ia sus si mereu mai vrea în plus
She goes up and always wants more
Fata nesatula,
That insatiable girl,
Doua degete in gura
Two fingers in her mouth
Uneori prajita
Sometimes fries
Da' mereu prajitura
But always a snack
Mi-a zis ca ii place
She told me she likes it
Ca sunt dulce
That I'm sweet
Si d-aia ma seduce
And that's why she seduces me
Si d-aia nu se duce
And that's why she doesn't leave
Mânca-i-as pizda ei de fata,
I'd eat her pussy, that girl,
Ce frumos se pune capra!
She does doggy style so well!
Ce face-i opera de arta,
She's a true work of art,
Si stie cum s-o ia pe toata!
And she knows how to take it all!
Mânca-i-as pizda ei de fata,
I'd eat her pussy, that girl,
Ce frumos se pune capra!
She does doggy style so well!
Ce face-i opera de arta,
She's a true work of art,
Si stie cum s-o ia pe toata!
And she knows how to take it all!

Авторы: George Toma

Biggie feat. Karie - Opera de arta (feat. Karie) - Single
Opera de arta (feat. Karie) - Single
дата релиза

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