Biggie - Seria 3 - перевод текста песни на английский

Seria 3 - Biggieперевод на английский

Seria 3
3 series
Sunt cu fratii mei
I'm with my brothers
Sunt cu fratii mei
I'm with my brothers
Niste derbedei
Some thugs
Niste derbedei
Some thugs
Intr-un seria 3
In a 3 series
Intr-un seria 3
In a 3 series
Pe strazi, alei
On the streets, alleys
Pe strazi, alei
On the streets, alleys
Sunt cu fratii mei
I'm with my brothers
Sunt cu fratii mei
I'm with my brothers
Niste derbedei
Some thugs
Niste derbedei
Some thugs
Intr-un seria 3
In a 3 series
Intr-un seria 3
In a 3 series
Pe strazi, alei
On the streets, alleys
Pe strazi, alei
On the streets, alleys
Bucata asta vine fix din coltu' blocului
This piece comes straight from the corner of the block
Pentru bagabonti, pesti, curve toti d-ai locului
For bums, fish, all the neighborhood whores
Dau doi trei rime fine pentru cei de langa mine
I drop some nice rhymes for those beside me
Care sunt acolo si mereu ma vor sustine
Who are always there and will always support me
Nu tin capu' sus c-am arfe, dar sunt motivat
I'm not a stuck up snob, but I'm motivated
Si niciodata n-am sa uit de unde am plecat
And I will never forget where I came from
Am trecut prin multe da' nu mai conteaza acum
I've been through a lot but it doesn't matter now
M-am ridicat, m-am sters de praf si mi-am vazut de drum
I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and kept going
Baiatu' e relax, nu face diferente
The boy is relaxed, he doesn't discriminate
Va mai da si un sfat: nu va indragostiti de zdrente
Here is another piece of advice: don't fall for sluts
Bine ai venit in orasu' meu
Welcome to my city
Unde fetele se uita altfel daca ai BMW
Where girls look different if you have a BMW
Multa lume ma stie
A lot of people know me
Rau n-are ce sa fie
Can't be anything bad
Mai mereu printre golani
Always among hooligans
Cu mintea numai la bani
Thinking only of money
Sunt cu fratii mei
I'm with my brothers
Sunt cu fratii mei
I'm with my brothers
Niste derbedei
Some thugs
Niste derbedei
Some thugs
Intr-un seria 3
In a 3 series
Intr-un seria 3
In a 3 series
Pe strazi, alei
On the streets, alleys
Pe strazi, alei
On the streets, alleys
Sunt cu fratii mei
I'm with my brothers
Sunt cu fratii mei
I'm with my brothers
Niste derbedei
Some thugs
Niste derbedei
Some thugs
Intr-un seria 3
In a 3 series
Intr-un seria 3
In a 3 series
Pe strazi, alei
On the streets, alleys
Pe strazi, alei
On the streets, alleys
Toate bagaboatele imi vor autografu'
All the tramps want my autograph
Da' il dau cu o conditie, daca-mi fut tot stafu'
But I give it with one condition, if you fuck my whole staff
Sunt mai tare decat fostu' sau viitoru' tau gagiu
I'm hotter than your ex or future boyfriend
Te duc unde n-ai mai fost si-s unde tre' sa fiu
I'll take you where you've never been and I'll be where I need to be
Nu judec pe nimeni da' mai nou baietii poarta fuste
I don't judge anyone but lately guys wear skirts
Si se mai si mira cand le fac bagabontii suste
And they also wonder when the bums do them dirty
Ca iubim cartieru' cu tot ce e-n el
We love our neighborhood, all that's in it
De la ursuleti bauti pe banca pana la garda din el
From the beers drunk on the bench to the guards in it
Iubim doamnele in chiloti
We love ladies in panties
Ne place viata si-anturajele cu bagabonti
We love life and hangouts with bums
Si cel mai mult imi place sa-mpart cu fratii mei
And I love sharing with my brothers the most
Pe bancheta-n seria 3, niste sticle de Jidvei
On the back seat of the 3 series, with bottles of Jidvei wine
Multa lume ma stie
A lot of people know me
Rau n-are ce sa fie
Can't be anything bad
Mai mereu printre golani
Always among hooligans
Cu mintea numai la bani
Thinking only of money
Sunt cu fratii mei
I'm with my brothers
Sunt cu fratii mei
I'm with my brothers
Niste derbedei
Some thugs
Niste derbedei
Some thugs
Intr-un seria 3
In a 3 series
Intr-un seria 3
In a 3 series
Pe strazi, alei
On the streets, alleys
Pe strazi, alei
On the streets, alleys
Sunt cu fratii mei
I'm with my brothers
Sunt cu fratii mei
I'm with my brothers
Niste derbedei
Some thugs
Niste derbedei
Some thugs
Intr-un seria 3
In a 3 series
Intr-un seria 3
In a 3 series
Pe strazi, alei
On the streets, alleys
Pe strazi, alei
On the streets, alleys

Авторы: George Toma

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