Capitan Mr Litro - Aurora - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Capitan Mr Litro - Aurora

Aurora mira un reloj que no se mueve
Aurora looks at a clock that doesn't move
Pero ella sabe que se acerca ya la hora
But she knows that the hour is approaching
Recoge el bolso, se sube el escote
She picks up her purse, pulls up her neckline
Y no se olvida los condones de la mesa
And doesn't forget the condoms on the table
Aurora baja la escalera lentamente
Aurora walks down the stairs slowly
Como si aquello la mantuviera con vida
As if that kept her alive
Se despide de su padre que la mira impotente
She says goodbye to her father who looks at her helplessly
Por eso le tiembla el pulso mientras se maquilla
That's why her pulse trembles as she puts on her makeup
Aurora camina sola a la estación del tren
Aurora walks alone to the train station
Se enciende un porro en el andén de la vergüenza
She lights a cigarette on the platform of shame
La mira con descaro un cuarentón en la otra vía
A forty-year-old man on the other track stares at her shamelessly
Mientras ella mira el móvil el mensaje de la agencia
While she looks at the mobile phone, at the message from the agency
Y no... No, no...
And no... No, no...
No, no, ella no miró
No, no, she didn't look
Pero no... No, no...
But no... No, no...
No, no, ella no miró
No, no, she didn't look
Ya no le importa lo que le pueda pasar no
She doesn't care what might happen to her anymore, no
Quiere trabajar en donde no la quieren
She doesn't want to work where they don't want her
Por otro lado se le daba bien hacer
On the other hand, she was good at doing
Lo que otros chicos la habían forzado a hacerles
What other guys had forced her to do to them
Que nuestra Aurora ya estaba harta de pedir
Our Aurora was already tired of asking
El dinero a sus padres que sabe que les cuesta
Money from her parents that she knows they have a hard time getting
Ya tiene dieciocho y es capaz de decidir
She's already eighteen and capable of deciding
Pensaba Aurora que ya se baja en esta y
Aurora thought that she was getting off at this one and
Pone un pie en el suelo y el otro se resiste y
She puts one foot on the ground and the other resists and
Quiere escapar por la puerta de emergencia
She wants to escape through the emergency door
Quiere despertar y que todo sea un chiste
She wants to wake up and have it all be a joke
Pero no le ve la gracia de la historia...
But she doesn't see the grace in the story...
Y no... No, no...
And no... No, no...
No, no, ella no miró
No, no, she didn't look
Pero no... No, no...
But no... No, no...
No, no, ella no miró
No, no, she didn't look
Se enciende un cigarro en la puerta del hotel
She lights a cigarette at the hotel door
Con el apurado inculto de atrasar lo inevitable
With the hurried ignorance of delaying the inevitable
Aurora tiene miedo de a quien se vaya a encontrar
Aurora is afraid of who she is going to find
Mientras vuelve a pensar en la cara de su padre
While she thinks again about her father's face
En la recepción hay un silencio aterrador
In the reception there is a terrifying silence
Cuando piensa que todo el personal la está mirando
When she thinks that all the staff is looking at her
Suprime el tipo con la fuerza del rumor
The rumor suppresses the guy with its force
Y grita en su cabeza una niña que ya no habla
And a girl who no longer speaks screams in her head
Ella solo escucha, la quinientos dos
She just listens, five hundred and two
Marcado al rojo vivo el número de habitación
The room number marked in red hot
Mientras llora por dentro se vuelve a pintar los labios
As she cries inside, she puts on her lipstick again
Mirando a la puerta el espejo del ascensor
Looking at the door, the mirror of the elevator
Llegando al quinto, todo cobra forma y
Arriving on the fifth, everything takes shape and
Por precaución ya no sabe estar alerta
Out of caution, she no longer knows how to be alert
Impone a los nudillos, le tiembla el mundo
It imposes on her knuckles, the world trembles
Desde dentro, llaman a la puerta
From inside, they knock on the door
Y no... No, no...
And no... No, no...
No, no, ella no miró
No, no, she didn't look
Pero no... No, no...
But no... No, no...
No, no, ella no miró
No, no, she didn't look
Pero no... No, no...
But no... No, no...
No, no, ella no miró
No, no, she didn't look
Pero no... No, no...
But no... No, no...
No, no, ella no miró
No, no, she didn't look

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