Billy Murray - D'ye love me текст песни
Billy Murray D'ye love me

D'ye love me

Billy Murray

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Billy Murray - Billy Murray
Альбом Billy Murray
дата релиза

1 You tell her, I stutter
2 Oh Johnny, oh Johnny, oh
3 Painting the clouds with sunshine
4 Wait till you get them up in the air boys
5 Ten cents worth of crackers
6 If you knew susie
7 Hinky dinky parlay voo
8 Titina
9 Oh, mabel
10 Three thousand years ago
11 Officer Kelly
12 O Katharina
13 I was married up in the air
14 The little ford rambled right along
15 Stumbling
16 Popeye the sailor man
17 Pucker up and Whistle
18 Oh say! can I see you tonight
19 That phoney baloney
20 Profiteering Blues
21 Marion you'll soon be marryin' me
22 Roll 'em girls
23 Nelly Kelly I love you
24 We're the sunday drivers
25 Take your girlie to the movies
26 Westinghouse electric special record
27 Everything's going up
28 Hello, Hawaii, how are you
29 Get out and get under
30 D'ye love me
31 Dumb dora
32 Don't Bring Lulu
33 Big bad bill is sweet william now
34 After you get what you want

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