Buhos - Sol Naixent - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Buhos - Sol Naixent

Sol Naixent
Sol Naixent
Ja no a pasat mai mes pel seu carrero
I have never walked down his street before
Quan surt al vespre a passejar
When he goes out for a walk in the evening
Quan el sol s'amaga darrere de l'horitzo
When the sun hides behind the horizon
I flirteja amb la lluna fent el sopar
And flirts with the moon making dinner
Vol sentir aquella sensacio de ser lliure i de no tenir por
He wants to feel that sensation of being free and fearless
Vol escriure sense pressa al dema, si no lluita es quan s'enfonsa
He wants to write without haste at dawn, if he doesn't fight is when he sinks
I cau, i es torna a aixecar, torna a cavalcar
And he falls, and gets back up, he rides again
Perque un cos salvatje no es pot aturar
Because a wild body cannot be stopped
Mai perd la ilusio, es pura passió i de cada errada apren la lliçó
He never loses his illusion, it is pure passion and from every mistake he learns the lesson
I avui esta fluixa, pero solucio
And today he is weak, but there is a solution
S'inventa una escusa, i torna al carrero
He makes up an excuse, and goes back to the street
S'aixeca concient que no tornaran
He gets up knowing that they will not return
Que la vida passa i els dies s'en van
That life passes and the days go by
Anem a despullarnes a aquella platja
Let's go strip on that beach
O sortim a fer birres fins que caiguem
Or let's go out for beers until we drop
A vegades nomes cal canviar el paisatge, i de cop
Sometimes all it takes is a change of scenery, and suddenly
Surt aquell perssonatge que tots portem
That personage that we all carry comes out
Vol sentir aquella sensacio de ser lliure i de no tenir por
He wants to feel that sensation of being free and fearless
Vol escriure sense pressa al dema, si no lluita es quan s'enfonsa
He wants to write without haste at dawn, if he doesn't fight is when he sinks
I cau, i es torna a aixecar, torna a cavalcar
And he falls, and gets back up, he rides again
Perque un cos salvatge no es pot aturar
Because a wild body cannot be stopped
Mai perd la ilusio, es pura passio i de cada errada apren la lliço
He never loses his illusion, it is pure passion and from every mistake he learns the lesson
I avui esta fluixa pero te solucio
And today he is weak, but there is a solution
S'inventa una escusa, i torna al carrero
He makes up an excuse, and goes back to the street
S'aixeca concient que no tornaran
He gets up knowing that they will not return
Que la vida passa i els dies s'en van
That life passes and the days go by
Que la vida passa i els dies s'en van
That life passes and the days go by
I quan mes negre ho veus tot
And when you see everything at its darkest
Com de cop, entra una flama de llum i torna a ser tot de colors
Suddenly, a flame of light enters and everything becomes colorful again
I quan més lluny la llum es mes a prop
And when the light is furthest away, it is closer
Segurament ja t'espera al final del carreró
Surely it is already waiting for you at the end of the alley
I cau, i es torna a aixecar, torna a cavalcar
And he falls, and gets back up, he rides again
Perque un cos salvatje no es pot aturar
Because a wild body cannot be stopped
Mai perd la ilusio, es pura passió i de cada errada apren la lliçó
He never loses his illusion, it is pure passion and from every mistake he learns the lesson
I avui esta fluixa, pero solucio
And today he is weak, but there is a solution
S'inventa una escusa, i torna al carrero
He makes up an excuse, and goes back to the street
S'aixeca concient que no tornaran
He gets up knowing that they will not return
Que la vida passa i els dies s'en van
That life passes and the days go by
Que la vida passa i els dies s'envan
That life passes and the days go by
Que torna a aixecar-se i és per cavalcar
That he gets up again and it is to ride
Perque un cos salvatge no es pot aturar
Because a wild body cannot be stopped

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