Caddy feat. Grasu XXL & Mario - Îngeri Pierduți - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Caddy feat. Grasu XXL & Mario - Îngeri Pierduți

Îngeri Pierduți
Lost Angels
Nu stie nimeni de ce ai rezistat pana azi
Nobody knows why you've lasted to this day
Stii ca vine o zi cand din nou ai sa cazi
You know there will come a day when you will fall again
Dar ai ca mine (dar ai ca mine...)
But you have, like me (but you have, like me...)
Ingerii cu tine (ingerii cu tine...)
Angels on your side (angels on your side...)
Acasa-i altfel, sunt ai tai prezenti
Home is different, your family is present
Cand zic familie, e vorba de-ai mei
When I say family, I mean mine
Si ma gandesc de fapt ce sunt fara
And I actually think what I would be without
Tu zici fara, eu stiu cum e
You say without, I know what it's like
Despre bine de morti si despre bine de vii
About the good of the dead and the good of the living
Incerci sa fugi o viata intreaga, de ce
You try to run away from it all your life, why
Stii bine ca devii unul din ei, de-ai tai
You know very well that you are one of them, of yours
Care face la fel ca ei
Who does the same as they do
Cand plangi ca ei, cand razi
When you cry as they do, when you laugh
Speranta moare ultima
Hope dies last
Oricum te-ajuta, e, stii bine, sa ramana asa
Anyway, it helps you, it is, you know, to remain like this
Cand te-ai nascut incepi sa mori, respiri usor
When you're born you start to die, you breathe easily
Primul lucru esti departe, ti-e dor
First thing you're away, you feel like it
N-are cum sa se termine asa, te-ntorci acasa
It can't end like that, you go home
La fratii tai, la ale tale, nimic nu mai conteaza
To your brothers, to your things, nothing else matters
Este aceeasi distanta de la tine la ei
It's the same distance from you to them
Si inapoi, stii bine, anii par mai grei
And back, you know, the years feel harder
Trece greu,??, mi-e dor si mine
It's hard,??, I also feel like it
Nu-ti gasesti confort cand altii nu-ti plac, nici mie
You can't find comfort when others don't like you, neither can I
Ingerii tai raman cu tine chiar daca placa.
Your angels stay with you, even if you're going around.
Asculta bine, obisnuiam sa fiu
Listen carefully, I used to be
Unii dintre cei care n-au grija de ei
One of those who don't care for themselves
Care nu prea stiu ce au in cap, nu prea stiu ce fac
Who don't really know what's on their mind, who don't really know what they're doing

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