Blumentopf - Liebe und Hass (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Blumentopf - Liebe und Hass (Live)

Liebe und Hass (Live)
Love and Hate (Live)
Was ich lieb', das ist ein dicker Beat und ein Bass
What they love is a fat beat and a bass
Was ich hass', dass das den andern Mietern nicht passt.
What they hate is that it doesn't suit the other tenants.
Was ich lieb', wenn zu dieser platte jeder bangt
What they love is when everyone bumps to this record
Was ich hass', wenn dein kumpel sie dir für'n zehner brennt.
What they hate is when your buddy burns it for you for a tenner.
Was ich lieb', dass plötzlich alle meine Raps zu schätzen wissen
What they love is that suddenly everyone appreciates their raps
Was ich hass, die meisten wollen nur plätze auf der Gästeliste.
What they hate is that most people just want spots on the guest list.
Was ich lieb', das sind meine braunen Wildlederclarks
What they love are their brown suede Clarks
Was ich hass', die sind so fresh, ey die will jeder Arsch
What they hate is that they're so fresh, everyone wants them.
Was ich lieb', "Du hast die deepsten Zeilen, ehrlich ich schwör"
What they love is, "You have the deepest lines, I swear"
Was ich hass', dass ich das nur von 13jährigen hör.
What they hate is that they only hear that from 13-year-olds.
Was ich lieb', is öfters mal auf Reisen zu gehn
What they love is to travel often
Was ich hass', überall die gleiche Scheiße zu sehn.
What they hate is seeing the same shit everywhere.
Was ich lieb', auf'm Dancefloor shakern mit ner netten Braut
What they love is shaking it on the dance floor with a nice girl
Was ich hass', dass ich dafür mindestens 3 Schnäpse brauch.
What they hate is that they need at least 3 shots for that.
Was ich lieb', die ganze Halle voller jubelnder Kids
What they love is the whole hall full of cheering kids
Was ich hass', is das infantile Schwulengediss.
What they hate is the childish dissing of gays.
Was ich lieb', is dicke Kohle von der Deutschen Bahn AG -
What they love is big money from the Deutsche Bahn AG -
Was ich hass', sind Mixtapes nur auf CD.
What they hate are mixtapes only on CD.
Was ich lieb', wenn ich mit Edding unser Album unterschreib
What they love is signing our album with a marker
Was ich hass', "Toll, jetzt fehlt mir nur noch vom Holunder eins."
What they hate is, "Great, now I just need one from Holunder."
Was ich lieb', is Sex mit Frauen in Strapsen und mit krassen Titten
What they love is sex with women in stockings and with awesome tits
Was ich hass', dass die mich dafür jedes Mal zur Kasse bitten.
What they hate is that they always ask them to pay for it.
Was ich lieb', ist ein prall gefülltes Päckchen voll Gras
What they love is a bulging package full of weed
Was ich hass', weder Zigaretten noch Blättchen am Start.
What they hate is no cigarettes or papers at the start.
Was ich lieb', ein interessantes Interview mt guten Fragen
What they love is an interesting interview with good questions
Was ich hass',"Blumentopf, wie kamt ihr auf den Namen?"
What they hate is, "Blumentopf, how did you come up with the name?"
Was ich lieb', nach jedem Auftritt unsere Gage in bar
What they love is our fee in cash after every gig
Was ich hass', der Satz:"Soviel hab' ich grad' nich da."
What they hate is the sentence: "I don't have that much right now."
Was ich lieb', an Mics steppen und fake MCs mit Punchlines dissen
What they love is stepping up to mics and dissing fake MCs with punchlines
Was ich hass', Standart Battlephrasen und Anglizismen.
What they hate are standard battle phrases and anglicisms.
Was ich lieb', wenn manche Leute weinen vor lachen
What they love is when some people cry with laughter
Was ich hass', und das bei meinen ernst gemeintesten Sachen.
What they hate is when it's at their most serious stuff.
Was ich lieb', auf'nem Gig die Hand im Schritt vor 1000 Kids
What they love is the hand in the crotch in front of 1000 kids at a gig
Was ich hass', Posen bringt auf dauer nichts!
What they hate is posing doesn't get you anywhere in the long run!
Love, Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love, Love
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate
