Cabron - Stapanu' - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Cabron - Stapanu'

Cat sa mai fur, cat sa mai iau, cum sa mai stau mai mult
How much more can I steal, how much more can I take, how long can I stay?
Am vandut paduri, am vandut si munti, am vandut campii, mai vand
I sold forests, I sold mountains, I sold fields, I'm selling more
Am furat averi, am mintit mineri, am lasat someri, mai fur
I stole fortunes, I lied to miners, I left people unemployed, I'm stealing more
Nici yo n-am avut cand eram mai mic, tot ce am acu', ma jur
I didn't have anything when I was little, everything I have now, I swear
Ma da la TV, toate fetele dupa mine ca-s nebun
I'm on TV, all the girls after me because I'm crazy
Ma cunosc si cu Mafioti si tu crezi mereu ca sunt baiat bun
I know Mafiosi and you always think I'm a good boy
Nu-s asa nebun sa fiu neatent la aceste tentatii
I'm not that crazy to be careless about these temptations
Nu-mi plac pozele, d'aia nu ma vezi pe unde-s paparazzi
I don't like pictures, that's why you don't see me where the paparazzi are
Si de-aia.
And that's why.
Uite cum te pacalesc
This is how I fool you
Ori de cate ori vorbesc
Every time I speak
Cand te mint mai si zambesc
When I lie, I even smile
Te fac sa ma crezi ca sunt cel mai bun
I make you believe I'm the best
Si de-aia.
And that's why.
Uite cum te pacalesc
This is how I fool you
Ori de cate ori vorbesc
Every time I speak
Cand te mint mai si zambesc
When I lie, I even smile
Te fac sa ma crezi ca sunt cel mai bun
I make you believe I'm the best
Voteaza-ma sa-ti fiu stapan
Vote for me to be your master
Am doi, badigarzi, si inalti si latzi, te bat fara declaratii
I have two bodyguards, tall and wide, I beat you up without a statement
Am imunitate si pe unde trec sa nu mai treaca si altii
I have immunity and wherever I go, no one else can go
Fiindca ma respect si cand te respecti nu dai loc la speculatii
Because I respect myself, and when you respect yourself, you don't give room for speculation
Cu fratii si cu verii dar si cu finii si alte relatii
With my brothers and cousins, but also with my godchildren and other relationships
De la Primarii pana la locale, tot felul de combinatii
From mayors to local people, all kinds of combinations
De la cele mai tari pana la banale de la VOT la licitatii
From the strongest to the mundane, from VOT to auctions
Sunt castigator, fi-r-ar mama lor, pai ma fac pe mine altii
I'm a winner, damn it, because I'm the one who makes myself
Da-le un concert, fa si tu ceva, sa le mai picam in gratii
Give them a concert, do something, to get back in their good graces
Si de-aia.
And that's why.
Uite cum te pacalesc
This is how I fool you
Ori de cate ori vorbesc
Every time I speak
Cand te mint mai si zambesc
When I lie, I even smile
Te fac sa ma crezi ca sunt cel mai bun
I make you believe I'm the best
Si de-aia.
And that's why.
Uite cum te pacalesc
This is how I fool you
Ori de cate ori vorbesc
Every time I speak
Cand te mint mai si zambesc
When I lie, I even smile
Te fac sa ma crezi ca sunt cel mai bun
I make you believe I'm the best
Voteaza-ma sa-ti fiu stapan...
Vote for me to be your master...

Авторы: Alexandru Minculescu, Andrei Tiberiu Maria, Cabron, Florin Boka, Maria Andrei Tiberiu, Roland Kiss

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