Bloody - Nutella - перевод текста песни на английский

Nutella - Bloodyперевод на английский

Nutella Bloody
Nutella Bloody
Lyrics, Letra:
Lyrics, Letra:
Prej fillimit e di
From the moment I saw
Qe ti mdon
That you're my beloved
Ndjenat qe kom n'zemer
The wings in my heart
Kerkush sun mi ndrron
Nobody can replace you
Njerzt folin shum po nuk ka lidhje
People talk a lot, but it doesn't matter
Qdo problem qe kem
Every problem we encounter
Bashk e gjejna edhe zgjidhjen
Together we find the solution
You're my choco
You're my choco
You're my nutella
You're my nutella
Je e vetmja femer
You're the only woman
Qe mke shti ndjenjat e thella
Who gives me deep feelings
You're my dolly
You're my dolly
You're my princess
You're my princess
Kur jom un me ty
When I'm with you
Nuk kom as ni stres
I have no stress
Se ti je gjithqka qe du
Because you are everything I want
Mke dhan fjalen
You gave me love
Mke dhan besen
You gave me favor
Per ty jom tu menu
I would die for you
Se te ti e gjeta veten
Because I found myself with you
Pom pelqe qysh kesh
I like the body you have
Vetem ti mke bo pervete
Only you can make me shiver
Tjeter kush nuk ndodhet mes nesh
No one else is between us
Ti je motiv I ksaj jete
You're the motive of this life
Me ty jom ka do qe shkoj
With you I'll go till the end
Gabimet ti me fal
You forgive my mistakes
Neser najher un gaboj
Tomorrow look that I don't make mistakes
Ti je e veqant
You are unique
Jo njesoj si tjerat
Not the same as others
Tash tkom ndor
Now I promise
Asniher ste leshoj
I'll never abandon you
Mke dhan fjalen
You gave me love
Mke dhan besen
You gave me favor
Per ty jom tu menu
I would die for you
Se te ti e gjeta veten
Because I found myself with you
Se ti je gjithqka qe du
Because you are everything I want
Mke dhan fjalen
You gave me love
Mke dhan besen
You gave me favor
Per ty jom tu menu
I would die for you
Se te ti e gjeta veten
Because I found myself with you

Bloody - Nutella
дата релиза

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