Love, Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love, Love
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate
Was ich lieb', für meine Baggy Pants kein Geld bezahlen
What they love is not paying for their baggy pants
Was ich hass', dass alle andern vom Topf die selbe tragen.
What they hate is that everyone else from the Topf wears the same ones.
Was ich lieb', dass ich im Rucksack oftmals Piecebrocken find'
What they love is that they often find piece chunks in their backpack
Was ich hass', sind selten Zahnbürsten und nie Socken drin.
What they hate is that there are rarely toothbrushes and never socks in it.
Was ich lieb', hab Props bekommen für meinen Stil und meinen Flow
What they love is getting props for their style and flow
Was ich hass', er hat gedacht, ich sei der Typ von Eins Zwo.
What they hate is that he thought they were the guy from Eins Zwo.
Was ich lieb', nach'm Gig der Smalltalk mit netten Frauen
What they love is the small talk with nice women after the gig
Was ich hass', "Hol doch mal den DJ aus dem Backstageraum!"
What they hate is, "Get the DJ out of the backstage room!"
Was ich lieb', zu 'nem Auftritt mit 'nem Beamer fahren -
What they love is driving to a gig with a beamer -
Was ich hass', wenn die bei Avis nur'n Multipla haben.
What they hate is when they only have a Multipla at Avis.
Was ich lieb', heut' steh' ich auf der Gästeliste plus zwei
What they love is today they're on the guest list plus two
Was ich hass', ich bin scheinbar schon lang drinnen plus drei.
What they hate is that they've apparently been in for a long time plus three.
Was ich lieb', wir keepen Scheiße, die die Hip Hop Szene schockt
What they love is we keep shit that shocks the hip hop scene
Was ich hass', dass deshalb in der Bravo steht wir gehn jetzt Pop.
What they hate is that's why Bravo says we're going pop now.
Was ich lieb', ist meine Stimme laut am Monitor -
What they love is their voice loud on the monitor -
Was ich hass', ist dieser komische Ton im Ohr.
What they hate is this weird tone in their ear.
Was ich lieb', "Schuh krieg' ich ein Autogramm? War'n Bombenfest!"
What they love is, "Schuh can I get an autograph? It was a bomb party!"
Was ich hass', "Hey, mach' mal Freestyle!" wenn ich grad' Pommes ess'.
What they hate is, "Hey, do some freestyle!" when they're eating fries.
Was ich lieb', "Hey Alter, Mann, ich lieb' euern Scheiß!" -
What they love is, "Hey dude, man, I love your shit!" -
Was ich hass' "Das Level von "abhängen" habt ihr nie mehr erreicht."
What they hate is "You never reached the level of "abhängen" again."
Was ich lieb', wenn diese Platte sich verkauft wie Edelhuren -
What they love is when this record sells like high-class hookers -
Was ich hass', irgendwann find' ich sie am Flohmarkt neben Pur.
What they hate is that someday they'll find it at the flea market next to Pur.
Was ich lieb', der derbste Sound, die schärfsten Frauen auf der Tanzfläche
What they love is the sickest sound, the hottest women on the dance floor
Was ich hass', "Heute abend leider nur für Stammgäste."
What they hate is, "Tonight unfortunately only for regulars."
Was ich lieb', im backstageraum meinen alle, dass wir derbe rocken
What they love is backstage everyone thinks we rock hard
Was ich hass', während der Show haben die den Kühlschrank leer gesoffen.
What they hate is that they drank the fridge empty during the show.
Was ich lieb', ich übte schon als Steppke vor dem Spiegel posen
What they love is that they practiced posing in front of the mirror as a kid
Was ich hass', meine Mutter schleppte mich zum Psychologen.
What they hate is that my mother dragged me to the psychologist.
Love, Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love, Love
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate
Love, Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love, Love
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate
Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate

Авторы: Sebastian Weiss, Roger Walter Manglus, Florian Schuster, Cajus Heinzmann, Bernhard Wunderlich, Vassilos Papadopoulus

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