Boldan - Anosmic - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Boldan - Anosmic

Ploi cad peste noi
Rain is falling on us
Te simt in pat
I feel you in bed
Dar nu esti aici
But you're not here
Tu nu ma ridici
You don't lift me up
Ma înec in velur
I'm drowning in velvet
Nu stiu ce sa spun
I don't know what to say
Singur acum
Alone now
Ai spus ca ramanem prieteni
You said we'd stay friends
Vreau sa mi te asemeni
I want to resemble you
Nu stiu sa exist fara tine
I don't know how to exist without you
In trupul meu nu e bine
My body doesn't feel right
Da ploua si ploua, ploua in noi
It rains and rains, it rains inside us
Suntem tacuti si plini de nevoi
We are silent and full of needs
Da ploua si ploua, ploua in noi
It rains and rains, it rains inside us
Suntem tacuti si plini de
We are silent and full of
Ploi cad peste noi
Rain is falling on us
Noi tot in razboi
We're still at war
Nu te gasesc niciunde
I can't find you anywhere
Te rog nu te ascunde
Please don't hide
Mirosul tau pe perna
Your scent on the pillow
Fragranta ta eterna
Your eternal fragrance
Iar eu, anosmic
And me, anosmic
Ploua si ploua, ploua in noi
It rains and rains, it rains inside us
Suntem tacuti si plini de nevoi
We are silent and full of needs
Ploua si ploua, ploua in noi
It rains and rains, it rains inside us
Suntem tacuti si plini de...
We are silent and full of...

Авторы: Sorin Boldea

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