Buta - O Zot - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Buta - O Zot

O Zot
O Zot
O zot, o zot
O darling, o darling
Kta dojn mem pa mu tu rra
They all want to kill me
Qe sa, qe sa
Oh yes, oh yes
Ma bojn qe sa nuk tkom pa
But I am not going to die
Qe sa, Qe sa
Oh yes, oh yes
Knej mu urrejn mu hala
Because I hate them, I *** can't stand them***
Qe sa, Qe sa
Oh yes, oh yes
Qe sa un lek jom tu ba, po
Oh yes, you're a bit crazy, aren't you
Kta nuk po du un mi pa mo
They don't want to see me anymore
Kta nuk po du un mi pa mo
They don't want to see me anymore
Se hala ka, sene me bo
It's your fault, if I'm like this
Andrra me ndjek, vene me pa
You follow me everywhere, you watch me
Tesha me vesh, kerre me gra
You listen to me, you talk to me
Femna me desh, lek me shperla
You love me, you hate me
O zot, o zot
O darling, o darling
O zot, o zot
O darling, o darling
Pse dojn me mpa mu tu rra
Why do you want to kill me
Pse s'dojn un pare me bo
Why don't you want me to live
Plot njerz dojn une me vdek
Many people want me dead
Ose n'burg une mu m'shel
Or to see me in prison
Vetmi njerz qi pi zhgenjej
Only those who smoke crack
Pak um dojn, shume me urrejn
Love me a little, hate me a lot
Nuk e din un cka kom hek
It's not easy to be like this
Bile hic sja kan iden
Even when I'm alone
Baba dek, vllau mshel
My father loves me, my brother hates me
Nana kajke per cdo dit
My mother suffers every day
E ma bojke bonu trim
My little girl is very good
Un ather shitsha drog
You are a very bad father
Vech me bo lek me ble buk edhe mos me flejt n'tok
I'm going to kill myself and I won't let you take me to the hospital
Un su desh mu kon gjalle
You just want me to suffer
Ama qe jom cuditerisht
But in a very strange way
Kur um paten gjugjt mem vra, e rroken shokin gabimisht
When the judges acquitted me, I shot my friend by mistake
Kur do sene si harroj, vetes shpejsh ja perkujtoj
When I forget how I am, I quickly remember
Ama ce jeta vazhdoj, kshyre tash un ku jam
But life goes on, I don't care anymore
Kshyre tash ku po shkoj, kur nuk hupi, gjith fitoj
I don't care where I am now
O zot, o zot
O darling, o darling
Kta dojn mem pa mu tu rra
They want to kill me
Qe sa, qe sa
Oh yes, oh yes
Ma bojn qe sa nuk tkom pa
But I am not going to die
Qe sa, Qe sa
Oh yes, oh yes
Knej mu urrejn mu hala
Because I hate them, I *** can't stand them***
Qe sa, Qe sa
Oh yes, oh yes
Qe sa un lek jom tu ba, po
Oh yes, you're a bit crazy, aren't you
Kta nuk po du un mi pa mo
They don't want to see me anymore
Kta nuk po du un mi pa mo
They don't want to see me anymore
Se hala ka, sene me bo
It's your fault, if I'm like this
Andrra me ndjek, vene me pa
You follow me everywhere, you watch me
Tesha me vesh, kerre me gra
You listen to me, you talk to me
Femna me desh, lek me shperla
You love me, you hate me
O zot, o zot
O darling, o darling
O zot, o zot
O darling, o darling
Pse dojn me mpa mu tu rra
Why do you want to kill me
Pse s'dojn un pare me bo
Why don't you want me to live
Tash kom ardh un me ni pik, cka po du nuk jom tu dit
Now I'm here with you, I don't know what to do
Hala cati skom arrit, n'fund t'tunelit po shoh drit
I've reached a point where I see light at the end of the tunnel
Mas t'kqijave u bo mirr, mas shiu dul pak dill
You were my mirror, you were my guide
Mas stuhie, moti mir
You were my storm, my peace
Kur e kan myt Jesusin un nuk pres pi njerzve mshir
When I think of Jesus I don't expect mercy from people anymore
As Cezari su cudit kur ja kan ngul thiken n'shpirt
Even Caesar was amazed when he saw the beast in his heart
Nana tha jam shum krenare qe ty tkam fmij
My mother will be very proud of me, now that I'm your son
Po t'ish kon baba gjall nuk e di qysh isha ni
But if you were alive, I don't know how I would be
Edhe kur tvje Egjeli n'vizit, ti mos kajsh
And when the Angel of Death visits you, don't be afraid
Shtynem n'dhe me muzik
We'll fight him with music
Ka me ardh ajo dit, plot njerz jon te prit
There will come a day, when many people will be waiting for you
Kjo nuk o per me u cudit, lisi jetes u vadit
This is not strange, because the wolf is a symbol of life
O zot, o zot
O darling, o darling
Kta don mem pa mu tu rra
They want to kill me
Qe sa, qe sa
Oh yes, oh yes
Ma bojn qe sa nuk tkom pa
But I am not going to die
Qe sa, Qe sa
Oh yes, oh yes
Knej mu urrejn mu hala
Because I hate them, I *** can't stand them***
Qe sa, Qe sa
Oh yes, oh yes
Qe sa un lek jom tu ba, po
Oh yes, you're a bit crazy, aren't you
Kta nuk po du un mi pa mo
They don't want to see me anymore
Kta nuk po du un mi pa mo
They don't want to see me anymore
Se hala ka, sene me bo
It's your fault, if I'm like this
Andrra me ndjek, vene me pa
You follow me everywhere, you watch me
Tesha me vesh, kerre me gra
You listen to me, you talk to me
Femna me desh, lek me shperla
You love me, you hate me
O zot, o zot
O darling, o darling
O zot, o zot
O darling, o darling
Pse dojn me mpa mu tu rra
Why do you want to kill me
Pse s'dojn un pare me bo
Why don't you want me to live

Авторы: lennox, buta

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