- NOW - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский - NOW

VS 嫌なこと+すぐにやんなきゃなんない不満
VS Nasty stuff instant discontent
ただ貴方は唸る そして早くも人生下る
You just whine and your life sinks
XYZ straight toward the bad side
あと何発喰らう?すでに朦朧 言葉失う
How many more hits? I'm already dizzy, speechless
何が今更、それじゃ尚更 過ぎる今更 黙れ貴様ら
What now, again, even more now? Shut up, you guys
ほらね あれから荒れる事柄 やりな今から じゃなきゃ今更
Look, the issues from back then are still festering, do it now or never
VS 嫌なこと+すぐにやんなきゃなんない不満
VS Nasty stuff instant discontent
ただ貴方は唸る そして早くも人生下る
You just whine and your life sinks
XYZ straight toward the bad side
How many more hits? I'm already dizzy, speechless
『Doing it right, well』
違う、ちゃっかり逃げてる上手く ブーイングto 視覚
No, slyly escaping well, Boos to the vision
人の目だけはばっちり威嚇 そこはバレない死角
Your eyes are all that scare people, that's a blind spot unseen
None of that exists, you're clumsy
とどめを刺す 暗くなる前にすぐやれ You got now
Strike the last blow, before it gets dark, do it right now, You got now
何が今更 それじゃ尚更 過ぎる今更 黙れ貴様ら
What now, again, even more now? Shut up, you guys
ほらね あれから荒れる事柄
Look, the issues from back then are still festering
やりな今から じゃなきゃ今更
Do it now or never
(吐く 真っ赤な小さな嘘 その場しのぎでやった顔)
(Spewing tiny little red lies, acting like you've dealt with it)
過ぎる今更 黙れ貴様ら(誰のおかげでセーフ?最悪最悪)
Even more now? Shut up, you guys (Who saved you? Worst of the worst)
ほらね あれから荒れる事柄
Look, the issues from back then are still festering
(バカね 荒れ狂う未来と運命の共存)
(You fool, a raging future and destiny coexist)
やりな今から じゃなきゃ今更
Do it now or never
(逃げ足エンジン一丁前に ハイオクハイオク)
(Escaping engine ready to go, premium gas, premium gas)
半端な意気込みはたちまち曇って黄昏 過去の日
Half-assed enthusiasm quickly clouds over, a bygone day
甘いわ 染まりたいの? 後回しかよ
How sweet, you want to be dyed? Always putting it off?
Words so dumb they could make you stagger
Full of phoniness
まだやんなくてもへーきなんてないよ Give me now
It's not okay to put it off, Give me now
毎回やっつけ発狂 河童になる
Freaking out every time, becoming a kappa
末端から灰になってくタイプ なんですぐしないの?
The type that turns to ash, why don't you do it right away?
That 'no' that jumps out is proof of your cowardice
腹壊した大の大人が 今頃来たのか誰だお前は?
A giant adult with diarrhea, coming here just now? Who are you?
Ah, but you keep talking like this
A fuse goes off and you fall face-first
Ignoring it for now, you'll get blue like a Japanese flag
That person who puts on a show for us, what a fool
Narrowing your vision with your lousy experience
No time for the escaping timeline
気付けばほら くたびれたおっさん
If you notice, look, a worn-out old man
Now playing 向かう地獄絵図
Now playing, a picture of hell
What time is it? 今がすり抜ける
What time is it? Now slipping away
It's time up すぐになくなる
It's time up, soon gone
And time is over すべてなくなる
And time is over, all gone
何が今更 それじゃ尚更 過ぎる今更 黙れ貴様ら
What now, again, even more now? Shut up, you guys
ほらね あれから荒れる事柄
Look, the issues from back then are still festering
やりな今から じゃなきゃ今更
Do it now or never
VS 嫌なこと+すぐにやんなきゃなんない不満
VS Nasty stuff instant discontent
ただ貴方は唸る そして早くも人生下る
You just whine and your life sinks
XYZ straight toward the bad side
あと何発喰らう?すでに朦朧 言葉失う
How many more hits? I'm already dizzy, speechless
『ちゃんとやってる 上手く』
『Doing it right, well』
違う ちゃっかり逃げてる上手く
No, slyly escaping well
ブーイングto 視覚 人の目だけはばっちり威嚇
Boos to the vision, your eyes are all that scare people
そこはバレない死角 そんなもんないあんたは迂闊
That's a blind spot unseen, none of that exists, you're clumsy
とどめを刺す 暗くなる前にすぐやれ
Strike the last blow, before it gets dark, do it right now
You got now
You got now


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