Chara - あれはね - перевод текста песни на английский

あれはね - Charaперевод на английский

It Is a Lie
小さな町へ どこでもいいわ あなたといっしょならね
I'd go to a small town anywhere, I don't mind as long as I'm with you
Whenever something fun happens, I always think ―"If only you were here..."
泣き虫の子供見てた 震える目で
I see a child crying, their eyes filled with fear
不安よ 必要としている
I'm worried, they need someone
「あれは... ねぇ うそでしょ...?」答えてほしい...
Could that be... No, it can't be...? Please tell me...
ねぇ お願いごとが叶うなら 彼につたえてよ
Hey, if you could grant a wish, please tell him this
小さな町へ どこでもいいわ あなたといっしょならね
I'd go to a small town anywhere, I don't mind as long as I'm with you
黄色いリボン 髪に結わって ほどかれるのを 待ってる
I'll have my hair tied with a yellow ribbon, waiting for it to come undone
地面に落ちたばかり 青い果実
A green fruit has just fallen to the ground
不安よ 必要としている
I'm worried, they need someone
「あれはね うそだよ」...そして抱き合う...
It is a lie... We hug each other...
ねぇ お願いごとが叶うなら 彼に会わせてよ
Hey, if you could grant a wish, please let me meet him
恋は水色 綺麗な方が 月も濁さずに写す
Love is light blue, the clearer it is, the more it reflects the moon without distortion
こちらの水に沈む姿は その輝きのすべてか
The image sinking in the water here is all of its brilliance
ああ、その時を忘れはしない とても綺麗な目だった
Oh, I'll never forget that moment, your eyes were so beautiful
私が見える あなたに写る 茶色の瞳の中に...
I can see myself in your reflection, in the depths of your brown eyes...

Авторы: Chara, chara

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