Chris Lee - Say Something - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Chris Lee - Say Something

Say Something
Say Something
Quiero decirte que,
I want to tell you that,
Ya no hay amor, todo se acabo entre tu y yo
There's no more love, it's all over between you and me
Porque lo convertiste en dolor
Because you turned it into pain
Quiero decirte que tu,
I want to tell you that you,
Mataste el amor en mi, lo convertiste en dolor,
Killed the love in me, turned it into pain,
Y ya no quiero sufrir,
And I don't want to suffer anymore,
Te olvido ni te quiero ni que vuelvas te pido,
I forget you, I don't want you, I don't even ask you to come back,
No sabes como carajo me he sentido
You don't know how the hell I've felt
Un estúpido,
A stupid man,
Que vivió para ti varios años y termino envenenado
Who lived for you for several years and ended up poisoned
Por tu gusto tan grande de hacerme daño, y no
By your great pleasure in hurting me, and no
Aquel que hasta lo que no tubo te entrego
The one who even gave you what he didn't have
Dejo todo por ti, se hundió y solo se quedo,
Left everything for you, sank and was left alone,
Que no vales la pena
That you're not worth it
Valla suerte de darme cuenta hasta ahora
What luck to realize it until now
Qué pena por no por ti pues mi alma sola y sin culpas
What a shame for me, not for you, because my soul, alone and without guilt
Se envenena!
Is poisoned!
Deje que me hundieras, que la gente mal me viera
I let you sink me, let people see me badly
Quisiera no odiarte y desearte lo bueno
I wish I didn't hate you and wish you well
Y decirte que no te fueras!
And tell you not to leave!
Hoy me voy, no quiero saber más de esta relación entre y yo
Today I leave, I don't want to know more about this relationship between you and me
Creo que será mejor,
I think it will be better,
Quisiera decirle al mundo que fuiste mi pareja perfecta
I would like to tell the world that you were my perfect partner
Pero a quien engaño si solo me hiciste daño
But who am I kidding if you only hurt me
Y seguiré mi recta y no me vengas a buscar
And I will continue on my path and don't come looking for me
Yo ya metí todos esos recuerdos que había entre nosotros en una botella y la lance al mar
I already put all those memories that were between us in a bottle and threw it into the sea
Y no me culpes, no me digas que no es verdad
And don't blame me, don't tell me it's not true
No te importo que yo sufriera, en tus ojos solo hay maldad
You didn't care that I suffered, in your eyes there is only evil
Si te entregue mi vida, te lo di todo
If I gave you my life, I gave you everything
Hablaba enserio cuando dije que te amaba pero ya ni modo
I was serious when I said I loved you but there's no way anymore
Yo ya empaque y me voy, adiós querida
I already packed and I'm leaving, goodbye dear
Me largo en busca de que cicatricen mis heridas
I'm off in search of healing my wounds
En busca de una vida donde mi corazón no sufra
In search of a life where my heart doesn't suffer
De curar las mil fracturas que se abrieron por tu culpa
To heal the thousand fractures that opened because of you
Hoy me voy, no quiero saber más de esta relación entre y yo
Today I leave, I don't want to know more about this relationship between you and me
Creo que será mejor,
I think it will be better,
Te quiero pedir que te largues muy lejos, no quiero volver a pensar
I want to ask you to go far away, I don't want to think again
En ti, si vuelvo a toparme contigo te juro que sigo
About you, if I run into you again I swear I'll keep going
Y hago como que no te vi
And pretend I didn't see you
Si solo me hiciste sufrir, que esperas que yo te de?
If you only made me suffer, what do you expect me to give you?
Anda ya vete no mereses
Go on, go away, you don't deserve
Ni que te perdone,
Even my forgiveness,
Deje todo por ti, mentí, amigos perdí
I left everything for you, I lied, I lost friends
Di y nada recibí, solo mas me hundí que mal me vi
I gave and received nothing, I only sank further, I looked bad
"Si" Pero a la vuelta del destino te veré,
Yes, but at the turn of fate I will see you,
Cuando pagues, cuando bajes tan profundo como yo baje
When you pay, when you go down as deep as I went down
Y sientas que, por mal pagar sola te quedaste
And you feel that, for paying badly, you were left alone
Hoy me voy, no quiero saber mas de esta relación entre tu y yo
Today I leave, I don't want to know more about this relationship between you and me
Creo que será mejor,
I think it will be better,

Авторы: Christopher Lee Smith

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