Bojalar - Atlas Ko'ylak - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Bojalar - Atlas Ko'ylak

Atlas Ko'ylak
Atlas Dress
Haa... Miss 2006
Haa... Miss 2006
Figuralar 90mi yoki 190?
Your figure is either 90 or 190?
Yubkalaringiz namuncha mini mini
Your skirts are so mini
Figuralaringizga gap yo'q
Your figure is impeccable
He, birovni kabrioletidan tush.yezulju
Hey, get out of someone's convertible
Zamonaviy bo'laman deb ochilib sochilib
Trying to be modern, open and relaxed
Ko'zoynaklaringiz ba'zida qolsa yechilib
Sometimes your glasses are on, sometimes they're off
Ensalaringiz qotirasiz menga tikilib
You smile at me, looking into my eyes
Menda qasdingiz yo'qmidi mabodo ishqilib
Don't you have any intentions towards me, maybe you're in love?
(Har gal) Sizni ko'rganimda bilasizga botaman
(Every time) When I see you, you know I'm drowning
(Har gal) Xafa bo'laman-u g'am-g'ussaga botaman
(Every time) I get upset and lose hope
(Har gal) Omadimni yana bir bor sinab ko'raman
(Every time) I'll try my luck again
(Har gal) Hamon o'sha javobni doim yilda uchta olaman
(Every time) I always get the same answer three times a year
Atlas ko'ylagingni yarashadi jonim kiysang sen
Your satin dress fits you perfectly when you wear it, my dear
Ochilib ketaman voy kasal bo'laman men
I fall apart, I'm getting sick
Boshingga oq ro'mol yarashadi jonim o'rasang sen
A white scarf on your head suits you, my dear, when you wrap it
Bozor to'la ro'mol nechun o'ramaysan sen
The market is full of scarves, why don't you wear one?
Xamonaviy bo'laman deb ochilib sochilib
Trying to be modern, open and relaxed
Ko'zoynaklaringiz ba'zida qolsa yechilib,
Sometimes your glasses are on, sometimes they're off
Ensalaringiz qotirasiz menga tikilib
You smile at me, looking into my eyes
Menda qasdingiz yo'qmidi mabodo ishqilib
Don't you have any intentions towards me, maybe you're in love?
(Bir kun) Ko'rasiz men ham orzularimga yetaman
(One day) You'll see that I'll achieve my dreams
(Bir kun) Tanimas darajada o'zgarib ketaman
(One day) I'll change so much that you won't recognize me
(Bir kun) Qora limuzinda o'tirib olib yonimda
(One day) I'll be sitting in a black limousine, next to me
Kelinbola bo'lib borib qolasiz xonadonimga
I'll become your bridegroom and visit your home

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