Cevlade - Basta De Problemas (feat. Jp Saavedra, Cristian Jeria) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Cevlade - Basta De Problemas (feat. Jp Saavedra, Cristian Jeria)

Basta De Problemas (feat. Jp Saavedra, Cristian Jeria)
Enough Problems (feat. Jp Saavedra, Cristian Jeria)
Basta de problemas, no quiero dilemas
Enough problems, I don't want dilemmas
Tus palabras no me queman ni llegan al fondo de mi corazón
Your words don't burn me or reach the bottom of my heart
Basta de problemas, no quiero dilemas
Enough problems, I don't want dilemmas
Tus palabras no me queman ni llegan al fondo como esta canción
Your words don't burn me or reach the bottom like this song
Contento? Me baje de mil eventos
Content? I got off a thousand events
Deje que mi rap lo propagara el viento
Let my rap spread by the wind
Seguí bien atento, aunque mire bien adentro
I stayed attentive, even though I look deep inside
Me siguen odiando, yo los sigo queriendo
They keep hating me, I keep loving them
Me quedan pesares, y males signos vitales
I have regrets, and bad vital signs
Que parecen frases que van en busca de nuevos pares
That look like phrases in search of new pairs
Aun quedan traumas cual sera la causa
There are still traumas, what will the cause be
Cevla como no te cansas de amanecer con nauseas
Cevla, how can you not get tired of waking up nauseous
No digas que soy un genio, soy un hueon cagao
Don't say I'm a genius, I'm a shitty dude
Mi ingenio caprichoso y me deja botado
My whimsical ingenuity leaves me stranded
No puedo ser brillante estoy piantao, piantao
I can't be brilliant, I'm screwed, screwed
La terrible pesadilla con gordas a poto pelao
The terrible nightmare with fat chicks with bare asses
Este juego es para perros bravos
This game is for brave dogs
A vo rapero te falla la voz
You rapper, your voice fails
Esclavo del glamour, esclavo del clamor
Slave to glamour, slave to clamor
Deja luego de rapiar por favor, abortada pavor
Please stop rapping, aborted dread
Eres tan mediocre que crees que eres el mejor
You're so mediocre that you think you're the best
A lo menos me parece confianzudo
At least I find it confident
Que se enoje conmigo si fue el que no se la pudo
That he gets angry with me if he couldn't get it
Que si no grabo en su disco rap chileno no ayudo
That if I don't record on his album, Chilean rap doesn't help
Es otro que se pica porque no lo saludo
He's another one who gets pissed off because I don't say hello
La critica es mi critica, sin base alguna
Criticism is my criticism, without any basis
Y cuestionas mi locura
And you question my madness
Te llenas el hocico hablando de esta cultura
You fill your mouth talking about this culture
Cada vez que paso cerca los cahuines los murmuran
Every time I pass by, the gossips murmur
Quizás por eso me margino
Maybe that's why I isolate myself
Me imagino
I imagine
Como marcelino
Like Marceline
Puro pan y vino
Pure bread and wine
En mi si, no logi la mina es a mi vecino
If so, the chick isn't mine, she's my neighbor's
Me llama misojino, me odia pero quiere algo conmigo
She calls me misogynistic, she hates me but wants something with me
No se de que se queja
I don't know what she's complaining about
Le levanto una ceja
I raise an eyebrow at her
A mi no me interesa
I don't care
Otra presa pa esta presa
Another prey for this prison
Por pelar y pelar se meten la cabeza al water
By fighting and fighting, they put their heads in the toilet
Si tanto aman pelar, aquí tengo dos tomates
If you love to fight so much, I have two tomatoes here
Si la vida te sonríe es porque algo trama
If life smiles at you, it's because it's up to something
Yo no cambie, pero todo cambio con la fama
I didn't change, but everything changed with fame
Con este tema hago las paces, no odies, Ama!
With this song I make peace, don't hate, Love!
