Bores D - Vigila - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Bores D - Vigila

Oídos tapados, mente relajada
Ears covered, mind relaxed
Sin nada en bolsillos nadie te reclama
With nothing in your pockets, nobody demands anything from you
Tengo un par de reales que están a las malas
I have a couple of reales that are down for anything
Y veinte que esperan a verme con lana
And twenty more waiting to see me make it
Vigila tu espalda, todo es interés
Watch your back, everything is interest
Y dicen ser fieles, solo buscan cash
And they say they're loyal, they're just looking for cash
Dinero y respeto, family is the first
Money and respect, family is the first
Siempre a mi lado y él todo lo ve
Always by my side and he sees everything
Y él todo lo ve por mucho que mientas
And he sees everything, however much you lie
Primo, yo no qué intentas
Cousin, I don't know what you're trying to do
Se te ve de lejos que te molesta
You can see from afar that it bothers you
Que subamos como absenta
That we're rising like absinthe
Puerta cerrada, luego que venga
Closed door, let them come later
[?] a los que me apoyaron
[?] to those who supported me
Y no existe mal por bien que no venga
And there's no evil for which good doesn't come
Por eso nunca abandonamos
That's why we never give up
Siempre operativo para la misión
Always operational for the mission
En busca del fajo como profesión
Looking for the wad as a profession
Mejor estar solo que ser un lambón
Better to be alone than to be a kiss-ass
El que habla con muchos sufre de traición
He who speaks with many suffers from betrayal
Le rezo a mi padre que siempre me guía
I pray to my father who always guides me
Mi madre a mi lado, la que me motiva
My mother by my side, the one who motivates me
Mi hermano conmigo hasta el último día
My brother with me until the last day
Fuck fakes, todo por la familia
Fuck fakes, everything for the family
En mujeres no nos centramos
We don't focus on women
Dinero y respeto, mi hermano
Money and respect, my brother
Sin hablar de más, primo, te callamos
Without saying more, cousin, we shut you up
Y al nuevo no damos la mano
And we don't shake hands with the new guy
En busca del pan como oficio a diario
Looking for bread as a daily job
Sin dar lástima al vecindario
Without giving pity to the neighborhood
Charlar de más puede salirte caro
Talking too much can cost you dearly
Y el precio se paga al contado
And the price is paid in cash
Gastando cheles, metido en hoteles
Spending cheles, holed up in hotels
Parecen burdeles, en busca del millón
They seem like brothels, looking for the million
Los míos son fieles, porque nunca hablan
Mine are loyal, because they never speak
Los tuyos se venden por un par de points
Yours sell themselves for a couple of points
Tiran, tiran, yo no siento presión
They shoot, they shoot, I don't feel pressure
Giran, giran, por otra dirección
They turn, they turn, in another direction
Los míos se buscan lo suyo sin hacer ruido
Mine look for theirs without making noise
Vosotros cantáis la canción
You sing the song
Dinero y respeto, no creo en amuletos
Money and respect, I don't believe in amulets
No cuento los detalles, porque ese es el secreto
I don't tell the details, because that's the secret
Si se pasan de listos, juro, los dejo quietos
If they get too smart, I swear, I'll leave them still
Si vienen los despisto y el puesto me lo llevo
If the clueless ones come and I take the position
Y me lo llevo, creían en pero no, creían en pero no
And I take it, they believed in me but no, they believed in me but no
No los vi, para el que no confió, para el que no confió
I didn't see them, for the one who didn't trust, for the one who didn't trust
Contigo no brego, ahora todos son mis G's, pero esto nunca fue así, no
I don't deal with you, now everyone is my G's, but it was never like this, no
Si no estuviste en las malas, primo, lárgate de aquí
If you weren't there in the bad times, cousin, get out of here
Lárgate de aquí, si no aportas
Get out of here, if you don't contribute
Si no respetas te dan par de tortas
If you don't respect you get a couple of slaps
Con los míos nunca damos la nota
With my people we never make a scene
Only reals en mi bando no hay cho—
Only reals on my side there is no cho-
Farda el primo que parece pimpin'
The cousin who looks like pimpin' shows off
Te preguntan, no sabes qué decir
They ask you, you don't know what to say
En canciones todos hablan del chin
In songs everyone talks about the chin
Y en la calle corren como Usain
And in the street they run like Usain
Ga-Gastando cheles, metido en hoteles
Sp-Spending cheles, holed up in hotels
Parecen burdeles, en busca del millón
They seem like brothels, looking for the million
Los míos son fieles, porque nunca hablan
Mine are loyal, because they never speak
Los tuyos se venden por un par de points
Yours sell themselves for a couple of points
Tiran, tiran, yo no siento presión
They shoot, they shoot, I don't feel pressure
Giran, giran, por otra dirección
They turn, they turn, in another direction
Los míos se buscan lo suyo sin hacer ruido
Mine look for theirs without making noise
Vosotros cantáis la canción
You sing the song
Oídos tapados, mente relajada
Ears covered, mind relaxed
Sin nada en bolsillos nadie te reclama
With nothing in your pockets, nobody demands anything from you
Tengo un par de reales que están a las malas
I have a couple of reales that are down for anything
Y veinte que esperan a verme con lana
And twenty more waiting to see me make it
Vigila tu espalda, todo es interés
Watch your back, everything is interest
Y dicen ser fieles, solo buscan cash
And they say they're loyal, they're just looking for cash
Dinero y respeto, family is the first
Money and respect, family is the first
Siempre a mi lado y él todo lo ve
Always by my side and he sees everything
Y él todo lo ve por mucho que mientas
And he sees everything, however much you lie
Primo, yo no qué intentas
Cousin, I don't know what you're trying to do
Se te ve de lejos que te molesta
You can see from afar that it bothers you
Que subamos como absenta
That we're rising like absinthe
Puerta cerrada, luego que venga
Closed door, let them come later
[?] a los que me apoyaron
[?] to those who supported me
Y no existe mal por bien que no venga
And there's no evil for which good doesn't come
Por eso nunca abandonamos
That's why we never give up

Авторы: Bores D

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