Biggie - Respect - перевод текста песни на английский

Respect - Biggieперевод на английский

Am respect
I got respect
Pentru ce-i ce ma iubesc
For those who love me
Si chiar de nu ma halesc
And even if you can't stand me
Eu tot n-am sa ma opresc
I still won't stop
Iti zic direct
I'm telling you straight up
Ca eu am sa stralucesc
That I'm gonna shine
Chiar si cu lumina stinsa
Even with the lights off
In multime ma deosebesc
I stand out in the crowd
Nu stiu multe dar stiu cand primesc respect
I don't know much but I know when I get respect
Daca nu stii sa-l oferi, ti-o dau scurt si la obiect
If you don't know how to give it, I'll make it short and to the point
Ori esti cu mine, ori impotriva mea
You're either with me or against me
Nu-i cale de mijloc, altfel nu s-ar putea
There's no middle ground, otherwise it wouldn't be possible
Respect pe oricine ma respecta
I respect anyone who respects me
Chiar de-i din clasa de jos sau clasa mai selecta
Even if they're from the lower class or a more select class
Fumezi la bucata sau tragi dintr-un trabuc
You smoke by the piece or you pull from a cigar
Respectul tot ramane atunci cand banii se duc
Respect still remains when the money runs out
Daca stii sa ai bun simt, mereu iesi in evidenta
If you know how to have common sense, you always stand out
Daca ai si caracter, e piesa de rezistenta
If you also have character, that's the key piece
Respect, nu-i de cumparat, eu l-am castigat
Respect, it can't be bought, I earned it
C-am crescut printre golani, tu ai crescut pe instagram
I grew up among thugs, you grew up on Instagram
Am respect
I got respect
Pentru ce-i ce ma iubesc
For those who love me
Si chiar de nu ma halesc
And even if you can't stand me
Eu tot n-am sa ma opresc
I still won't stop
Iti zic direct
I'm telling you straight up
Ca eu am sa stralucesc
That I'm gonna shine
Chiar si cu lumina stinsa
Even with the lights off
In multime ma deosebesc
I stand out in the crowd
Am respect
I got respect
Pentru ce-i ce ma iubesc
For those who love me
Si chiar de nu ma halesc
And even if you can't stand me
Eu tot n-am sa ma opresc
I still won't stop
Iti zic direct
I'm telling you straight up
Ca eu am sa stralucesc
That I'm gonna shine
Chiar si cu lumina stinsa
Even with the lights off
In multime ma deosebesc
I stand out in the crowd
N-o arde cu doua fete, ca o sa se prinda lumea
Don't play two-faced, the world will find out
Si orice ai vrea sa faci, nu-ti intinde nimeni mana
And whatever you wanna do, nobody will lend you a hand
Tine capu' sus, invata sa fii umil
Keep your head up, learn to be humble
Eu unu raman la fel, prea direct pe orice stil
Me, I remain the same, too straightforward in any style
Iarta-ma mama, stiu ca n-am fost un model
Forgive me, mama, I know I wasn't a role model
Dar nu as mai fi aici, daca n-aveam atat zel
But I wouldn't be here if I didn't have so much zeal
Sa-mi bag pula-n gura lor, cu mine si-o tot incearca
To stick my dick in their mouths, they keep trying with me
Iar eu vreau sa fiu mai bun, decat am fost vr-odata
And I wanna be better than I've ever been
Daca stii sa ai bun simt, mereu iesi in evidenta
If you know how to have common sense, you always stand out
Daca ai si caracter, e piesa de rezistenta
If you also have character, that's the key piece
Respect, nu-i de cumparat, eu l-am castigat
Respect, it can't be bought, I earned it
C-am crescut printre golani, tu ai crescut pe instagram
I grew up among thugs, you grew up on Instagram
Am respect
I got respect
Pentru ce-i ce ma iubesc
For those who love me
Si chiar de nu ma halesc
And even if you can't stand me
Eu tot n-am sa ma opresc
I still won't stop
Iti zic direct
I'm telling you straight up
Ca eu am sa stralucesc
That I'm gonna shine
Chiar si cu lumina stinsa
Even with the lights off
In multime ma deosebesc
I stand out in the crowd
Am respect
I got respect
Pentru ce-i ce ma iubesc
For those who love me
Si chiar de nu ma halesc
And even if you can't stand me
Eu tot n-am sa ma opresc
I still won't stop
Iti zic direct
I'm telling you straight up
Ca eu am sa stralucesc
That I'm gonna shine
Chiar si cu lumina stinsa
Even with the lights off
In multime ma deosebesc
I stand out in the crowd

Авторы: Combs Sean Puffy, Wallace Christopher, Casey Harry Wayne, Oliver Jean-claude

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