Bojalar - Botir Bola - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Bojalar - Botir Bola

Botir Bola
Butterfly Boy
Botir bolaNafas tizimi xastaliklarida bcmorlarni instrumental
Instrumental bcmors in diseases of the Botir bolaNafas system
Tekshirish usullari
Verification methods
Rentgcnologik tekshirish. Rentgenologik tekshirish rentge￾noskopiya (obyekt tasvirini ekranda hosil qilish) va rentgeno￾grafiya (tekshirilayotgan obyekt tasvirini yorug'lik sezadigan
X-raygcnological examination. X-ray x-ray to check￾noskopiya (object in the form of image to the screen) and x-ray￾the graf (verified realized that the light of the object image
Materialga tushirib, rasmini olish)ni o'z ichiga oladi. Rentgen
To the material and take a picture). X-ray
Apparati rentgen trubkasi, shtativ, kuchlanish transformatori va
Apparatus X-ray tube, tripod, voltage transformer and
Yuqori voltli transformatordan iborat bo'ladi. Shishadan tayyor￾lanadigan va bailón shaklida bo'ladigan rentgen trubkasiga ikkita
It will consist of a high-voltage transformer. From the bottle to the X-ray tube, which is made in the form of two tubes and a bailón
Elektrod: katod va anod kavsharlangan. Katod volfram spiraldan
Electrode: cathode and anode are soldered. Cathode tungsten from spiral
Iborat bo'lib, u transformator yordamida 2500°C ga qadar
Consisting of, it is powered by a transformer up to 2500°C
Qizdiriladi. Qizdirish natijasida katoddan elektronlar uchib
Heated. As a result of heating, electrons fly out of the cathode
Chiqadi, bular katod bilan anod o'rtasidagi kuchlanish katta
It turns out, these are the voltage between the cathode and the anode large
BoMganligidan harakati kuchayib, juda katta tezlik oladi.
The movement from the bomb takes a lot of speed, intensifying.
Elektronlar anod moddasiga urilib, keskin tormozlanadi, shuning
Electrons hit the anode substance and brake sharply, so
Natijasida qisqa to'lqinli elektromagnit nur - rentgen nurlari hosil
The result is short-wave electromagnetic light-X-rays
Bo'ladi. Rentgen apparati shifokomi shu nurlar ta'siridan saqlash
Is. X-ray machine doctor save from exposure to these rays
Uchun himoyalovchi sistema bilan ta'minlangan.
Provided with a protective system for.
Nemis olimi Konrad Rentgen tomonidan 1896-yilda kashf
Discovered in 1896 by the German scientist Conrad X-ray
Etilgan bu nurlaming uchta xossasi mavjud: ular ko'zga
There are three properties of this irradiation: they are visible to the eye
Ko'rinadigan nurlar mutlaqo o 'ta olmaydigan jismlar orqali o'tib
Visible light passes through objects that are not necessarily permeable
Ketaveradi va ularga qisman yutilib qoladi; ba'zi moddalaming
It goes away and is partially absorbed into them; do not add some substance
Porlashiga (shu'la sochishi, flyuorestsentsiyaga) sabab bo'ladi;
Causes shine (shedding, fluorescence) ;
Fotografík plyonka va plastinkalaridagi kumush bromidini
Silver bromide in Fotografík film and plates
Parchalaydi. Bu nurlaming shu xossalari rentge-noskopiya bilan
Decomposes. These are the same properties of irradiation with rentge-noscopy
Rentgenografiyaga asos bo'ladi. Tananing nurga solib ko'rilishi
The basis for radiography. The body is exposed to light
Kerak bo'lgan qismlari nur manbai bilan ekran orasida turishi
The parts you need to stand between the screen with a light source
Kerak. Ekran shu'lalanuvchi (flyuorcstscntsiyalanadigan) modda
Must. Screen is a so-called (fluuorcstscnable) substance
Bilan qoplangan kartondir.
Covered with cardboard.

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