Cesk Freixas - Zona Especial Nord-Est - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Cesk Freixas - Zona Especial Nord-Est

Zona Especial Nord-Est
The Northeast Special Zone
Hem aparcat al marge del camí
We've parked on the side of the road
Mentre sonava Flor de primavera.
While Flor de primavera was playing.
Són els senyals horaris de les sis,
It's six o'clock on the hour,
Punt de trobada, a peu de carretera.
Meeting point, on the side of the road.
N′hi ha que hi han passat tota la nit,
Some have been here all night,
I els que som nous ara ens posem darrera.
And those of us who are new are now behind.
S'intueix un cel amb tons de matí,
A sky with shades of morning can be glimpsed,
Surt fum del teu alè com pols d′estrelles.
Smoke rises from your breath like stardust.
Tenim fred i els més joves van venint,
We're cold and the younger ones are coming,
Fem un foc amb branques a la vorera.
We're making a fire with branches on the sidewalk.
Refilen els ocells des dels seus pins,
Birds are singing from their pines,
Fas un sospir i rius, estàs contenta.
You sigh and laugh, you're happy.
Des d'on som ara em tremolen els dits,
From where we are now my fingers are shaking,
Sento el soroll que deixen les roderes.
I can hear the noise left by the wheel ruts.
Les seves llums tenyeixen l'infinit,
Their lights dye the infinite,
Si volen llamps, serem una tempesta.
If they want lightning, we'll be a storm.
Si de nit tombeu la porta de casa
If at night you break down the door of your house
Ens trobareu dempeus, plantant-vos cara.
You'll find us standing, facing you.
Els necis són a pocs metres d′aquí,
The fools are a few meters from here,
S′han agrupat entre la polseguera.
They've gathered in the dust.
Som els qui ens creix un llarg octubre a dins,
We're the ones who have a long October inside,
Els clàxons saluden la gent valenta.
The horns of the valiant are saluting.
Adés, pobles veïns fan seu el crit,
Now, neighboring towns are making the cry their own,
Després dels trons, la pluja arriba sempre.
After thunder, rain always comes.
Abastem fins on arribem units,
We reach as far as we can united,
Braç a braç, som un cor vestit de festa.
Arm in arm, we are a heart dressed in celebration.
Si de nit tombeu la porta de casa
If at night you break down the door of your house
Ens trobareu dempeus, plantant-vos cara.
You'll find us standing, facing you.
Si de nit tombeu la porta de casa
If at night you break down the door of your house
Ens trobareu dempeus, plantant-vos cara.
You'll find us standing, facing you.
Si de nit tombeu la porta de casa
If at night you break down the door of your house
Ens trobareu dempeus, plantant-vos cara.
You'll find us standing, facing you.

Авторы: Francesc Freixas Morros

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