Así sentirás como yo las paz del dalai lama
This way you will feel the peace of the Dalai Lama like me
Siento que va a doler el verme volver
I feel it's gonna hurt to see me come back
Presente tu pesadilla de ayer
Present your nightmare of yesterday
Sonrió al ver
I smile to see
Tu cuento caer
Your story fall
Y tu cara de envidia
And your envious face
Al verme otra vez
To see me again
El dolor es de mi alma, aprendí a escribir sólito
The pain is from my soul, I learned to write by myself
Si no escupo mi rap, entonces te lo vomito
If I don't spit out my rap, then I'll vomit it up to you
Queri mas publico? métete un cabro chico por el chico
You want more audience? Put a little boy up your ass
Te da igual si es rap es feo, si hay un vídeo bonito
You don't care if the rap is ugly, if there's a nice video
Esque ahora el publico aplaude con gratitud
It's because now the audience applauds with gratitude
La imagen de un mc que no es nada sin youtube
The image of an MC who is nothing without YouTube
Ni la mitad de la mitad de esos tendran mi amistad
Not even half of those will have my friendship
Me condenaron y hoy me copian así es en Chile el rap
They condemned me and today they copy me, that's how rap is in Chile
Voy a escribir hasta que me de artritis
I'm gonna write until I get arthritis
Rapeare con laringitis
I'll rap with laryngitis
Beberé con gastritis
I'll drink with gastritis
Lidiare para siempre con esta acidez
I will deal with this acidity forever
Si no saludo aveces esque padezco de timidez
If I don't say hello sometimes, it's because I suffer from shyness
Aunque no lo entiendas, en verdad creas que me creo
Even if you don't understand, do you really think I believe myself?
Ya no hablo con nadie, todos se quedan con lo peor
I don't talk to anyone anymore, everyone gets the worst
Yo trabajo por lo mio sin importar
I work for myself, no matter
Lo que digan
What they say
Mi mami chela me dijo con lo que sea
My mommy Chela told me with whatever
Pero el mejor, mi mami yo le dijo hijo
But the best, my mommy I told him son
Deberás perseverar
You must persevere
Ve por tus sueños, que la lucha sea deveras, persevera
Go for your dreams, let the fight be real, persevere
Siempre ama a las personas mas que tu billetera
Always love people more than your wallet
Si haces arte, libera tu pasión de la nevera
If you make art, release your passion from the fridge
Tengo una rabia que tiene gusto a sed
I have a rage that tastes like thirst
El alivio sin beber, cabezazos en la pared
The relief without drinking, head banging on the wall
El delirio del demonio me tuvo a su merced
The demon's delirium had me at his mercy
Aquí en mi pecho recibí el infernal huésped!
Here in my chest I received the infernal guest!
Lo saque, me lo arranque, de la sangre
I took him out, ripped him out of my blood
Le quite el resentimiento y lo mate de hambre
I took away the resentment and starved him to death
Me siento tan libre, era tan simple
I feel so free, it was so simple
Creí que romper mis cadenas seria imposible sin un ron silver
I thought breaking my chains would be impossible without a silver rum
Creí que resolver era un revolver o un rifle
I thought resolving was a revolver or a rifle
Pa no volver
Not to come back
Hasta ver cada verso en un cadáver
Until I see every verse in a corpse
Supón que donde el horizonte esconde al sol
Suppose that where the horizon hides the sun
Dialoga mi agonía con mi angustia, en torno a un ron
My agony dialogues with my anguish, around a rum
Si no haces algo distinto no cambia nada
If you don't do something different, nothing changes
No saldré mas de casa no me verán la cara
I won't leave the house anymore, they won't see my face
La vida dura y si te sonríe es porque algo trama
Life is hard and if it smiles at you it's because it's up to something
Kurt Cobain no se hizo drama y alcanzo a nirvana
Kurt Cobain didn't make a fuss and reached nirvana
Siento que va a doler el verme volver
I feel it's gonna hurt to see me come back
Presente tu pesadilla de ayer
Present your nightmare of yesterday
Sonrió al ver
I smile to see
Tu cuento caer
Your story fall
Y tu cara de envidia
And your envious face
Al verme otra vez
To see me again
Basta de problemas, no quiero dilemas
Enough problems, I don't want dilemmas
Tus palabras no me queman ni llegan al fondo de mi corazón
Your words don't burn me or reach the bottom of my heart
Basta de problemas, no quiero dilemas
Enough problems, I don't want dilemmas
Tus palabras no me queman ni llegan al fondo como esta canción
Your words don't burn me or reach the bottom like this song

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