Bozá - Lighta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Bozá - Lighta

Así que lighta, lighta, lighta
So light it up, light it up, light it up
Big up pa' los shattas que no son baita
Big up to the gangsters that ain't bait
Los que coronaron tienen su pipa
The ones who crowned themselves, they got their pipe
Los que son diferente y queman su kenke y encienden
The ones who are different and burn their weed and light it up
El lighta, lighta, lighta
The lighta, lighta, lighta
Big up pa' los shatas que no son baita
Big up to the gangsters that ain't bait
Los que coronaron tienen su pipa
The ones who crowned themselves, they got their pipe
Los que son diferente y queman su kenke y encienden
The ones who are different and burn their weed and light it up
El menor el retén no ta' pa'
The youngest one in the group isn't here to
Comprometerse activa su chaleco pa la capucha ponerse
Compromise, he activates his vest for the hood to put on
No anda por ahí guillao porqué fuma aveces te digo aveces
He doesn't go around wasted because he smokes weed sometimes
Careces de amistades
You lack friends
Y no confia en nadie
And you don't trust anyone
Y no se guilla por allí
And you don't get wasted out there
Cuando anda por la calle
When you walk down the street
Y si va con un fren para un estalle
And if you go with a friend to smoke
Le gusta que ejecute no que falle
You like him to blow it, not to fail
Boom! pa la noneca de una va pa bajo
Boom! To the head of a young woman
31 le quedaron por la frase que ha votao'
31 were left for the sentence she voted '
Mete el otro provedor pa dejalo asegurao' (64)
Put in the other provider to leave it secure (64)
Anoche te dio un regalo el diablo taba prestao
Last night the devil gave you a gift
Entró a la vereda y la vereda ta fría
He went to the sidewalk and the sidewalk was cold
Entro a su chantin y la viejita taba dormia
He went into his hideout and the old lady was asleep
Me orino la mano porque la culpa no va a ser mia
I wet my hand because I'm not going to be the one to blame
Por si acaso veo la luce de los policias
Just in case I see the police lights
Wuiu, wuiu
Wuiu, wuiu
Así que lighta, lighta, lighta
So light it up, light it up, light it up
Big up pa' los shattas que no son baita
Big up to the gangsters that ain't bait
Los que coronaron tienen su pipa
The ones who crowned themselves, they got their pipe
Los que son diferente y queman su kenke y encienden
The ones who are different and burn their weed and light it up
El lighta, lighta, lighta
The lighta, lighta, lighta
Big up pa los shatas que no son baita
Big up to the gangsters that ain't bait
Los que coronaron tienen su pipa
The ones who crowned themselves, they got their pipe
Los que son diferente y queman su kenke y encienden
The ones who are different and burn their weed and light it up
Ta claro de lo que hizo ta listo pa la accion
He's clear about what he did, he's ready for action
Sabe que en cualquier momento hay una persecusion
He knows that at any moment there is a pursuit
Y que su pipa tiene que estar en funcion
And that his pipe must be in function
Sabe que toda accion tiene una reaccion
He knows that every action has a reaction
De repente Chechenia se le prende
Suddenly Chechnya lights up
Corre rapidamente y se la paso reza el reso del duende
He runs quickly and passes it to him, praying the goblin's prayer
Friamente se le esconde y les comienza a disparar
Coldly he hides and starts shooting at them
Ven la rafaga pero hacia el no le pueden llegar
They see the burst, but they can't reach him
Entra en el golfo y los reptiles tan cazando su presa
He enters the gulf and the reptiles are hunting his prey
Llega el consentido y tira la talla esa
The favorite arrives and makes that joke
El imperio persa hicieron la fuerza
The Persian Empire brought the force
Ese fue el tema de conversa
That was the topic of conversation
Para cada shata existe una glock
For every gangster there is a Glock
El calibre es de asalto ya no se usa 22
The caliber is assault, no more .22
Ta el reptil con el fusil pa el enemigo misil
The reptile is with the rifle for the enemy, a missile
Y si hay muerto de por medio la guerra no tiene fin (jamás)
And if there is a fatality involved, the war will never end (never)
Así que lighta, lighta, lighta
So light it up, light it up, light it up
Big up the you, big un de gangster
Big up to you, big up to the gangster
Big yo the girld, ligtha Marihuana
Big up to the girl, light the marijuana

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