Bozá - Long Time - перевод текста песни на английский

Long Time - Bozáперевод на английский

Long Time
Long Time
Es la muerte frente a frente que te dice hola
I am your Death standing before your eyes saying hello
Te iras tu conmigo y se quedara tu pistola
You will leave with me and your gun will remain here
Chacal no usa reloj mas trabaja con la hora
The Chacal doesn't wear a watch but keeps track of time
Ta en el juego y no la abandona
He's in the game and he's not leaving
Pero yo vengo desde hace long time, long time,
But I was here long time, long time,
Every day, every night that's right
Every day, every night that's right
Con mi Glock 45 ayayai
With my Glock 45, oh dear
Bomba y crimen bumbai
Bombs and crimes, bumbai
Desde hace long time, long time,
From a long time, long time,
Every day, every night that's right
Every day, every night that's right
Con mi Glock 45 ayayai
With my Glock 45, oh dear
Bomba y crimen bumbai
Bombs and crimes, bumbai
Tengo mente biologica y letra ecologica
I have a biological mind and ecological lyrics
Con logica te canto sinfonica y tonica
I sing logical symphonies and chants
Soy una epidemia como enfermedad cronica
I am an epidemic like a chronic disease
Conocido como personaje de viejas comicas
Known as a character from old comics
Tengo 18 vengo de los 2000 y puff
I'm 18 and from the year 2000 and poof
Cuando pegaba y me iba con una puta para
When I got high and went with a fucking whore
Tenia 14 años no era maduro aun
I was 14 and I wasn't mature yet
Menor chocoso pero no tenia ni sentido comun
I was a horny teenager with no common sense
Gyales, talla, ribeteo y playa
Girls, swagger, lining up, and the beach
Y si me topo al enemigo la mision es dale fire
And if I come across an enemy, my mission is to shoot them
Una vida de gran puta kill the bitch
A life as a big whore, kill the bitch
Dejando en la avenida a cualquiera que de papaya
Leaving anyone in the avenue who makes a fool of themselves
Hay maleante yeyo y de yeyo a maleante
There are criminals who become drug dealers, and drug dealers who become criminals
De maleante a cantante y en las 2 hay farsante
From criminal to singer, and in both, there are frauds
Fax he recibido buco bastantes
I've received quite a few faxes
Y hasta me han querido bajar del pecho de diamante
And they've even tried to take me down with my diamond chest
Desde hace long time, long time,
From a long time, long time,
Every day, every night that's right
Every day, every night that's right
Con mi Glock 45 ayayai
With my Glock 45, oh dear
Bomba y crimen bumbai
Bombs and crimes, bumbai
Cuando me expreso soy etico con un flow epico
When I sing, I'm ethical with an epic flow
Y si eres piedra en mi camino yo te quito
And if you are a stone in my path, I will move you
Tengo la bendicion que tiene un primogetino
I have the blessing of a first-born child
Y si no me escuchas entonces yo te grito
And if you don't listen to me, then I will shout at you
Un menor terrorista que ahora es artista
A little terrorist who is now an artist
Yo no digo mi caida pero ya voy pa la pista
I don't talk about my downfall, but I'm heading for the track
En busca de mi sueño llegando a la conquista
In search of my dream, reaching for victory
Ahora controlo radio, tv, eventos y entrevistas
Now I control radio, TV, events, and interviews
Se tienen que agarrar fuerte se les acabo la suerte
You have to hold on tight because your luck has run out
Muerte al traidor que el traidor trae muerte
Death to the traitor because the traitor brings death
Boza hay ta la gyal del otro con ganas de verte
Boza, there's another girl who wants to see you
No le metas mente ella ta por la fama y los de a 20
Don't pay attention to her, she's just after fame and money
Me siento fenomenal como el sultan Sulaiman
I feel amazing, like the Sultan Suleiman
Soy como Hitler jefe Nazi, Aleman
I am like Hitler, the Nazi boss, German
Rollin Bower es la marca mi plena escucharas
Rollin Bower is the brand you will hear me promoting
Sere historia como la teoria del big bang
I will be history like the Big Bang theory
Desde hace long time, long time,
From a long time, long time,
Every day, every night that's right
Every day, every night that's right
Con mi Glock 45 ayayai
With my Glock 45, oh dear
Bomba y crimen bumbai
Bombs and crimes, bumbai

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