Bvcovia - Foste - перевод текста песни на английский

Foste - Bvcoviaперевод на английский

You Were
Sună foste, își fac filmu' (foste, își fac filmu')
My exes are calling, making up stories (exes, making up stories)
Da' le-am zis nu sunt tipu' (tipu')
But I told them I'm not their type (type)
Nu mai vreau îmi pierd timpu'
I don't want to waste my time anymore
Cine a zis este simplu?
Who said it was easy?
Sună foste, își fac filmu'
My exes are calling, making up stories
Da' le-am zis nu sunt tipu'
But I told them I'm not their type
Nu mai vreau îmi pierd timpu'
I don't want to waste my time anymore
Cine a zis este simplu?
Who said it was easy?
Viața asta pare complicat'
This life seems complicated
Un băiat ca mine, întâlnești numai odat' (numai odat')
A guy like me, you only meet once (only once)
vezi, te-ai albit la față
You see me, you turn pale
Nu pun sentimente, mai ales dacă ești zdreanță
I don't put feelings in, especially if you're a rag
Sunt plecat din nou în trip
I'm off on a trip again
Cu brigada mea, nu știu pe unde plimb
With my crew, I don't know where I'm wandering
tot întrebai ce simt
You kept asking what I felt
Simt banii ăștia-n mână, gândesc doar la profit
I feel this money in my hand, I only think about profit
Nedormit de atâtea zile, îmi spuneai c-o schimb
Sleepless for so many days, you said I'd change
Însă m-am schimbat de mult, chiar de când te-am întâlnit
But I changed a long time ago, right when I met you
Știi, trăiesc un vis lucid
You know, I'm living a lucid dream
Aceleași emoții, puse-ntr-una pe repeat
The same emotions, put on repeat
Continui te evit
I continue to avoid you
Nu mai suna, îți faci rău la nesfârșit
Don't call me anymore, you're hurting yourself endlessly
Rămâi cu ale tale, toate se așează în timp
Stay with your things, everything settles down with time
N-avem ce mai vorbim
We have nothing more to talk about
Sună foste, își fac filmu' (filmu')
My exes are calling, making up stories (stories)
Da' le-am zis nu sunt tipu'
But I told them I'm not their type
Nu mai vreau îmi pierd timpu'
I don't want to waste my time anymore
Cine a zis este simplu?
Who said it was easy?
Sună foste, își fac filmu'
My exes are calling, making up stories
Da' le-am zis nu sunt tipu'
But I told them I'm not their type
Nu mai vreau îmi pierd timpu'
I don't want to waste my time anymore
Cine a zis este simplu?
Who said it was easy?
Insistai într-una ierți
You kept insisting that you'd forgive me
Nu-nțeleg ce tot visezi
I don't understand what you're dreaming of
Zi-mi ce vrei demonstrezi
Tell me what you're trying to prove
Stau și beau cafea, număr bani cu Double Edd
I sit and drink coffee, count money with Double Edd
Încălțat de la obsq, las și urme când pășesc
Wearing shoes from obsq, I leave tracks when I step
Unde mai punem, nici n-am zis te iubesc
Where else to put it, I never even said I loved you
Fato, cred delirezi
Girl, I think you're delusional
Scrie-i unui fraier, dacă ai nevoie de sex
Write to a sucker if you need sex
Cauți să-ți astupi durerea
You're trying to cover up your pain
Eu caut să-mi cresc cariera
I'm trying to grow my career
Îmi cunosc bine puterea
I know my strength well
Ai furtună-n suflet, nu te poți lupta cu vremea
You have a storm in your soul, you can't fight the weather
Nu te poți lupta cu starea
You can't fight the state
Te-ai pierdut în droguri, crezi asta e scăparea
You lost yourself in drugs, you think that's the escape
N-o să-ți treacă supărarea
Your anger won't go away
Lasă-mă, caută-ți calea
Leave me, find your way
Sună foste, își fac filmu' (filmu')
My exes are calling, making up stories (stories)
Da' le-am zis nu sunt tipu'
But I told them I'm not their type
Nu mai vreau îmi pierd timpu'
I don't want to waste my time anymore
Cine a zis este simplu?
Who said it was easy?
Sună foste, își fac filmu' (filmu')
My exes are calling, making up stories (stories)
Da' le-am zis nu sunt tipu'
But I told them I'm not their type
Nu mai vreau îmi pierd timpu'
I don't want to waste my time anymore
Cine a zis este simplu?
Who said it was easy?

Авторы: Ruddy Leonardo Corcino Ramirez, Raduly Ioan Marian

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