C.Jamm - Pr0ve - перевод текста песни на английский

Pr0ve - C.Jammперевод на английский

Oh ye 했지 1집 정규 말고
Oh yeah, I did it. Not the first regular album,
술에 쩔어 적어 놨던
Drenched in alcohol, I wrote down
훅도 없는 무료 ye
a free song without a hook, yeah.
기대한 반응이 아니란
The reaction wasn’t what I expected,
Problem까진 아냐 ok
But it’s not a Problem, okay.
일단 이슬 Max 말어 hey
First of all, stop drinking that soju, hey.
증오는 언제나 파릇해
Hatred is always wrong.
아직 먹었어
I haven’t been cursed out enough yet.
저기 오네 파르페 hoo
Look, there comes a parfait, hoo.
때문에 누가 맞는
Who’s getting hit because of me?
오해 때문은 아니지만
It’s not because of a misunderstanding,
내가 원하는 이건 아닌데
But this isn’t what I wanted.
어쩔 없지 나도 재밌으니
It can’t be helped, it's fun for me too.
쇼미 프리티
Show Me the Money, Pretty Rap Star,
오늘 악플 달던 질투 새낀
The jealous bastard who left a hate comment today
내일 래퍼 신인 uh
Will be a rookie rapper tomorrow, uh.
국힙 여고 bitches
Korean hip-hop high school bitches,
곱게 말해줘도 자매님
Even if I speak nicely, sisters.
Real이란 자식들
Those kids who call themselves “real,”
앞에 서면 꽈배기 woh
Why do they twist when they stand in front of me? Woh.
신기루도 통쾌하겐 안됐지 uh
Even Shin-gil-roo couldn't do it, uh.
근데 이거 말곤 일이 없어
But I have nothing else to do.
알겠지 uh
You know, uh.
잠을 양보할 되지
It doesn't work out well when I sacrifice sleep.
지나간 지나가게
Let what’s past go.
온다고 다음 shit이 woh
The next shit will come, woh.
이젠 훅중새 패션스타가 돼야
Now I have to be a hook-bird fashion star.
Hey hey ooh
Hey hey ooh.
증명 따윈 이상은
Proving my rap skills is no longer
내가 hey
Something I have to do, hey.
Watch closely.
Just watch.
Yo, you know.
I gotta go
I gotta go.
지나간 얘기를 계속하기에는
To keep talking about the past,
스물넷에 성격은
At 24, my personality
이제 너무 빠릿해 너가
Is too fast now. Even if you
궁금한 남았대도 이제는 넘어가지
Are curious about anything else, let’s move on now.
너랑 맞춰주기 싫어
Ah, I don’t want to match you.
I ain't no 절름발이
I ain’t no cripple.
표지판 박으러 다녀 비포장 길에
I go around hitting signs on unpaved roads.
인생 찍어 레인지 로버 CF
Filming my life, Range Rover CF.
세뇌되지 않는 것이 번째
Not being brainwashed is the first thing.
성격은 성급하고 정직해
Ah, my personality is hasty and honest.
사촌동생은 음악이
My cousin's dream is music.
걱정하는 맘으로
With a worried heart,
학교 자퇴를 권했네
I advised him to drop out of school.
친구 몇은 꿈이 있었고
Some of my friends had dreams,
교육 과정 속에 걔는 이제 그걸 지웠어
And in the curriculum, he erased them now.
다른 친구들은 여태 꿈이 없고
Some other friends still have no dreams,
그건 너도
And that’s just what you did,
나도 때문야 bro
What I did too, bro.
쉽게 말해 사회의 엘리트도 부질없어
Simply put, the elites of this society are also futile.
불량 꼬맹이가 너무 벌어서 삐졌어
The bad kid is making too much money, and they are all sulking.
들어 i'm living in
Listen closely, i'm living in
아이폰의 이어폰
Your iPhone earphones.
엄마께 천만 원을 22였고
I was 22 when I gave my mom her first 10 million won,
23에 얻은 여잔 천국과 이어줘
And the girl I got at 23 connects me to heaven.
선비들아 am i living like
You scholars, am i living like
24 years old boy
A 24 years old boy?
너와 내가 알기도 전이였지
It was before you and I even knew it,
내가 최고의 랩을 하던 것이
That I was rapping the best.
그냥 과건 pass now
Just let it pass now.
I'm living like a living legend
I'm living like a living legend.
I'm living like biggie 생전
I'm living like Biggie when he was alive.
내가 누군지는 내가 알려주지
I’ll tell you who I am.
안에 한국힙합 구세주님
In a few years, the savior of Korean hip-hop.
스윙스 페북 찾아가라 성지글
Go to Swings’ Facebook, a sacred text.
I'll make you scream
I'll make you scream,
모든 래퍼들의 연인들도 woh
Even the lovers of all rappers, woh.
이젠 훅중새 패션스타가 돼야
Now I have to be a hook-bird fashion star.
Hey hey ooh
Hey hey ooh.
증명 따윈 이상은
Proving my rap skills is no longer
내가 hey
Something I have to do, hey.
Watch closely.
Just watch.
Yo, you know.
I gotta go
I gotta go.
느끼면서 인정하기 싫어요
You feel it but don’t want to admit it.
왜냐면 맨날 내가
Because I’m always
입으로 말하니까
Saying it all with my own mouth.
비율 스타일 예전에 찍은 뮤비도
My ratio, my style, the music video I shot before,
내가 거고 너가 하는
I did it all, and what you’re doing is
아가리 fight right
Just picking a fight, right?
너는 계속 거기 있어 래퍼 top5에
You stay there. I’ll put my name in the top 5 rappers,
이름 올리고 전할 거야 이런 건방과
And I’ll convey this arrogance.
자신감이 사실은 제일로 건강한
This confidence is actually the healthiest
사고방식이지 얼른 박수 쳐라
Way of thinking. Clap your hands quickly, clap.
본전치기라고 전부 잃어도
Even if I lose everything, break even,
인정 하겠지 내가 이뤄도
You won’t admit it even if I succeed.
Like 이런 너의 케이스는 miracle
Like saying this, your case is a miracle.
No 미리 예약해둔
No, it's reserved in advance.
숟갈 치워줘 ha
Move your spoon, ha.
앨범을 만들고 있어 이번엔 real dope
I’m making an album, this time it’s real dope.
일을 거라고 나는 기어코
I’m going to release it.
니가 주는 아냐 내가 가지는
It’s not something you give me, it’s what I have.
관심 없어 음원사가 떼는
I don’t care about the money the music agency takes.
Don't you worry bout me
Don't you worry bout me.
I'm on my way
I'm on my way.
운전 중야 전달 부탁해
I’m driving, please deliver this.
팀장 신나래님
Team leader Shin Na-rae.
Ooh baby 정했다고
Ooh baby, I’ve decided where to go.
밀린 수도세를 냈다고
I paid a year’s worth of overdue water bills.
참겠어 honey 이제 flow flow
I can’t stand it anymore honey, now flow flow.
가지고 싶은 노트에 적어놔
Write down what you want on a note.
어려운 발음으로
In difficult pronunciation.
있는 브랜드만
Just the clothing brands I have.
표현력 펜은 당장 내려놔
Look at my expression, put your pen down right now.

Авторы: Code Kunst, Seong Min Ryu

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