Bocafloja feat. Akil Ammar - Sector Lúcido (2004) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Bocafloja feat. Akil Ammar - Sector Lúcido (2004)

Sector Lúcido (2004)
Lucid Sector (2004)
Es mi sector bienvenido a zona independiente
Welcome to my sector, the independent zone,
Estamos en el mapa y no por accidente
We're on the map, and not by accident,
Es la lucha y el coraje de mi gente
It's the fight and courage of my people,
Gracias a ti que has escogido al rap inteligente.
Thanks to you who have chosen intelligent rap.
Se llama hemandad preogreso para mi comunidad,resistencia,
It's called brotherhood, progress for my community, resistance,
Firme ante los golpes de este mundo en decadencia
Standing firm against the blows of this decadent world,
Mundo que trata de controlar nuestras acciones
A world that tries to control our actions,
Pero somos mas inteligentes que la propaganda en sus
But we are smarter than the propaganda in their
Religiones invadiendo mi creencia espiritual
Religions invading my spiritual beliefs,
Tengo mi propia fe,
I have my own faith,
Revolucion puños arriba cuando libertad es el por que
Revolution, fists raised when freedom is the reason,
Libre del sitema que sofoca
Free from the system that suffocates,
Luz en mi camino cuando la esperanza es poca
Light on my path when hope is scarce,
Noches de paz y que la pluma escriba
Nights of peace and let the pen write,
Es la historia que mantiene nuestra historia viva.
It's the story that keeps our history alive.
Internacionalista en esta pista
Internationalist on this track,
Hip-hop a la manera progresista
Hip-hop in a progressive way,
Sistema autogestivo
Self-managed system,
Esperar por sus migajas le hace daño a mi sistema digestivo.
Waiting for their crumbs hurts my digestive system.
Educacion primero
Education first,
Sugundo paso es poner luz en el sendero
The second step is to put light on the path,
Sin compromisos por aqui por alla con este y con aquel
No compromises here and there with this and that,
Seguro son mis metodos en mente y en papel
My methods are sure in mind and on paper.
Conozco al enemigo
I know the enemy,
Inmerso en la ignorancia es su castigo
Immersed in ignorance is their punishment,
Quieren arrebatarnos ya el poder no se va a poder
They want to take away our power, it won't be possible,
No se va a poder va a doler paz amor concienca con
It won't be possible, it will hurt, peace, love, conscience with
Respeto a la mujer.
Respect for women.
Indigena es mi gente los afrodesendientes
Indigenous are my people, the Afro-descendants,
Estrictamente de color yo estoy conciente
Strictly of color, I am aware,
Vamos a darle fuerza ya a tu voz en este mundo
Let's give your voice strength in this world,
Atroz de new york a la cd de mexico y hasta ciudad
Atrocious, from New York to Mexico City and even God's city,
De dios es nuestra red mundial la fuerza universal
It's our world network, the universal force.
Es mi sector celebrando 30 años de cultura
It's my sector celebrating 30 years of culture,
Quien le dijo moda al movimineto que perdura
Who called the movement that endures a fad,
Hip-hop ha tracendido sobre razas y fronteras
Hip-hop has transcended races and borders,
Sobre mentalidades y colores de banderas
Over mentalities and colors of flags,
Tenemos en las manos el control de las aceras
We have in our hands the control of the sidewalks,
Pesar de todos los abstaculos hayamos las maneras
Despite all the obstacles, we find ways,
No importa las distancias juntos por la misma causa
No matter the distances, together for the same cause,
Los enemigos son los mismos imperio abusos e ignorancia
The enemies are the same: empire, abuse, and ignorance,
Contra el espiritu materialista que te venden en los medios
Against the materialistic spirit they sell you in the media,
Amarillismo en los periodicos para aumentar tus miedos
Yellow journalism in newspapers to increase your fears,
Basura, somos soldados y ante los ataques mantenemos la cordura
Garbage, we are soldiers and in the face of attacks we maintain sanity,
Mi zona es libre y no tiene censura
My zone is free and has no censorship,
Ya no hay nada ni nadie que nos frene
There is nothing and no one to stop us anymore,
Latinoamerica en la lucha se mantiene.
Latin America remains in the fight.
Seguro estoy que aquellos te dijeron que en la lucha
I'm sure those people told you that in the fight
En la que estamos vale nada,
In which we are, it's worth nothing,
No es armada, no explota cual granada
It's not armed, it doesn't explode like a grenade,
Nada no pica cual espada es nada
Nothing, it doesn't sting like a sword, it's nothing.
Son mis politicas fijas la que no joden con eso por eso pienso
It's my fixed politics, the ones that don't mess with that, that's why I think
Es mi cultura y la defiendo con todo mi peso
It's my culture and I defend it with all my weight,
Siempre es por eso nos mantenemos al margen
That's why we always stay on the sidelines,
Mientas los perrros del hueso reparten
While the bone dogs share,
Somos la alternativa real
We are the real alternative,
El sector lucido que dicta las nuevas maneras de operar
The lucid sector that dictates the new ways of operating,
Tus medios manipulan
Your media manipulates,
Quieren beberse las mieles que no les corresponden
They want to drink the honey that doesn't belong to them,
Acostumbrados a tratar con banda que a sus abusos
Accustomed to dealing with gangs that to their abuses
Jamas responde
Never respond,
Conmigo se acabaron esos tiempos
Those times are over with me,
Ya no cambiamos espejos por oro
We no longer exchange mirrors for gold,
Ni al escenario subimos con bailarinas para amenizar el coro
Nor do we go on stage with dancers to liven up the chorus,
Ay no yo no yo no yo no no
Oh no, I don't, I don't, I don't, no.

Авторы: Aldo Villegas Pozos, Jhonatan Rojas Mendoza

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