Bufón - ¿Jugás? - перевод текста песни на английский

¿Jugás? - Bufónперевод на английский

Playing game?
Desde pequeñitos a todos nos educaron
Since we were little, we have been educated by all
Para beber del jugo que tanto propagandearon
To drink from the juice that they always advertised
Para ser más fashion, comprá una botellita
To be more fashionable, buy a small bottle
Viene con sorpresa debajo de la tapita.
Under the lid, it has a surprise.
Diferentes sabores, marcas y colores
Different flavors, brands and colors
Animan tu vibra, te llenan de poderes
Lift your vibe, they fill you with powers
Chicos y no tanto, no se porten mal
Children and teenagers, do not be naughty
Si se comen todo, juguito les dan.
If you eat everything, they will give you juice.
Nos convencen con jugo gasificado
They convince us with carbonated juice
Nos educan con jugo gasificado
They educate us with carbonated juice
Nos sobornan con jugo gasificado
They bribe us with carbonated juice
Nos invaden con jugo gasificado.
They invade us with carbonated juice.
Acá nadie miente la bebida da fortuna
Nobody lies here, this drink gives fortune
Conocí a mi novia tomándome una
I met my girlfriend drinking one
Pero el jugo ofrece diversos finales
But the juice offers different endings
Entre trago y trago mensajes subliminales.
Between drinks, subliminal messages.
Pero no es el jugo, las empresas son las malas
But it is not the juice, companies are the bad ones
Te dan casilleros y se quedan con tu alma
They give you lockers and take your soul
Libran todo el tiempo batallas odiosas
They always fight hateful battles
Procurando ser la reina de la gaseosa.
Trying to be the queen of soda.
Nos convencen con jugo gasificado
They convince us with carbonated juice
Nos educan con jugo gasificado
They educate us with carbonated juice
Nos sobornan con jugo gasificado
They bribe us with carbonated juice
Nos invaden con jugo gasificado.
They invade us with carbonated juice.
Nosotros nos quejamos y también lo tomamos
We complain and we also drink it
Sólo reconocemos el camino errado
We only recognize the wrong path
De ahora en adelante sólo agua tomaremos
From now on we will only drink water
No queremos morir del juguito siendo esclavos.
We do not want to die as slaves to juice.
Nos convencen con jugo gasificado
They convince us with carbonated juice
Nos gobiernan con jugo gasificado
They govern us with carbonated juice
Nos atacan con jugo gasificado
They attack us with carbonated juice
Y hasta el Papa toma jugo gasificado
And even the Pope drinks carbonated juice
Mozo por favor, tráigame un jugo de peras.
Waiter, please bring me a pear juice.

Авторы: Anibal Pereda, Diego Mendez, Gabriel Mendez, Osvaldo Garbuyo

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